I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 107

"I'm going to disturb you this time, Satania, the three of us can't afford the heating bills. We will stay in your house for a while."

Li Yan also sat on the ground, took off his clothes soaked with snow, and said embarrassingly.

"Haha, you are too far-sighted, senior. You are also my senior. You can come anytime, but I am not big here. A big demon like you comes from your castle and I have a short break. Please senior Be careful." Satanya exuded a gleaming golden light, politely said to Li Yan.


Li Yan reluctantly felt that Satani Asia-Pacific could see his castle. Not only was it cold in winter and warm in summer, but it also had no elevator. It was indeed a bit similar to the ancient castle, the same primitive.

"But ah, what's the matter with you two? The living expenses are not enough to pay for the heating. It's really lazy. It sucks. I still need my Lord Satania to provide you with a shelter. You have joined the Satania Brotherhood. As a condition for you to enjoy the heating here, you must unconditionally listen to my orders...Hey, Gabriel, don't just eat my biscuits!"

While Satania was still talking about the words of Secondary Two triumphantly, she found that Gabriel had already taken her biscuits and enjoyed it without hesitation.

"I can’t do anything about this. Recently, I have launched a lot of masterpieces and kept cheating money from my pocket. Before going back in this rare spring break, I have to play all the games. Heisei era."

Gabriel chewed on the biscuits, put the computer on the table, and continued to play online games, looking lazy.

"My words are a little helpless, I have done a lot of good things unknowingly recently, and my living expenses have basically been deducted..."

Vignette lowered his head and said with a sullen smile.


Li Yan watched them curiously as they were discussing. Sure enough, when the girls gathered, there were endless topics. He didn't intend to disturb the conversation of the three girls. He took out the book and went to a corner of the room. After warming his body, he also started to read frequently.

"If you are like this, what should we do tomorrow's New Year's Eve?"

Satania asked suddenly.


Gabriel and Winnet were both taken aback for a moment, looked at Satania in confusion, but remembered one after another.

Not only them, but Li Yan also recovered, indeed it seems that tomorrow is the 31st, which is the last day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

The so-called New Year’s Eve is similar to Chinese New Year’s Eve. Since Japan’s Meiji Restoration, it has changed the lunar time from China to the Gregorian calendar. Naturally, the New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve in his memory are similar to the Japanese customs..

But the night is also a very important festival. On this night, in addition to having reunion dinner, Japanese people will go to the shrine to pray for blessings. He has some understanding of these cultures.

"It's just that, what else can you do?" Gabriel looked at Satania with lazy eyes and said.

"If you don't tell me, I have forgotten it. At that time, let's have a reunion dinner together. It is not easy for everyone to go out to study together, and there will be senior Uesugi here."

Weinet said with a smile.

"...Well, ah... it's not bad to just barely celebrate."

Gabriel was also a little tempted, and she said coldly without looking away.

"Yeah, but, when it comes to midnight, you still have to wear beautiful kimonos. Isn't that all Japanese girls? Since I came here, I also have to experience the feeling of going to the countryside. I was planning to buy it. One piece of kimono, but... it seems that living expenses are not enough. Let me show you. Isn't it a beautiful dress?"

Satania held her cheek, flushed with excitement, and said.

"Ah, but it's super expensive," Gabriel said flatly.

"Are you really going to buy this dress?" Weinet asked in surprise.

"Well, the money was prepared originally, but as expected, everything seemed inconsequential before Senior's birthday, so I will wear a kimono again next year."

Satania said with a happy smile.

That smile was reflected in Li Yan's eyes. This junior's smile seemed to be able to wash away all the dirt in the world.

However, the gift Satania gave him has long been destroyed by the flames.

As a result, is he just like this to be a senior to Satani Adam?

Li Yan looked at the book quietly. In the end, he still looked at the advertisement in Satania's hand, the gorgeous red winter kimono, as if it were on a street in Tokyo. There was something similar...

His eyes gradually decided from hesitation.


Early the next morning, at seven thirty.

The sun was always shining into the room through the window. Satania, who was used to getting up early, wiped her eyes and woke up from her sleep.

However, when she just got up, she saw her next to her bed. For some reason, the angel named La Fei Er looked at her with a weird smile, and slept on her bed again.

"Ahhhhh, you fellow!"

The tranquility of the morning was broken by Satania's cry.

The girls all stayed in Satania’s room and spent the night steadily. Li Yan was also stayed here overnight by Satania and others. He slept in the hallway, but in the early morning, Li Yan had no notice. Farewell, the text message said that I was going to the library.

"...So the college entrance exam is such a troublesome thing, so what do you insist on, the earth will explode sooner or later." Gabriel's hair was messy, and she complained about Li Yan while brushing her teeth.

"You, the chief graduate, said something like this. If your teacher hears it, you will definitely be very sad." Weinet said with a sigh.

"Eh, what is this?!"

Suddenly, Satania made a surprised voice.

Everyone was taken aback, including La Feier came out of the bathroom, but they were also surprised.

Satania stood in front of the closet blankly, and in the closet, there was a very gorgeous and beautiful fuchsia kimono exuding a faint scent, which was quietly hung on the closet, but the price tag was removed. ...

——Satania, this is New Year's money.

"Senior didn't buy it for me, right?" Satania looked at the note in surprise and asked with a puzzled look.

"It's great, Satania, but the senior is really generous. It looks like a lot of money, less to say." Rafeel said in surprise.

"This Satania control..." Gabriel was shocked and thought to herself.

She knew that this sum of money was Li Yan's willingness to endure the cold, and the living expenses that he prepared for January without blowing on the heating to save, actually spent it for Satania...

Chapter 76

In the early morning, a fresh breeze whipped up a piece of snow, a white world covered in snow and fog, empty streets, and street lights were a bit hazy, and occasionally the sound of vehicle engines from a distance was heard.

The white snow illuminates the street lights back, and on the contrary makes the quiet roadside look beautiful, but at seven o'clock at the moment, even if there is such a beautiful view, no one will appreciate it for the time being.

Li Yan obviously didn't sleep well. He spent a painful night with his eyes open last night. Looking at the snow scene with tired eyes, he found a trace of his mood.In the grinning cold wind, he frowned and tightened his body, tightening his slightly thin white coat again.

The scenery is good, but in this city where prices are extremely high and everything needs money, people like him are beautiful and prosperous, but they seem to have no money in their pockets and can't go anywhere.

"The living expenses for the next month will not be enough." Li Yan thought helplessly.

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