After decadence

Chapter 245 Chapter 21

If Chia's character is closer, she will probably go into the gazebo, at least be curious about Xiao Jingxi's identity, but because she feels that Xiao Jingxi is equivalent to Xiao Jingxi, this makes Chia not very familiar with this sudden appearance, unknown and irrelevant person * *.

Qianya didn't want to know Xiao Jingxi, but Xiao Jingxi was very curious about Qianya. The more Xiao Jingxi looked at Qianya, the more she felt that the people in front of her became like loneliness, the more the myth between her eyebrows. That feeling of pride and immortality, the more she really looked. Xiao Jingxi felt that everyone had a rhythm that belonged to them. The rhythm of loneliness was particularly special, and it was out of line with that of ordinary women. However, Xiao Jingxi looked closely at Chia, but still could feel a slightly different feeling from that of loneliness, but Xiao Jingxi couldn't say anything, what was the difference?

“The more I looked at her, the more I thought she was lonely, the harder it was to imagine that there was such a godly person in the world, the more like, but it seemed like something was missing, but there was no one else in the world that could be so similar.” Xiao Jingxi weighed carefully after a thousand elegance, exclaimed to Xiao Jiuzheng.

“There is no wonder in this world, otherwise why wonder?” Xiao Jiuzheng did not think otherwise, but his heart admired his sister's subtlety. She could feel the subtle difference, which was precisely the loss of more than a decade of memories, the loss of memories and the feeling of years precipitating. Not necessarily, a 34-year-old Chia will go much further than a 17-year-old Chia, but any experience must leave a mark. Chia even lost the feeling of being the queen's memory, the power of the Six Palaces over 10,000 people under one person, the feeling of really experiencing the heights not experienced by all women, and the feeling of not experiencing those Chia must be different, the feeling of pride that Chia now throws away the momentum and momentum brought by the queen in the presence of the mother-in-law. Seventeen-year-old Chia is hard to get close to. Thirty-four year old Chia is actually harder to get close to.

Seventeen-year-old Qian Ya knew the thick pride of the heavens and the earth. After marrying Li Junxiang, she was probably also happy. However, it was gradually discovered that the world was not as good as she wanted it to be. Her pride was destroyed once, like breaking the contact angle once, every time, it was bloody forest. She was not like anyone else, the breaking would be gone. Her proud contact angle would grow up again and again, then again, it was broken by reality. So much so that she begged for all the brutality of Li Junxiang. Xiao Jiuzhen's heart aches every time he remembers the madness of Qianya in the Cold House.

Sometimes Xiao Jiuzheng is very contradictory, she will also feel sorry. After all, the 34-year-old Chia disappeared. That is the true complete Chia, but she is also glad that Chia lost those memories. Even if she one day the defendant complained of everything she had experienced, as long as she did not recall everything she had subsequently experienced, her pain would not be as painful as before and she would not die as in the past and hate herself. That feeling, it's subtle.

“Aren't you going to ask her to come over and let her know?” Xiao Jingxi was obviously curious about this seemingly lonely woman.

“People meet strangers in unfamiliar environments, they are not used to it at all. I will introduce them to my sister after some time.” Xiao Jiuzheng pushed away, "Chia Ya will have to have a new identity in the future. She wants Chia Ya to have a new identity before she can make contact with others outside of her own.

“I've never seen you so carefully guard a man. Are you still afraid your sister will scare her?” Xiao Jingxiaowan did not expect that a man who seemed lonely and elegant would weigh so heavily in 90% of his heart. Such a careful guardian of an outsider, much more than a sister, thinking of Xiao Jingxi has a bit of a different taste. Then something didn't feel right. How could this newly entered palace get 90% of such a deep love? That's 90% of the lonely and elegant emotional effect.

Xiao Jiusheng just laughed, didn't admit it, didn't deny it.

“You love her, but you move from loneliness?” Xiao Jingxi asked.

Xiao Jiuzheng nodded, she just didn't tell her sister that the person was Chia Yu, a 17-year-old Chia Yu soul, a 34-year-old body.

“Sure, how long have you been alone?” You know, she has always felt 90% very cold, a substitute can get 90% of this attention, Xiao Jingxi thought about it and felt terribly shocked, that 90% of the lonely and elegant emotional score, then again, the more Xiao Jingxi wanted to feel terrified.

“I don't know when to lean in, I just remember the first time she came to Shaw's house, thinking about how to have such a beautiful girl, I remember exactly what clothes she was wearing that day. At that time, I wanted to get close to her, but that day she pushed me away and ignored me. I was upset when I thought about it for years. And I thought," One day, if I can get along with her, I'll tell her about the grievance, even though I don't know what that means. "Even though she was willing to marry Li Junxiao as a concubine, I didn't know that she was so jealous that she not only couldn't make out with her, but made her hate me even more.” Xiao Jiuzheng often thought that she had always been intelligent, but was too late to know her mind. If she knew her mind earlier, she would probably know more clearly what she wanted to do earlier. You won't let yourself wander in chaos for so many years that nothing can be saved.

Although the tone is blunt, Xiao Jingxi can feel that kind of loneliness and loss.

“But she's not alone at all.” Xiao Jingxi had to warn that she thought that 90% were the most sensible and calm, intelligent beyond the world. Today, it seems that 90% are the most affectionate of her three sisters. Sometimes deep feelings are not necessarily good.

“But it's just like her.” Xiao Jiuzheng looked at Chia Ya, his gaze so deep and soft.

Xiao Jingxi looked at Xiao Jingxi's gaze and looked at the thousand elegants outside. Indeed, she looked so lonely and so elegant. At that moment, she felt that 90% had loved the woman outside completely with her lonely heart. Xiao Jingxi's mood is very complicated at this moment, some happy for Xiao Jiuzheng, some worried.

“How do you feel, you have her, you don't need my sister to come to the palace from time to time.” Xiao Jingxi said with a taste.

“You're my sister. She's her. How can it be the same?” Xiao Jiuzheng smiled.

Speaking of sister, Xiao Jingxiao suddenly remembered her second sister. Likewise, 90% and 90% are sisters, but far from gaining 90% intimacy and love. She also remembered that the relationship between the second sister and loneliness has always been extremely poor. Now she knows that 90% of the loneliness and loneliness have such thoughts, she inevitably will not think much.

“You haven't been this close to me since you were a little girl, and you even disparaged her husband and wife to Lingnan, but because of loneliness and elegance?” Xiao Jingxi asked.

“All ten fingers can be long and short, and so can the human heart. Can't you be closer to me than to the second sister?” Xiao Jiuzheng simply refused to admit that he would be unhappy because Chia had disparaged his second sister and his wife to Lingnan.

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