I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 109

As a result, La Fei Er walked into an alley downstairs of the apartment. When she came out again, she walked out of the alley. She was still wearing the kimono that made Li Yanqing bankrupt. Tanya.

"That... Senior, I heard... I heard that you used your dignity to exchange this dress from Kabukicho. Senior sacrificed so much for me. I can really wear this dress to attend the temple fair. ?"

Satania's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she looked at Li Yan with tears, choked up and asked.

Li Yan narrowed his eyes and stared at La Fei'er who was hiding in a corner and laughing endlessly. He didn't know how well this La Fei'er was.What makes him feel terrible and sad is why Satania actually believed it!


Except at night, in a cold street, you can faintly hear a fireworks display in the distance. The streets are full of men and women wearing kimonos. In the traditional culture, this country of Japan has been preserved fairly intact.

"In such a cold weather, it is better to stay at home leisurely if you want to pay homage to other gods," Jia Baili said with a look of disgust.

"Here again, everyone is in the mood now, and after making a wish, everyone will go back to eat dinner. I have prepared all the ingredients. The location is still at Satania's house. Atmospheric, because there are seniors who have been with us." Weinet said with a smile.

"I really trouble you, Vignette." Li Yan looked at Vennette and said.

"La Fei'er, you bastard, tonight I will nail the scarecrow to you to celebrate the new year. You actually made me lose face in front of the great demon senior!!"

Among the crowd, Satania was still gnashing her teeth and settled accounts with La Fei'er with a happy face.

However, in the famous shrine in Tokyo, there was a turbulent crowd. It was hard to get to the front of the cash box among the thousands of people. Li Yan stood in front of the shrine and thought about it. At first, he naturally prayed that he could take the exam. It went well, but in the noisy shrine, he glanced at the three people around him who prayed very seriously... No, the four younger generations have always been their own selves. In front of the gods, there is no prayer test. Thoughts.

Under the night sky, everyone wrote their wishes on wooden boards and hung them on the ropes. When Li Yan made his wish, the angels and demons had already sent the boards over. When he squeezed into the crowd, When the board that wrote [Hope friends, family and younger generations are healthy, and friendship lasts forever] was sent there, I saw the message on the board that Jiabaili and others had just put on it, but Li Yan was stunned.

——I hope Senior Li Yan's exam goes well!

——I hope that Uesugi will be successfully admitted to the ideal university.


At the shrine with surging figures, Li Yan lowered his head and looked at the wooden board with the girl's signature. In the night breeze, the wooden board made a crisp pounding sound.It turns out that being blessed is such a mood.


At twelve o’clock in the evening, when the bells rang, the audience watching the New Year’s bell made cheers. Li Yan, who was crowded in the crowd, suddenly heard his mobile phone ring again. .

Li Yan opened the software, and as a result, there was an event promotion on the software "Say your most desired New Year gift".

He wrote: [I need an emergency report that can pay wages in advance, does not affect the review time of my university entrance exam, and can be suitable for my temporary job.] Then sent it out, I don’t know if this is a lottery.

This may be the most needed New Year gift right now.


Li Yan looked at Gabriel, Winnett and the others around him, always feeling that he had no desire for anything, and it was enough to keep it like this.

However, suddenly, Li Yan's phone made a ding-dong sound again.

This time, when Li Yan opened the line, he had a message in response to his New Year gift.

——[Yono Yukoshita: Sorry, sorry, I originally planned to send you a blessing at zero hour, but now it seems to see you say the most desired gift of faith in the line mood.I don't know if the gods heard your prayers, but I received them well.I happen to have a temporary position suitable for you. I will try my best to come here after you finish the university exam. By the way, this is the salary paid in advance. It’s great to ask for your bank account last time, please Good reception, looking forward to you, come to Chiba in February.

"..." Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looking at the text message sent by Xuexia Yangnai, not understanding what the purpose of this young lady was.

However, soon, a sum of 400,000 yen of funds had been put into his account, and his urgent need was completely resolved in an instant...

Chapter 77 College Exams, Girls Who Taste Writing

In January, there was some damp and cold weather. After school started on the 6th, the private Qizhifeng Academy had always been snowy and rainy. The ground was wet, and it would make the sound of crushing ice when stepping on it.

The gale outside was roaring, and the teaching building was relatively quieter. It was noon at this moment. The students gathered in their own small circle to enjoy lunch, but they did not see the private Qi Zhi Feng Xue. Where did the two girls who have received much attention in the garden go?

In a classroom in another building, a gentle footstep broke the tranquility here. Eiri Sawamura took her own steps and pushed open the wooden door of this vacant classroom, and then saw the one alone in this one. Shiyu Kasumigaoka eating lunch in the front row of the classroom.

"Huh, I know you are here, Xia Zhiqiu, your habit of eating alone is really easy to guess where you often eat lunch."

Sawamura Yinglili narrowed her eyes slightly, and said to Kasumigaoka Shiyu at the door.

"Really, so, what can I do?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu asked while eating her own bread.

Ying Lili paused slightly, she hesitated a little, and hesitated a few times. Finally, she walked in and approached Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. Turning her head away from her, she asked, "That... have you... "


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu raised her head and looked at her curiously.

"Have you been in contact with the otaku Li recently?"

Ying Lili's cheeks flushed slightly, and she reluctantly asked Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu about the recent Li Yan.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback for a while, looked at Ying Lili for a long time, and then asked, "Have you never contacted him?"

"What? Listen to what you mean, haven't you contacted him?" Ying Lili was a little surprised, looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and asked.

However, at this time, when the two most outstanding beautiful girls in the private Qizhifeng Academy looked at each other, they both found that they both had obvious dark circles under the eyes and a sense of tiredness not sleeping well.


Sure enough, both of them were afraid of disturbing Li Yan's college entrance exam, so they didn't dare to contact him or even ask him about his recent exams.

In the last ten days of January, the National University Entrance Examination Center in Japan has ended, and at this moment, it has begun to enter the next round of independent university examinations.

The scores of Li Yan’s university entrance examination center exams have come out. Almost all science subjects are close to full marks. The only shortcoming is that although the Mandarin scores have improved a lot, it is obviously delayed, but there are still many Big advantage to apply for the five universities he pointed out.

"In the end, I didn't know which universities he was going to take the exams. I really hate the Japanese examination system. It's okay to go through a unified national exam, but I still have to take the university independent test. It feels quite troublesome."

Ying Lili sat next to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and said with a dissatisfaction.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at her, and the girl started to complain about her partner. She was really a short-term girl.

"...I know, Mr. Uesugi mentioned it on the line, but you just didn't take it seriously. Huh~~~ In the end, you didn't even know which university Uesugi took the exam, and you were already nervous like this. It seems to be a good thing for you."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu supported her right cheek and said slowly.

"Huh?" Ying Lili was taken aback for a moment, then picked up the phone, quickly clicked on the phone's software, and carefully returned to read the record.

"Waseda University, University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Keio Private School, Kyoto University, and the most difficult universities in Japan were all reported by him, so you think how my dark circles came from...no matter which one Look, I don’t know how much [ronin’s] youth has been blocked. There are people who haven’t entered any of the universities for five years. It’s really messy."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed slightly and said.

"...What, what?!"

Ying Lili looked at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu with a surprised look, her eyes widened, and asked.

Even Eiri, who draws manga, basically knows very little about Japanese universities, but these five universities have often heard about it.

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