After decadence

Chapter 204 Chapter 204

“I didn't hear that there are women married all the time.” Chia said coarsely, but did not stop Xiao Jiuzheng from following herself. Deep down, she was eager to get along with Xiao Jiuzheng, even as an ugly man. Feel Xiao Jiuzheng's feeling beside herself, feel the humid and cold heart at this moment, like a ray of sunshine, silent and silent to drive away the cold. But Chia doesn't know, the warmth is addictive, and the greedy intake of such a warm feeling. Chia, whether Xiao Jiuzheng recognized herself or not, her ostrich thought that as long as she did not recognize herself as lonely, she could make lonely and perfect living in Xiao Jiuzheng's heart. She's fooling herself, but she can only fool herself.

“We are privately married for life, and if a woman marries, I will marry her or marry her.” Xiao Jiuzheng felt that although Chia was driving herself away, she knew that Chia was actually just bluffing. She felt that Chia's heart was stretching out to want to stay behind.

“What are you telling me about this? I'm not her!” Chia deliberately said impatiently.

“You're like her.” Xiao Jiuzheng said softly.

“I'm not like her, I'm just ugly.” Chia Ya was stabbed by Xiao Jiuzhen's words, how can he still be like loneliness, loneliness but with rare beauty in the world, he is so ugly now that he dares not look in the mirror.

“She had a human face, it was like adding flowers, and if she didn't, I would still love her because I loved her heart and it had nothing to do with her appearance.” Xiao Jiuzheng spoke very seriously to Chia Ya.

“You can say it lightly, if she's as ugly as I am and makes you look at this ugly face day and night, obviously disgusted, and pretend to like it, it's too hard for you.” Chiya sneered that her personality had been quite open since the day of her disfigurement.

“If you were her, and I ruined her face, would she still love me?” Xiao Jiuzheng asked backwards.

“I'm not her. How do I know what she thinks?” Qianya chose not to answer this question, Xiao Jiu Achievement is no longer appearance, she is still such a smart woman, she loves Xiao Jiuzheng, she never loved Xiao Jiuzheng's appearance. But what about yourself? Besides beauty, Chia cannot find any other reason to be loved by Xiao Jiuzhen.

“Ugly, how can you live alone in the mountains?” Xiao Jiuzheng changed the subject in a timely fashion, she didn't know how ugly Chia's face was now, but she already knew that this was Chia's heart, all she could do was stay here and slowly untie Chia's heart. Though I do like beautiful colors, it's not that Chia Ya thinks so lightly. I think that in Chia Ya's heart, I am just a beautiful light skinned woman. Xiao Jiuzheng's heart is a little lost. How can Chia look at her so low?

“Ever since I was a child, I have had no parents, I have been found by old hunters, and I have been raised in the mountains.” Chia Ya said the fabricated life again.

“The court has a decree, even for orphans, registering and registering them.” Xiao Jiuzheng said his decree, Chia hid in the mountains, no wonder he turned the world over and couldn't find it.

“You can report me to the government!” Chia Ya angrily said that Xiao Jiuzheng was clearly saying that she was black. Xiao Jiuzheng promulgated the decree, she knew, but she had never registered, that is, black households, black households were exposed, but punished.

“I have no quarrel with Ugly. How can I expose Ugly?” Xiao Jiuzheng looked at Qian Ya and said with a smile, "But Qian Ya, her lover, is the rapist, she will have to take cover for herself and help her to erase the evidence.

“What do you say we do about this?” Qianya saw Xiao Jiuzheng smiling at himself all kinds of style, there was a strange feeling in his mind, always felt that Xiao Jiuzheng seemed to know everything, but preferred not to reveal anything.

“No offense, Ugly. Can we rest?” Xiao Jiuzheng followed Qianya for a long time, his legs and feet were a little sour. After all, this road has been followed for at least two or three miles. Even if she could not be strong, and lost Chia Ya for the past three years, she has been immersed in grief, making her body even thinner. In the palace for the past three years, she has not exercised much, and walked so far all at once, her strength is a little too far to keep up.

In case Chia Ya ran away, Xiao Jiucheng kept the guard following her, but to prevent the guard from disturbing her and Chia Ya alone, she followed the guard a hundred steps away.

“Deep Mountain Old Forest, who told you to follow!” Qian Ya didn't have the temper to say, but the pace slowed down. In fact, she had just been sneaking around Xiao Jiuzheng. Xiao Jiu's cost had been weak. She is now even thinner than a few or two meats. If she doesn't feel comfortable, it must be fake.

“I don't know why, I just want to follow Ugly.” Xiao Jiuzheng said very naturally.

I don't know if Xiao Jiuzhen called me Ugly Ugly, I'm used to it. Thousand Ya always felt like listening to Xiao Jiuzhen now called me Ugly, I had a feeling of intimacy, and I didn't hear it as hard as when I first heard it. I feel that Xiao Jiuzheng recognized me, but sometimes Xiao Jiuzheng acted like she really didn't know herself, so Chia still doesn't know whether Xiao Jiuzheng recognized herself or not. Anyway, she is determined to pay attention, whether Xiao Jiuzheng recognized herself or not, she doesn't recognize herself as a loner anyway.

“Are you looking for novelty?” Qianya, slowing down, searched for Big Stone and sat down to rest. In fact, where she needed to rest, it was obvious that Xiao Ninety percent of her strength was considerate.

“No, I believe in my instincts, my instincts tell me to follow you.” Xiao Jiuzheng sat next to Xiao Ya. He did smell the smell of Xiao Ya. It was indeed Xiao Ya. This perception made Xiao Jiuzheng's heart feel unknown and happy.

“Is that how you fool women?” Qian Ya said in a disgusting tone, thinking that Xiao Jiuzheng may have fooled other women in the past three years, she was in a very bad mood. The beautiful woman in the palace was like a cloud. She always felt a little uncomfortable about the good woman and the beautiful color, and Xiao Jiuzheng, who would say sweet words, was a little uncomfortable.

“Well, I've only fooled one woman, but I'm also kind to other women.” Xiao Jiuzheng smelled the sour taste of a thousand elegant tones. He couldn't help but want to laugh. The thousand elegant vinegar flowed out of him. He still didn't admit that he was a thousand elegant, still as usual, shallow minded, and unable to hide anything.

Thousand Elegant thought of a woman like Xiao Jiuchengdu, she was about to lose her teeth in acidity, but she couldn't have a seizure. She could only ignore Xiao Jiucheng, she was angry, and the more she thought about it, the harder it was. Now, as an ugly monster, she didn't even seem to have an angry position.

“Ugly, why aren't you talking?” Xiao Jiuzheng asked that she had regretted having just finished making fun of herself. It is a special time. Chia is now sensitive in her heart. She cannot stand the joke. Xiao Jiuzheng thought of remedy and her body moved closer to Chia.

The closer Xiao Jiuzheng got, Qianya also smelled Xiao Jiuzheng's familiar fragrance. Her heart was disturbed. She stood up abruptly when she felt Xiao Jiuzheng had been approaching herself, almost sticking to her body.

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