I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 111

The girl smiled and said, "Then please continue to cheer with this effort. You are a very strong person. Please cheer. I am going to the library too. I am glad to meet you, Li Yanjun."

"Eh, senior sister, do you know my name?" Li Yan asked in a daze.

After all, his admission ticket has been torn apart, especially the name part has been properly torn off to prevent anyone from stealing information. This girl with two beautiful braids did not look at the paper in his palm. How to know.


This quiet girl thought for a while, revealed a slight smile, and said, "Ah, that's what the smell of paper tells me. That's it. I look forward to your report for the new semester, Li Yanjun."

She bowed slightly, holding the somewhat heavy book, and walking towards the library of the Komaba campus in the distance. On the quiet and unmanned school street, it seemed that the reality was picturesque, and the beauty was a little dreamy.

It's like a literary girl in a real series.

"The piece of paper... can you still tell this information?"

Li Yan stood on the street, staring blankly at the back of this unknown girl, thinking about this doubt.He finally looked at the crumbs in his palm again. After this unsatisfactory test and interview, it seemed that all his efforts for many days had vanished.In Li Yan's mind, none of the five universities in his mind were exhausted, and the lost heart wanted a big stone to be pressed in his heart anyway.

He put the confetti in his pocket and walked towards the entrance of the university.

However, on the way Li Yan left the university, the girl with double pony braids exhaled slightly, as if he had eaten spicy food just now, so as to soothe the temperature of her mouth.

"It's really a bit spicy. Although I am quite addicted to spicy food, it would be better to drink some cold water later..."


Tokyo, Shinjuku, is still the same apartment building.

After Li Yan got off the bus, it was already dusk. He was standing on this familiar road and suddenly realized that this street was a little stranger. It should be said that it was a little different from usual.

However, Li Yan soon understood that the street had not changed, but his mood had changed.

After all, Li Yan's most important goal at present has disappeared.

Regardless of the results, all the exams have ended. As a result, four universities have reached the interview stage. Because the Kyoto area is too far away, and the exam time conflict with the university just interviewed, Li Yan chose to give up decisively.In the end, at least I was worthy of myself. Four of the five universities made it to the finals, and maybe one of them can succeed.

Maybe, the luck is a little bit, and he can't enter any of them. Then he really can only go to other countries to try his luck immediately, the United States, the United Kingdom, return to China, whatever is good, anyway You can get to a university within this year.

If you can't enter a Japanese university, you can only leave Japan. Whoever calls him Japanese is always a bad idea.

The serialization of light novels can be done as long as there is internet...

"Li Yanjun, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Suddenly, as Li Yan was walking to the house while thinking, suddenly, a girl's voice came.

This was almost a voice that made Li Yan a little scared.

On the road to the setting sun, Li Yan turned around and looked at the person wearing work clothes, as if he had been to some meeting before, with his back facing the shining sunset light and a smile on his face.

Because the problem of food expenses was solved, Li Yan had enough energy to devote himself to the final exam stage.According to the agreement, after he finished the exam, he would start to go to Chiba and use his labor to repay the girl's money.

"Miss, did you... come to pick me up so early?"

Li Yan was full of cold sweat, looking at this young girl standing beside the crown car with a look of panic.

"After all, my high school has just started, and I have something to come over this day, so I can drive you there with me."

Xuexiayangna smiled slightly, looked at him, took out the key, and said: "Then, just like what I said before, after the exam, come with me to Chiba. I have a lot of The errand is waiting for you to do it for me."

Who knows what terrible things this young girl would let him do when he hired him?

But in short, he seems to have to go to a place called Chiba.

Chapter 79-The Boss of the Sovereignty Declaration

Tokyo Metropolitan and Chiba Prefecture are separate administrative districts, so it's a relatively recent trip.However, Li Yan's consideration is to take a good rest for a few days and wait until the final results of the university entrance examination are available, and then pay the advance salary of Xuexiayangna.However, now Xuexiayangnai directly calculated the time to pick him up, apart from anything else, as the night approached, Li Yan hurriedly put the computer, clothes, basic novels into his travel bag, and then hurriedly got into Xuezhi Crown car under the house.

I don’t know why, as soon as he got into the car and sat in the co-pilot, Li Yan always had the illusion that he had sold himself. After all, he had advanced 400,000 yuan in living expenses, but he never knew he would be. Which job was assigned to.

The night gradually filled the skyline. Finally, the night came and the car drove onto the highway. Xuexia Yangnai, who had been driving relatively quietly, noticed Li Yan's nervous expression and suddenly laughed.

"Don't be nervous, it's not that I will sell you. I said it was for you to help with work, but it is not for you to do work like a cowboy or a thug. Some of the affairs I am responsible for are quite formal, just missing A hand, isn’t it right for you?"

Yukoshita Yono said with a smile.

"You're misunderstood, there's nothing nervous, just a little tired... Well, Miss, what kind of job did you introduce me to?" Li Yan asked with a slightly concealed smile and a bit of ups and downs in his heart.

Yukoshita Yono said: "Li Yan, aren’t your grades quite good, and you have seen your qualifications as a tutor on the part-time website. This shows that you have work experience and on the part-time website, full-time mothers The evaluation of you is very good. Your science scores are really amazing. It is possible to get close to full marks... Anyway, you are fully qualified to work in science training from elementary school to high school."

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood that the job he had originally held was a part-time teacher in an ordinary training class.

"With this job, there is no problem at all."

Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly relaxed a lot, and said with a smile.

He was really worried that this eldest lady would not be a gangster's eldest lady, and would send him to some deceptive place to pay off his debts. After all, it is not very familiar. Everyone knows that no matter where, there are people. Being is a society.

However, after Xuexia Yangnai offered to help, on the night after the night, there was actually a friend of Line who was also slow for about five minutes and paid a salary of 500,000 yuan in advance. He was willing to help advance the living expenses first. But he came first, but was turned down by Li Yan.

Ms. Sawamura Sayuri was also very enthusiastic to provide an opportunity.

Among the few friends of Line, there are people who can find an advance salary at any time, are close to home, and suitable for his temporary work. It seems that they are Sayuri Sawamura and Yono Yukoshita, who have kept him Kagurazaka Ayame, who was looking forward to it, was silent.

However, in the final analysis, this kind of help is tantamount to borrowing money in disguise. Li Yan naturally felt that the more affordable the better, he would accept everything he wanted, which was enough.


Xuexiayangna drove the car, smiling slightly.

"Yes, you can indeed be a good teacher a little bit." She thought to herself.


Although this section of the expressway is about hundreds of kilometers long, not as much as half the distance that Li Yan was chased by dozens of police cars in the two counties last time, but Xuexiayangnai drove into the rest area halfway. It seems that this excellent girl is not very good at driving mentality.

"I'm going to buy some drinks, huh, I feel a little tired after a busy day today, and...sure enough, driving at night is still a bit difficult." Xuexia Yangnai said to Li Yan with a bitter smile, stopping at the parking space.

"It's true, the line of sight will be dim, and driving on the highway will consume more than twice as much attention as usual." Li Yan nodded and said.

"Yeah, by the way, Li Yanjun, it feels like you know how to drive, have you taken a driver's license in Japan?" Yukoshita Yona asked with a smile.

"...No, no, your illusion is nothing."

Li Yan sweated slightly on his forehead, and he denied it with some shadow in his heart.

"Well, if you can drive, I will let you drive it, but I feel that if Li Yanjun has learned to drive, he should be able to drive much better. After all, it feels like you can make an accurate one in front of the car in a few tenths of a second. A person who judges can only worry about small things, but he doesn't move like a mountain in front of big things.

Xuexiayangna said with a smile.

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