After decadence

Chapter 285 Chapter 61

Su Qing shriveled her eyebrows, she was reluctant to think about it in a distorted way, but now this situation forced her to do more associative work. She thought that she needed an explanation from Lu Qingxue, and she was willing to believe any explanation. Su Qingshen had been silent, but was in a complicated mood waiting for Lu Jiexiu to discover his existence.

Lu Jiexie looked at the painting and felt satisfied. She put down the pen in her hand. She didn't know how many hours she had painted. Luckily, she didn't suddenly come back. She had just forgotten to lock the door. After just surviving, suddenly something didn't feel right. At a glance, I didn't expect Master Sister to stand behind me at any time. This made Lu Jiexie's face look like a piece of white paper.

“Da... Master... Sister...” Lu Jiexiu shouted in horror and looked at his own Su Qingshen.

“This painting...” Su Qing said with reluctance. It was really hard to say.

“You... listen... I explain..." Lu Jiexiu faced Su Qing's sinking for so many years, it was difficult to easily stutter, but now he talks with his tongue knotted normally, not at all.

“Well, you say, I'll listen to you explain.” Su Qing's sincere tone was not questioned at all, so he asked patiently.

Lu Jiexie looked at Su Qingshen and I waited for you to explain the posture. Lu Jiexie looked at her painting. Sima Zhaoxin's heart was obvious. Where else would she need an explanation? She adored the master sister. She had a great idea about the master sister. What else could she explain? Lu Zhengxue's brain is blank. It has been a long time since he could say a reasonable set of words and conceal the facts.

Su Qingshen looked at Lu Qingxue's face and, in addition to getting paler, refused to speak and explain. Su Qingshen's heart was so heavy that he probably had an answer. But seeing Lu Jiexiu, some of her parents couldn't bear to force Lu Jiexiu. She thought, perhaps it would be better to treat it as if she didn't know. As for her and Lu Jiexiu, she must not share a room.

“I'll pretend I haven't seen this painting. I can't paint it anymore. I'll move to another room tomorrow.” Su Qing did not pursue this matter, but also took the initiative to solve the siege for Lu Zhengxue.

Lu Jiexie looked at the master sister who was still thinking about herself, thinking that she was moving away tomorrow. Lu Jiexie thought that she and her master sister might gradually go away in the future, and Lu Jiexie was very upset.

“Sister...” Lu Jiexie shouted Su Qingshen.

“If you don't want to, don't.” Su Qingshen was still very soft with Lu Jiexie. After all, he was still deeply in love with her for more than a decade.

“Big Sister, I said, it's just what Big Sister thought. I adore Big Sister, I adore Big Sister for more than 10 years...” Horizontal vertical will not be accepted by Big Sister, Lu Jiexie decided to exempt it. Anyway, Big Sister already knows.

Though Su Qingshen has guessed a few points, when he heard Lu Zhengxue say it directly, Su Qingshen's heart was still kind of shocked. His mind seemed to sound like a buzzing noise, but on the face of it, Su Qingshen tried to calm down.

“You and I have been together for almost 20 years, deep feelings, maybe not what you think. You are just a sister between us, mistakenly thought of as something else.” The more Su Qingshen said, the more he felt that Lu Zhengxue should be like this, which explains that Su Qingshen himself was a little relieved.

Lu Jiexiu shook his head desperately. He obviously did not agree with Su Qingshen's statement.

“The Big Sister probably doesn't know why I was sent by my father to a clear view.” Lu Zhengxue spoke with the utmost seriousness.

Su Qing sincerely shook his head. Lu Jiexiu was born into a large family, and was still the daughter of the family. Even if he was no longer spoiled at home, Lu Zhengting could marry his daughter out. Normally, he should not send his daughter to the Tao Guan family. There is indeed something strange about the details. I felt sorry for myself that day. I would never ask why Lu Zhengxue was sent to see the path. After all, it was inevitable that something was embarrassing.

“My mother and I were born from the Book Xiangmendi, noble personality, hungry will not please my father, my father has many beautiful concubines, my mother and I can not kiss my father like. When I was thirteen, my mother died of illness and my father married another concubine, Aunt Lui. Unlike others, she was hostile to me. She often asked me to go into and out of her courtyard and teach her chess books and drawings personally. We were in love for a long time and had a personal affair for four years, but then..." When Lu Jiexie spoke later, her tone suddenly dropped. In the past, she was too embarrassed to tell Su Qingshen about those embarrassing things.

Su Qing's heart also guessed that he was probably broken into his personal feelings before being sent to the Taoist view by Lu Zhengting. She remembered that more than a year after Lu Zhengxue was sent to the clear wind, there was a resemblance, looking like a serious woman came to look for Lu Zhengxue several times, Lu Zhengxue could not avoid it. The woman seemed to have donated money several times, so Su Qing was quite impressed. Apparently, the aunt withdrew from her body. As her own daughter, Lu Qingxue was sent to Qingfeng. It is likely that Lu Qingxue, a fool, solicited all the blame. It is also clear that Lu Zhengxue, 13 years old and like white paper, was most likely lured by Aunt Lu.

“So Aunt Lui isn't from a good family?” Su Qing frowned and asked, thinking about what happened to Lu Qingxue later, it was because of Aunt Lu. Even now, she loves women because of Aunt Lu. Su Qingxue's heart is a little unhappy.

“Auntie Lu, though dusty, was brilliant, and those four years were wonderful to me.” Later the man's calculations, Lu Jiexiu did not say.

“What happened then?” Su Qingshen asked. She knew Lu Jiexie's character, only remembered others' good, not remembered others' bad, then Aunt Lu only came a few times. After facing Lu Jiexie, she really didn't listen, so the so-called guilt was just a little.

Lu Jiexiu did not answer.

“Is she the reason you're here?” Lu Zhengxue's attitude confirmed Su Qing's speculation.

“Previously, it was all over the cloud.” Lu Zhengxue's derogatory phrase was once hated by her, but now, she doesn't care. Now that I think of that person, even the face is a little blurred.

Lu Zhengxue didn't care, but made Su Qing feel a little uncomfortable in her heart. She glanced at the picture again, and it was filled with desire. She only tasted it and probably had this ink pen. Lu Jiexie was probably not innocent. I thought that Su Qingshen was somewhat angry. As an aunt, the person who lured the mistress of the owner into the innocent body of the young girl was probably not a good person. You know, how important it is for women to be innocent and women. Thinking about Lu Zhengxue being deceived by such people, even playing and cheating for years, Su Qingshen was heartbroken and angry. Then Lu Zhengxue's light cloud appeared, completely indifferent, and he became angry.

“You don't care about anything like that, it's probably the kind of idiot who gets sold and helps people with money.” Su Qing's sincere tone was somewhat ironic.

“She has been good to me, and she has also been bad. Besides, without her, I wouldn't have met the master sister, because if I met the master sister, I wouldn't hate her...” Lu Jiexie never saw the master sister speak of herself in such a tone. He looked at Su Qingshen very helplessly, explaining.

Su Qing listened to Lu Jiexie say that, as if he was not so angry in a moment.

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