After decadence

Chapter 212 Chapter 212

However, Xiao Jiuzheng did not tell Chia. When she gave loneliness a fate, she counted loneliness as not longevity. She felt that this was too cruel for Chia. Though the lonely family has taken the world, loneliness and loneliness, including the destiny of three thousand people, are not very different from the last life and are short-lived. When Xiao Jiuzheng thought of the problem, he suddenly thought of the fate of Qianya. I borrowed my own belly to bear a son and cross the sea, so that I could live with the elephant of a noble son. Is Chiya no longer able to return to the palace as a lonely princess? She had the audacious assumption that if Chia lived in another capacity as a dead elephant who could live for a short period of time after thirty years, would that Chia's ordeal be over?

Qianya saw Xiao Jiuzheng's face suddenly grew heavy, I don't know why Xiao Jiu became so heavy.

“What's the matter?” Qianya asked with concern.

“Your past fate was so bitter, I thought, since the Emperor erected a crown grave for you when you were thirty years old, why not obey fate and end your destiny belonging to loneliness, then live with the fate of Ugly, I think this might be less painful.” Xiao Jiuzheng said that since the accident in Qianya, Xiao Jiuzheng felt that people were in front of her destiny, so insignificant that she feared that anything she could not have predicted would happen again.

“I'm just a long, ugly hunter now.” Chia also feels that he should probably have died. He can only live with his destiny. He just looks like he's ruined, and Chia doesn't want to live with loneliness.

“When did you call yourself Ugly?” Xiao Jiuzheng asked.

“I can't remember. From the moment I was pushed into the river by Xiao Yixiang, I became ugly.” Chiya can't remember when she called herself Ugly. She only remembered that deep down in the mountains, she couldn't see human cigarettes until once she saved another old hunter who went hunting in the mountains and was surrounded by wolves. At that time, she was not wearing a veil. The old hunter was frightened by her appearance, which only prevented her from saving her life. After the old hunter was also frightened, she asked her name and identity. She freely gave herself an ugly name and freely made up a body. Since then, she has become an ugly woman. Sometimes she stays alone in the deep mountain woods for a long time. She feels lonely and all sorts of things are left behind, as if she was born an ugly person.

“Well, in the future, Ugly will take the moment 30 years ago when he fell into the Forbidden River as his birthday. No, I have to calculate that time first, okay?” Xiao Jiuzheng deduced it.

“You're too superstitious to have a random date of birth.” Thousand people don't think otherwise.

“It's better to avoid harm.” Xiao Jiuzheng has had to fear Heaven's destiny for a few points since he was powerless in the city.

“Then count, I'll go out and cook some porridge.” Qianya saw Xiao Jiuzheng seriously calculating the fate plate, so she planned to get up, wash and cook porridge.

After working for almost half an hour, Chia Ya ends up in hot water, ready to serve Xiao Jiuzheng to get up and wash.

“It is indeed fate.” Xiao Jiuzheng was overjoyed, he said.

“What do you mean?” At first glance Xiao Jiuzheng Xi was colorful, he knew that the time should be good.

“According to the fate set by that time, before the age of thirty, he was relatively lonely, fatherless and orphaned, but it was the fate of the later blessing. After the age of thirty, he had the luck of climbing the dragon with Phoenix. The latter half of his life was blessed and smooth, and there was no disease and no disaster. After that, Ugly took this time as his life.” Xiao Jiuzheng was very excited to say, isn't Ugly's 30-year-old phoenix climbing himself?

“Hmm." Chia nodded. If Xiao Jiuzheng's expression was not too exciting, Chia doubted whether Xiao Jiuzheng had made it up intentionally. There was no such coincidence, as he had made up Ugly's body.

“Ugly, the first scream is a little hard to hear, but it's also intimate to scream.” Although Xiao Jiucheng felt somewhat unfortunate that she could not return the noble identity of Princess Chia Yang, for the sake of insurance, let Chia exist as a new identity. After all, she dared not take any more risks of Chia Ya's fate. Even if Chia cannot continue to grow as a princess, she must be able to give the Queen Chia the same treatment as herself.

“I look so ugly now. I'm not ugly. What else can I call you?” Chiya mocked herself.

“There must be a way. When we get back to the palace, I will mobilize the power of the world to restore Ugly's appearance.” Xiao Jiuzheng believes that there will always be famous doctors under the general sky, and someone will always be able to restore a thousand elegant looks.

“I just thought about it, and I thought about a compromise, something that you and I can both accept. After all, as you said, loneliness is dead, just let her die, I won't go back to the palace. You go out to the palace every year, we'll have a little gathering, other times, you stay in the palace, you know this court, loneliness can't be without you.” Chia feels there is no better way than this. She doesn't want to stay with Xiao Jiuzheng in an ugly way. She doesn't want Xiao Jiuzheng to face her ugly self all the time. If it was just a brief get-together, it might be a lot better.

“Separation in November, looking forward to a month of reunion, is still cruel to me, and I disagree, I definitely disagree.” Xiao Jiuzheng categorically rejected Chia's offer, but she knew that she knew Chia was gradually compromising, and that victory was in her own hands. As long as she continued to spend time with Chia, Chia would surely compromise, because Chia Bi cared about being alone and not letting herself stay here too long.

“Xiao Jiusheng, why do you have to force me to be willing? Can't you just make me feel more comfortable?” Qianyana Xiao Jiuzhen is helpless, knowing that under this situation, he is more passive than Xiao Jiuzheng.

“I just love you so much.” Xiao Jiuzheng ignored Chia's accusations. The fact is that she knew exactly how to block Chia's accusations.

Indeed, Xiao Jiuzheng was so full of emotions that he couldn't say anything.

“Wash.” Qian Ya handed Xiao Jiuzheng warm water without good temper. She knew that Xiao Jiuzheng's iron heart was going to consume it with herself here, but she could not help herself, inevitably some angst, but the angry emotions were only superficial, deep inside, there were some things that were not easy to detect Weixi.

“Ugly.” Xiao Jiuzheng took over the cup and Yang Liuzhi and started cleaning her mouth, but don't forget to smile sweetly towards Chia Ya, reach out and smile at the face man, she doesn't believe Chia has a way of being vicious against herself, anyway, she can just eat Chia Chia's temper.

Indeed, Chia Ya's disgusting face could not be sustained for too long. Soon, his attitude towards Xiao Jiuzheng softened again.

Xiao Jiuzheng relied on the old forest in Shenzhan because he was fairly stable in Zhonghe Palace. Though Chia always urged her to return, Xiao Jiuzheng was not too anxious to return to the Palace. Without disturbance, there are only two people living a very comfortable life.

Xiao Jiuzheng also had other thoughts because Chia Ya's mind settled most of the settlement. She felt that she had been raised as a pig in the mountains, fed uninterruptedly, and had nothing to work with. She had nothing to do but warm herself up.

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