I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 145

Therefore, when she came back to this mansion that gave her the most peace of mind, the only place she didn't want to come was here.

Sayuri Sawamura, wearing that thin kimono, wandered upstairs to the library, which is also in this small garden with falling snow. The green here is still full, and the temperate trees are well taken care of. The [Rosanthera] planted on the flowerbed built along the periphery has almost withered.

Rose, the flower language is: the thought of love.

As effective as divination, this flower was brought to her by the person from the UK. The two of them planted it together on Yinglili Primary School’s birthday. Now it is a dead leaf.

However, after all, it is a horticultural ornamental plant. Without care and care, it is easy to wither in the weather after such a blizzard.

Nowadays, someone betrayed the promise made to God in the marriage hall. She came back to this deserted mansion alone and saw the withered rose flower. She was deeply stabbed in her heart. In front of younger generations like Uesugiyan, he couldn't hide his feelings, and once again shared his worries with this trusted writer.After all, there are really not many people who can be trusted. Under the calculation of the [Friends Assessment System], roughly this writer of the market can already graduate.

Although in the library, she finally left the prophecy of "Ying Li Li will lose" and accept it as soon as she sees it. This made Li Yan a little unpredictable. Although he asked more questions, she laughed. No, this kind of conversation can be considered to have been watered down.

"Okay, don't think about it. If you decide to start again here, why should you feel melancholy?" Sayuri Sawamura closed her eyes, feeling the cold wind, and thought quietly.

She walked leisurely and looked at the withered rose flower.


Suddenly, Sayuri Sawamura noticed something, and her eyes opened slightly. She knelt down, her black and beautiful hair almost touching the ground, and she was surprised to see that this rose flower seemed to have been touched by someone. , To make matters worse, it seemed that he had opened the soil a little and checked the root of this rose flower.

This moment made her feel a little ups and downs. She dug again with her hands. In the depths, she dug up the discarded item again. It seemed that the other party hadn't dug deep, and this thing was still buried quietly in the soil. Let her breathe a sigh of relief.

"...Good risk, good risk."

After Sawamura Sayuri relaxed, she couldn't help but smile a little.My reaction just now seemed to be a bit gaffe. I obviously felt that my concentration would not be so bad, but in the end I was afraid that a certain person would discover the deepest secret she wanted to hide when she was nosy.

Sayuri Sawamura had just settled down, and when she raised her head slightly and looked at it again, she found a certain person in the criss-cross withered flower vines that seemed to sneak out to cut the branches of the rose flower at night.

"Well, this old thief..."

Sayuri Sawamura showed a slightly surprised expression. Looking at the part that was taken away, which belonged to the last trace of life of this rose, she gradually stood up again, standing in this cold wind in the air, her expression gradually returning to the original. .

After thinking quietly for a while, she stretched out her hand with a faint smile and gently stroked the broken rose.

"Thank you, I feel a little better..."

She smiled slightly, looking at the bright and white sky in front of her, the cold wind was blowing her lonely figure, holding a antique fan, standing quietly.

Even so, even if you do this, it seems that you cannot make this original rose flower come back to life again...


Next to the window, there is a small plastic flowerpot with a few rose branches inserted into the soil, and in accordance with the indoor heating and humidity, silently waiting for the moment of re-germination.

As a result, at 7:25, five minutes before Li Yan woke up, he was woken up by a knock on the door by Sayuri Sawamura's assistant.

After all, it was a body that had just recovered and almost couldn't get up from the bed. After hurriedly brushing his teeth and washing his face with exhaustion, Li Yan went to the restaurant on the second floor.

For breakfast, it seems that Sawamura Sayuri has already eaten it. On the white and simple table, there is a breakfast, including bread, jam, and a cup of black tea.

Li Yan squinted, judging from the burnt degree of the bread, Sayuri Sawamura should have baked it himself.

After barely eating the unpleasant bread, Li Yan hurriedly went down the first floor. As a result, in the lobby on the first floor, Sayuri Sawamura, who was sitting on the sofa and drinking black tea elegantly, saw Li Yan, and immediately frowned He smiled and said hello: "Good morning, Uesugi-sensei."

"Morning, Miss Sawamura."

Li Yan was a little surprised. He originally thought that even an elegant and charming girl, if her heart is a deep house, should not escape the magic circle of sleeping in winter, but now it is not. The other party obviously wakes up for a long time and is waiting here. Long time.

Sayuri noticed something slightly, then smiled and looked at Li Yan and asked, "Hey, it looks like there are dark circles under the eyes, did you sleep well last night? Did it cause insomnia in the new environment?"

"No, it's just that my body is still a little weak, and I usually get up five minutes earlier, so I feel a little sleepy, but I'm already asleep, please don't care."

Li Yan shook his head and said to Sayuri Sawamura.

"...Well, that's good. I will have to work hard for you today, Mr. Uesugi. Now that you are ready, let's go right away. I have to send you back to Chiba Prefecture before 12 o'clock to work , Otherwise I'm afraid that your boss will kill you directly."

Sayuri Sawamura said with a smile.

"Uh, that's an exaggeration."

After being teased by Sawamura Sayuri, Li Yan said helplessly.

"Well, now that we are all here, let's go."

Sawamura Sayuri put away her fan, looked at the three servants in front of the hall, and said quietly.


Japan’s illustration industry is almost at a saturation stage as mentioned by Ying Lili. While the competition is fierce, it is facing the continuous shrinking of the domestic market.

After decades of development, the animation industry has almost become the endorsement of Japanese culture, but its prosperity must decline. This is also true in the animation field. In the face of a shrinking market, opening up new markets is an urgent task for painters. .However, after all, foreign illustration work is a bit incompatible with Japanese artists. The European and American industries have their own unique illustration styles. Even to a certain extent, in the era of Japanese comics, there are still many white people who are quite resistant to Japanese animation culture.Therefore, for the European and American markets where the cultural gap is too large, Japanese painters cannot fully open the door as they wish.

However, with the re-emergence of the two eastern countries, China and South Korea, some new changes have begun.

In recent years, especially in China, the demand for illustrations has been increasing. The mobile game industry has made rapid progress. Many games have begun to enter Japan and become very popular. Companies from China are looking for excellent Japanese painters to take charge of illustrations. Work is naturally a matter of course, and undoubtedly injects a new market vitality into the saturated painter world.

As the famous painter Sawamura Sayuri who has had multiple pen names for many years, she naturally has a new job this time...Although the painter named Sawamura should be very famous, the newcomer Li Yan just entered the light novel does not know How many well-known painters' names.

The main commercial district of Kyoto.

In this morning, the contract meeting started on time. Compared with Li Yan's side representing Sayuri's studio, the Chinese game company personnel on the other side are also quite young.

After a moderate conversation, Li Yan and his assistant began to review the terms of the contract, relying on the industry regulations he was able to come into contact with when he was living in his own country, as well as the writing of online articles and the life of a half house. Experience, in many discussions, gradually gave Sawamura Sayuri some initiative, and this allowed the assistants who followed to understand that Sawamura Sayuri’s choice was not just to show favor, but to really confirm that Li Yan, as a popular novelist, could play To a great help.

After about an hour of talks, the contract was successfully signed.

Sawamura Sayuri's studio earned millions in design rewards in this collaboration, and she quickly remitted the promised 500,000 remuneration to Li Yan.

"Okay, it's really hard for you. This time the negotiation went smoothly. Let's end today's work. Speaking of which, Uesugi-sensei, your Japanese is very admirable, and you are also very good at English. It surprised me to understand the English part of the contract... By the way, I have never asked how your exams are going, how are you? Do you now know which university you want to go to?"

Coming down from the building floor, Sayuri Sawamura habitually knocked her chin with a fan. When she turned her face, she opened one eye and closed one. When she smiles, she is so charming and charming, attracting the working men and women in suits. , Asked curiously.

"I know, I didn't pass the college that I wanted to study. I originally planned to take the Faculty of Literature, but I was admitted to the Faculty of Science. I now plan to study at the Department of Physics at the University of Tokyo.

Li Yan replied bitterly.

"Yeah, it's not bad as long as you get into a good university... Wait a minute, what university did you say you got into?"

Sawamura Sayuri, who had the flexibility to say what she had already thought of in her heart, suddenly realized something, looked at Li Yan in a little astonishment and asked.

"The Department of Physics, University of Tokyo...what's wrong?" Li Yan asked, slightly taken aback.

"……It's nothing."

Sayuri Sawamura blinked and said with a smile immediately.

But she was a little shaken in her heart. After all, from Li Yan’s words just now, it sounded like she was only admitted to an ordinary university. This also happened to meet her expectations. Looking forward to the average grade Ying Lili can also be admitted to the same. This university will allow Ying Riri, who has no friends, to live without pressure, but suddenly she gets stuck on the name of the University of Tokyo, which completely defeats her plan.

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