After decadence

Chapter 250 Chapter 26

“Where do you live at night?” After Qianya and Xiao Jiuzheng watched the moon, all the way back, all the way along the way, Qianya suddenly realized that they were all going back to Jiuzheng Palace, Xiao Jiuzheng gave himself the sleeping palace, where is Xiao Jiuzheng now living?

“I suddenly remembered that I had left something untouched.” Xiao Jiuzheng did not directly tell Qianya that he is still living in the 90% Palace, just to explain why he would join her in the 90% Palace.

At this time, they returned together to the front palace of the 90th Palace, and their gaze fell on the side of the soft bed, only to see that the mattress had been laid on the soft bed. Chia realised that Xiao Jiuzheng was most likely to sleep on this soft bed.

“You sleep here at night?” Qianya asked.

“Well, it's a lot of trouble for me to do business here and go to another sleeping room. In the past, when you didn't live in the back house, I also used to deal with the affairs, tired, sleep directly in the front house.” Xiao Jiuzheng did not deny it.

“You can put me somewhere else.” Though Xiao Jiuzheng's explanation seems reasonable, Chia still feels she seems to occupy Xiao Jiuzheng's residence.

“It's no big deal, living together is a bit lively.” Xiao Jiuzheng said with complete indifference.

“Well, I'm going to bed, and you should get some rest.” Since Xiao Jiuzheng doesn't care anymore, Chia feels she has nothing to care about. Moreover, she thought that Xiao Jiucheng had always been in the front palace, and it was convenient to find her by herself at all times, so she didn't feel bad about it.

“Hmm.” Xiao Jiuzheng responded softly.

Chia looked at Xiao Jiuzheng and turned to the back palace.

Chia Ya entered the back palace and Xiao Jiuzheng asked the palace lady to prepare a hot bath for herself.

Qian Ya went back to the back palace, ready to go to sleep, just lying in bed, Qian Ya was a little unable to sleep, thinking of Xiao Jiu Achievement in the front palace, thought of getting up to borrow a book from Xiao Jiuzheng.

When she walked to the front palace, she found Xiao Jiuzheng in the shower. There was not even a covered screen and there was no maiden to serve. Chia Ya saw Xiao Jiuzheng reclining in a large bathtub, closed his eyes to sleep. There are many petals floating in the bathtub. Xiao Jiuzheng's slim shoulders and very obvious clavicle are bare outside the water. Under the water, Xiao Jiuzheng's body disappears...

This is the first time Chia saw a woman's bath. According to the logic, she saw Xiao Jiucheng in the bath and should return to the back palace. But somehow, Chia decided to stay there and couldn't help but look twice. Thousands of elegant souls are only seventeen years old. It is precisely when youth understands, there is probably a natural curiosity about the mature body of both men and women. Thousand Ya instincts compare Xiao Jiuzheng's body to his own, Xiao Jiuzheng's neck is very long, looks thinner than his own, the clavicle is particularly obvious, and the hidden breasts under the water are smaller than their own. Chia Ya doesn't know what's going on. She just feels restless looking at Xiao Jiuzheng, who is also a woman.

Xiao Jiuzheng, who had been sleeping with her eyes closed, seemed to feel a thousand elegant peeps, and suddenly opened her eyes. At the moment she saw the thousand elegant, she blushed. She didn't know how long she had looked at the thousand elegant, she just felt ashamed.

Chia Ya saw Xiao Jiuzheng suddenly opened his eyes and felt a little embarrassed. He should have looked at Xiao Jiuzheng for such a long time.

“I couldn't sleep. I wanted to borrow a book from you.” After Chia moves her gaze away, she explains quickly.

“Books on the shelf, you pick them.” Xiao Jiuzheng was also a little afraid to look at Chia Ya, and his voice trembled.

Not so careful Chia did not find Xiao Jiuzheng like, she just walked to Xiao Jiuzheng's desk by the large bookshelf, carefully picked the bookshelf with books on it, but quickly threw all the emotions behind her head.

Ming Qianya no longer looks at herself. Xiao Jiuzheng thinks that she will not live with Qianya for a lifetime, her heart still cannot restore calm. She looks at the shadow of Qianya. She feels that her heart is agitated and raging. She seems to be mixed with some sense of shame and excitement, and even with some indescribable desire, mind, even body, there is a feeling of emptiness.

Qian Ya picked a book randomly, turned around and spoke to Xiao Jiu Cheng for a moment. After reading Xiao Jiu Cheng again, he turned away from the front palace.

After Chia's departure, Xiao Jiuzheng's emotions seemed to have been released, and he was completely paralyzed on the edge of the barrel, feeling weak at that moment.

Until the bath was over, Xiao Jiuzheng, lying on a soft bed, seemed unable to relieve herself from the emotions she had just had. She just felt that her body and mind had a sense of hunger that she wanted to be filled with, and she urgently needed to fill it with something.

Lying on a soft bed, closing her eyes, she floated and looked at herself with a hot gaze. The hot temperature, Xiao Jiucheng knew it was most likely her own imagination, but what's the point? She just wanted that temperature. Xiao Jiuzheng, who was in her thirties, was not a little girl who knew nothing. She even imagined that Chia was closing in on herself and covering herself. She seemed to feel that Chia's hands were touching her body that was not tied.

Xiao Jiuzheng seemed to be asleep and woke up suddenly, and she obviously felt a little wet between her legs and her body behaved more honestly than her mind. Xiao Jiuzheng seemed to be somewhat bewitched, reaching into his legs, like that drunk, in the presence of a thousand elegant souls, doing that shameless thing. At this moment, Xiao Jiuzheng even expects Chia to come out again, and even expects Chia to see herself desecrated again. Such expectations make Xiao Jiuzheng's body more sensitive. Xiao Jiucheng grabbed the mattress tightly and suppressed the sound that she wanted to emit because of her strong pleasure, just like her feelings for Qianya, she could only rely on bitter repression, so that Qianya could not perceive.

Xiao Jiuzheng's body was spasmodic, his breath gradually calmed down, and his body was briefly comforted, but his mind was more empty and sluggish, but some could not sleep.

Qianya didn't know what was going on outside, looked at the book, she felt a little confused, and went to sleep. Just before she fell asleep, her mind suddenly floated over the scene she had just seen, Xiao Jiuzheng's body, and Xiao Jiuzheng's face. She just didn't want too much to go to sleep.

Xiao Jiuzheng turned on the soft couch for a long time, but could not sleep. The body and mind seemed to be in an exhilarating state. This exhilaration did not seem to have stopped completely after the resurrection of the thousand elegant deaths. At last, Xiao Jiuzheng had to climb up from the soft couch and quietly walk into the back palace after nearly half an hour of turning on the soft couch.

“Qianya...” Xiao Jiuzheng called softly, trying to see if Qianya was asleep, afraid that Qianya was not asleep, it was strange to see her show up by the bed again.

After summoning, Qianya did not respond. Xiao Jiuzheng only made sure that Qianya was really asleep. He dared to stare at Qianya. Xiao Jiucheng stared indiscriminately at Qianya for a minute before refusing to return to his front palace. After laying down again this time, Xiao Jiucheng fell asleep satisfied.

The night was so quiet.

The author has something to say: Seventeen-year-old soul Chia is still in puberty.

Xiao Jiusheng, 32 years old, is ripe

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