I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 132

——……Teacher, where are you?

"...I'm in a university examination room in Tokyo. The teacher has not finished the exam now, and he won't go back until tomorrow. Where are you now in the United States?"

Li Yan asked with a smile.

--is it……

The little girl seemed to have heard the good news and said with a slight smile.

——[My words, on the subway...]

But then, Li Yan heard some caring voices. It was very noisy in her place, as if the rumbling movement, even in the subway, would not be so noisy.

——[Teacher, are you still taking the exam? That's it... I thought you were at the training class...]

Li Yan heard something in this relatively long speech.

It seemed that Tsurumi Liumi's voice was a little quiet, and it seemed a little weak, with some obvious pain.

——[It’s okay now...Teacher, you must come on...]

Tsurumi Rumi's voice became weaker, and he said softly.

There was a trace of anxiety in Li Yan's heart.

"Stay in America..."

When Li Yan was still asking, suddenly, there were nervous shouts from several people on the cell phone.

--Are you ok?!

——Hey, how are you, are you conscious, kid?Hurry up and call the police and call an ambulance. May I ask anyone here who understands medical knowledge. This little girl has a head bleeding. Please come out and help stop the bleeding...]

The phone was hung up at such a critical moment.

Amidst the white snow that fell for a long year, crowds of people avoided the prospective candidate who was still holding a mobile phone and began to flood into the examination room.

As if at the last moment, Li Yan understood what happened.

His whole person, as if unable to hold anything, lost all power, and stood in the cold crowd, the mobile phone in his hand also slid down from his hand, and the whole mobile phone was directly broken to the ground.

What I vowed to say to Yukino Yukoshita last night seemed to be a kind of mockery. In the end, the world that seemed to have changed a little bit.


He lowered his head and let out a painful voice.

Suddenly, Li Yan felt that this world had become so strange.

When the crowd dispersed, in the empty waiting area, the staff suddenly found a discarded document bag on the ground.

The cold white snow covered the exam admission certificate, and the quiet photo was almost covered by snow falling from the sky...


A municipal hospital in Chiba Prefecture.

[Tonight, a strong Siberian cold current will flow from Hokkaido towards Aomori and Tokyo at around 8:20pm. It is predicted that it will usher in the first blizzard since the beginning of winter. It will affect Chiba Prefecture and others. Local traffic and residents’ travel have a serious impact...]

At this moment, the public television hanging on the wall of the corridor of the hospital is broadcasting weather forecast programs, attracting people's attention.

After all, although it started to usher in a certain amount of snow in December, it is the first time since the new year that such severe weather has occurred.

Including schools, companies, and some public sector employees will leave school or get off work early to deal with the weather disaster since the beginning of winter.

Lying on the white hospital bed, Tsurumi Rumi quietly watched the TV in the room and was also broadcasting the weather forecast. Her expression was still as calm and indifferent as before, but her forehead had been properly treated and bandaged.

"Tsurumi-chan, are you watching TV?"

Suddenly, by the door, an 18-year-old girl with a gift and flowers asked with a smile.

"...Are you sister Xuexia from the training institution?"

Tsurumi Rumi recovered slightly, looked at Yukoshita Yono, and asked.

"Yeah, it's so good for you to remember me. As expected, your teacher Li taught me well. It is not easy for many children to remember my name."

Xuexia Yangna smiled, came to the bedside, and said.

Yukinoshita politely gave the gift to Mrs. Tsurumi, who was waiting by the bed. After introducing herself, the two chatted for a while, Mrs. Tsurumi was very pleased that the school teacher had not yet come, and the person in charge of the training institution first Come here to visit.

Yono's affinity is quite strong, and he quickly gained the trust and goodwill of Tsurumi's family. When asking and comforting, unfortunately, the doctor and nurse came to Tsurumi Rumi again and began to examine the wound. , Measured body temperature. During the examination, when the doctor tried to press the wound, Tsurumi Rumi was so painful that his cheeks were full of tears, and he almost tried to cry.

"...It seems a little inconvenient now, so I will come back to see Liumei in the evening."

Yukino Yukoshita couldn't bear to look down, showing an apologetic smile, bowed to Mrs. Tsurumi, and after a brief greeting, planned to leave.

"Sister Xuexia."

Suddenly, Tsurumi Liumi looked at Yukoshita Yono with tears, and asked: "How about Teacher Li's exam... tomorrow, will he come back?"

"...Yes, everything is going well. Before he comes back, you must recover your health in Liumeijiang."

Yukino Yukino touched Tsurumi Liumi's head and said with a smile.

After walking out of the room, Xuexiayangnai sighed slightly, and soon she looked for someone in the corridor, but in the corner not far away, she saw Li Yan sitting on a chair.

"You are here." Xuexia Yangna walked over and said, looking at him.

"...Miss, how is the injury in the US?"

After Li Yan was silent for a while, he raised his head, his eyes were already red, and he asked Xuexiayangna sadly.

"Well, it's not a serious injury. Fortunately, the schoolbag I studied in the United States helped cushion some of the shocks, my forehead was smashed, I had a slight concussion, and there were many bruises on my body... The most important thing now is , I am afraid that a child like her will leave a shadow in her heart. If it is not blocked by that schoolbag, the injury will probably be much more serious..."

Xuexiayang explained clearly to Li Yan.

In the end, Li Yan gave up the last chance to take the exam and rushed back to visit Tsurumi Liumi secretly. At first, it was a pity that Yang Nao was shocked, but she also felt that if she knew such news, Li Yan estimated Can't calm down and come to the exam.


Li Yan closed his eyes and looked a little relieved.

"Don't worry, the police investigation is also a bit eye-catching. The other party threatened the children several times because the project result was approaching. Now I have already told my father and suggested that the agency should be suspended. Next to the police..."

Xuexiayangna looked at Li Yan with some worry, and sat beside him with a slightly bitter smile, and said.

"...I know, that's all you can do, Miss, you don't have to worry about me, as a teacher studying in the United States, I know what I should do."

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