I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 134

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, politely smiled and thanked, and said: "Then I will trouble you."

Hiratsuka Jing turned around and took Li Yan to her car. After watching him leave Hiratsuka Jing's line of sight, Li Yan secretly turned around again, with a pair of murderous eyes. , Staring at that unbreakable "bunker", thoughtfully.

However, when the luxury car parked in front of Li Yan, Li Yan stood blankly on the side of the street. This scene always felt a sense of deja vu, like the last time the name Sayuri. The means of transportation that the girl said casually is also a luxury car with a price sufficient to buy a house.


Li Yan looked at this imported sports car with a complicated expression. Nowadays, rich girls like to call luxury cars a means of transportation?

At the beginning, misty snowflakes fell from the sky, dancing in the air with the blowing of the cold wind, whirling down.After a while, a snowstorm will sweep across Chiba Prefecture.

In the evening, there were few vehicles and passers-by on the streets. On the deserted and wide highway, Hiratsuka quietly drove her car on the snowy highway.

"Although I am troublesome, but I heard that Yang Nao has been looking for you all the time. She seems to have been to your residence, but she didn't find any traces of you. I specifically told the group of us to advise you not to mess around. , There are still police in everything."

Hiratsuka drove quietly, and suddenly said to Li Yan in the passenger seat.

"...Makes her worry, I'm out to relax now, and don't want to go back for the time being." Li Yan said with a sorrowful expression on his face, after thinking it over, he sighed.

"I have known her as a student for so long, and this is the first time I saw her, and I would really worry about people who have no blood relatives. What happened to you and her is really curious."

Hiratsuka said with a smile.

"..." Li Yan was speechless.

"However, I am not going to stop you. After all, I am also a teacher. I can understand your angry feelings at the moment. If you show your anger on your face, I know that you are going to be bad and bad, but the most terrifying thing is you. His anger has penetrated into his bones. Obviously, you have found the weakness of the other party. There is only one thing I want to say to you."

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked forward with a meaningful smile and said.

Li Yan looked at Hiratsuka Jing and listened to her opinions quietly.

At the intersection, the vehicle gradually slowed down and stopped at the edge of the zebra crossing.

"Protect yourself, don't let Tsurumi stay in the United States any more sadness."

Hiratsuka looked at Li Yan with a smile and said.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and sat there quietly. After all, the palm of his hand that he had been holding tightly gradually loosened.

"oh, I understand now."


Under the night sky, snow flakes fell rapidly from a thousand meters high, as if the light snow became so heavy, falling heavily on the dark ground.

The violent wind, accompanied by countless blizzards, directly filled this dark night in the boundless white mist.

The Japanese-style house named "Kamigu" is like an isolated island, brightened under the cover of a blizzard.

"...In the end, it seems that there is no movement in the Yukinoshita family."

In the warm and indoors, a middle-aged man with a blessed figure said annoyedly, his sharp and shrewd little eyes with deep melancholy, said to one of his confidants.

"Boss, our customers are quite dissatisfied. The subordinates have acted too many times. If the next action is a bit bigger, it will really disturb the police. Let’s not talk about it for the time being. I am afraid that it is not the Xuexia family. For vegetarians, they have contacts on both sides. If we really push them, our side will not be able to resist it. After all, we are also a famous company that has been in business for several generations. We still cannot easily offend too deeply."

This middle-aged man who dressed like he looked worried and said to Nobuo Kamiya.

"I also know, do you think I'm stupid? That's why I asked you not to move the Xuexia family, but found a primary school student to start. Our Zhushe is also a small business company. If no one dares to offend, I can't do this business anymore. If you wait for a while and the Xuexia family is still quiet, I need to blame the company for being rude."

Kamiya Nobuo touched his beard with a sad look, and said with two cold lights in his eyes.

After all, a gangster, even if he knows that his business will offend one party, he still has to do it, otherwise his business will not go on in the future. Without financial support, his financial lending company will only fall faster. The end of the demise.

"Okay, you go back. Tomorrow, go to school and stare at the second lady under Xuexia, and see which sections of the road you can start." Nobuo Kamiya waved his hand to urge him out, and said annoyedly.


The subordinate withdrew.

But then, all of a sudden, the electricity in the entire house went out.

"Well, what's the matter?" Kamiya Nobuo was taken aback for a moment and asked.

The people in the house did not figure out what was going on for a while, but it was a snowstorm at the moment, and the power outage was also expected. The servants in the house started to take flashlights and went to the generator room to start the standby generator.

However, everyone heard a peculiar voice.

Amidst the whirring strong snowstorm, the sound was originally messy, but this one was very special, getting closer and closer, roaring...like the roar of a car's fast engine.



Some people heard it clearly, it was indeed the roar of the car. Just as they reacted, the door of the house suddenly [banged] with a loud noise, which was directly hit by a black car and splashed. After a cloud of snowflakes and sparks, the damaged front of the car did not slow down again, and rushed into the wooden building of the house. Then, the front house was also crashed into ruins and collapsed with a bang.

Nobuo Kamiya in the inner room immediately felt this shock due to a messy sound outside. He was in a panic, and immediately subconsciously went to his office drawer to get a gun, but in the darkness, there was another bump. Yes, his mind was flustered, and he didn't even touch his desk for a while.

"Sorry, it seems I found you first."

Suddenly, in the darkness, a voice came from an ice cave and said.

Nobuo Kamiya suddenly took a breath and looked at the dark place in panic.After his eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness, with the help of a dim external light on the occasion of the blazing blizzard outside, he could slightly see the person clearly.

A duckbill hat covers his hair, and a mask covers the face of the unknown intruder. The whole body smells of sawdust, only the eyes that exude superb cold light staring at him fiercely.


This fat president just uttered a surprised cry, and suddenly, without even seeing clearly, a powerful fist struck his side face suddenly, almost deforming the opponent's face. , The fat body flew out with the blood and teeth, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Before speaking, please allow me to send you a meeting gift, you bastard!"

Hidden in the darkness, full of deep anger, Li Yan retracted his fist, looked down at the underworld president who was howling in agony with a murderous look, and said.

Chapter 93-The End of the Street


Endless darkness, the roaring cold wind swept this sparsely-traveled mountainside residential area, and all sounds were buried in this dark night of blizzard weather.

The residential area was dark, and the dead branches made a creaking sound. In the mansion of Kamiya, after being knocked open by an unidentified black sports car, a piece of house collapsed, suddenly making it cold. There was a scorching smell of sawdust in the night, and the members who still don't understand what happened were almost thrown into chaos by this incident, unable to act in the darkness.

Most people are alerting whether there are other assailants outside the snow and mist, while a small number of people are rushing to start the backup engine and investigating why the defense system with its own power supply is not working.

"How is this going?"

A young staff member who was wearing glasses and knew computer technology was surprised. He checked the computer in the technical room and found that the computer had been poisoned, all of which were garbled and beating. The expensive security system purchased from a software company was completely paralyzed.

"Minister Kimura, someone invaded the network here. No wonder the power was cut off at this time. Maybe someone even hacked the power supply system of this residential block and hit the gate at the right time. "This technician tried to operate, but after a period of time, he found it to no avail, and said gritted his teeth.

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