I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 116

The feeling is not caused by any stimulating food, it seems to be a psychological effect...

After saying goodbye to Yeshan Hayato, Yukoshita Yono looked at Li Yan with an uncomfortable face, smiled, and said: "Okay, after the so-called three meals are over, you should work."

"Yeah." Li Yan nodded.

"Now this store has just opened for five days. I can't talk about performance at the moment. After all, even the recruitment of employees has not been completed in the past few days. There is a shortage of staff and a lot of complicated work is waiting for me to handle. Otherwise. If you do, I will also considerately ask you to take a break for a day or two when you finish your college entrance exam and come back to work."

Xuexiayangna looked at Li Yan with a calm smile, and said, "So, please, please let Jun Li rely on his own ability to find customers."

"Wait a minute, am I going to contact the customer myself?" Li Yan asked blankly for a moment.

Yang Nai looked at him and reminded with a smile: "After all, I can't be partial to you in the company. In the end, in front of my colleagues, are you a real talent or a little soft rice brought in by my skirt? , This one decides you choose it yourself, I don’t mind."


Li Yan nervously imagined that hell-like situation, he understood what Yang Nai meant, and sure enough...In any case, he had to make some achievements in the first day.

Chapter 82-Li Yan's First Student

The so-called work is not only the content of the work itself, but also includes an environment unique to this unique world full of interest relationships.

In general, it is not that Li Yan does not understand these principles, but it is the first day that he came to such a place.

Li Yan's office is located in a corner of the window not far from the president's office. This area is still in a vacant office area and he is alone. He always feels a little lonely.


The air-conditioning vent made a whirring sound, and the warm air from the warm air vent lightly brushed Li Yan’s bangs. At this moment, he was anxiously screening the potential customer groups in the counseling website in front of the computer. So, some laughter and talk from downstairs still caught his attention from time to time.

From the beginning of work, after Xuexiayangnai was responsible for introducing more than 20 employees of this organization, they were all very polite at first, but when time passed, Li Yan realized that the atmosphere here was different.

It’s almost like staying in the refrigerator. Each organization looks busy, but it’s obvious that they have their own circle of interests running. As science teachers of the same type as Li Yan, they are trying their best to please the customer service department. More students are caught from the customer source of the customer service department.Therefore, it is really difficult for newcomers who have just arrived, who have no college qualifications and rely on relationships to work in, it is really difficult to integrate in for a while.

"That's why the eldest made me become a customer service department and a tutor... I also understand her intentions by and large."

Li Yan understood his situation with some trouble, and thought.

However, starting from the morning, staring at the computer and paying close attention to every potential customer who had read his information, calling for inquiries, and being reprimanded and rejected countless times, he still found nothing at four o’clock in the afternoon. This made Li Yan feel very emotional. Something worse.

While pouring himself a cup of coffee, wisps of sunset came in from the window, Li Yan frowned and raised his head to look at this time, feeling complicated.

"Worse, if you really took zero eggs this day, let's not say that I am not reconciled, maybe I really said to Miss Yang Nai, I will be treated as a soft rice man who knows nothing." Li Staring at the setting sun with bitter eyes, he thought to himself.

How can work be so smooth...

However, as if to prove that proverb, the effort paid off. At about 4:45, after a day of hard searching, he finally got a training concept for him on the phone. And his parents who are interested in various backgrounds.

This is almost a fortunate turn of the withered woods every spring, all sufferings come.

Naturally, it is impossible to talk in detail on the phone. Without saying anything, Li Yan expressed his willingness to go to visit that customer now. After receiving an agreed reply, Li Yan picked up his bag and went. Yang Nai’s office applied to go out.

"Huh? What's the matter, Teacher Li?"

As always, in the office, the Xuexia Yangna, who was almost buried in a pile of documents, was still full of energy and asked with a smile.

Li Yan carried his document package, handed out the agency's application form for going out, and said, "Miss, I want to apply to go out to visit a client."

Yang Nai looked at the application form and smiled and said, "Ah, it's really you. It's great that you have already found a client... Oh, this parent is planning to find a math teacher for him to attend elementary school. My daughter is tutoring science. That's how it is. I have approved it, and wait for your first report."

"Okay, then I'm going."

After Li Yan received the reply from Xuexia Yangnai, he just received the approval slip and when he was about to turn around to go out, Yangnai behind him suddenly asked, "Then, when will you be back? It's almost time to get off work now. It."

"I don't know much, but I will report back, probably before the end of get off work time." Li Yan thought for a while and replied.

"Okay, come back early then."

Yuukixia Yangna stretched out his hand and shook it, saying goodbye with an expectant smile.


The daytime in winter always flies very fast, only around 5:30 in the afternoon, the sky is a sunset, after the light snowfall at noon, the wet streets appear very quiet.

In a residential area in Chiba Prefecture, the streets are full of elementary school students returning home, basically they are going home in groups, are they filled with laughter?

An elementary school girl wearing a generous overcoat and a warm hat walked home alone with her schoolbag on her back. Her expression was calm, somewhat out of age, and she looked at the road ahead with a faint look and occasionally Children of the same age pass by their shoulders to chase the scene.Compared to a group of elementary school students who rushed past and went home together, the figure of this little girl looked a little lonely.


Seeing that the children of the same age who lived a happy life every day spent their life in Xiaoxue like this, her eyes were a little bit envious, but after all, she seemed to ignore it and sighed slightly.

"I am back."

Pushing open the door of her home, and shouting to the deserted corridor, the little girl took off her hat, revealing her beautiful long black hair, and her beautiful face was calm and peaceful.

"Welcome back and stay in America."

Her mother's voice came from the kitchen.

"Well, I'll go back to the room." said this elementary school student named Liumei.

But when I just passed by, passing by the living room, I heard the voice of her father talking and turned his head curiously. In the living room, I saw an unknown stranger sitting on a sofa not far from her father. On, listening to things about her grades.

"Oh, stay in the United States, you are back."

Her father noticed someone at the door of the living room. After looking around, he smiled gently and said to her.

"Yes, Dad."

Liu Mei lowered her head slightly, holding her hands tightly behind her back, as if a little nervous and said listlessly.

This stranger was naturally Li Yan, a part-time tutor who came to visit from the city. He followed the eyes of the father of this elementary school student. When he saw the object he was striving to be responsible for tuition, For a moment, she felt that this little girl looked a little bit like Miss Xuexia.

The system in the consciousness also issued a [beep beep] sound, suggesting that Li Yan, a little girl, is also a character from the world of novels.

"This is the teacher my dad is going to find for you, Mr. Li Yan. He is a very good student in the examinations of various subjects. He has just finished the university exam. It is really amazing. He can enter four famous universities. During the interview, Dad felt that your mathematics scores in the United States had not kept up recently, so I hope to find a teacher who is younger than you and can help you with Chinese characters and science knowledge."

The middle-aged man whose surname was Tsurumi smiled and explained to Liumei.

"Hello, my name is Li Yan, please advise me a lot in the future."

Li Yan said to her with a gentle smile.

This elementary school girl was silent for a while, nodded, bowed slightly to Li Yan, and said, "Well, please advise."

After speaking, the little girl went upstairs carrying her schoolbag.

Li Yan was taken aback for a while, always feeling that this little girl's personality seemed to be relatively introverted, but she was not really introverted, but rather lonely.

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