I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 147

Almost, the pressure on the family in recent months, the pressure on the previous experience, and the betrayal anger that Li Yan was so trusted but found himself in the drum by Li Yanmeng, all of a sudden vented out, and said to Li Yan After many stimulating words, it was the first time I saw Li Yan's truly angry expression.

After calming down, she knew that the relationship between her and Li Yan's partner, eating together, laughing together, drinking and talking about the future, was completely broken. This made Ying Lili have been reluctant to give up in the past few days.After all, Sayuri told her that the two of them met at the C89 meeting, and this trip was also a work relationship. The reason why Li Yan came to Kyoto was based on the friendship between him and Eiri. It's not like Ying Lili's cranky thinking.

After all, she also understood that she had said too much, and it was indeed impossible for Li Yan to be such a person. Listening to him, it seemed that she hadn't figured out the fact that Sayuri is her mother.It seemed to others that it was just her unilateral imposing crime... So after calming down, she couldn't think of what to do next.

"Tomorrow, it’s Saturday. You can go to a far place all day long, get together with friends, and say something uncomfortable in your heart. How about this suggestion? Let your worries be vented. That’s not enough. Yes, you can handle it by yourself."

Suddenly, while Ying Lili lowered her head in deep thought, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu behind her said to her, making Ying Lili feel like a pound in her heart and blinked her eyes until she looked at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu again , The other party ignored him and walked directly to her second-grade classroom with his phone.

"I won't go, I have to rush to work tomorrow, who has so much time to find such a guy!" Ying Lili face red, looking excitedly at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's back, said sternly.


On Saturday, in the streets of Chiba Prefecture, the winter snow has gradually melted, and the damp streets are blowing a lonely cold wind. Office workers coming and going in the bustling business district hurried past, and a training institution In front of the door, a few employees distributed advertising leaflets outside the door.

"Ah sneeze!"

Li Yan sneezed and squinted casually at the indifferent crowd on the street, always wondering if he was frozen.

At this moment, he is not just a free spokesperson on the advertising leaflet. Upon his return, a shrewd lady like Yukoshita Yono immediately printed his deeds of getting into the University of Tokyo on the leaflet, and marked it in large fonts: [Department of Physics , 500 universities in the world ranked first in the department], successfully attracted the attention of some people, after all, most of the training programs are English, science and Chinese characters. He has such a teaching qualification.

The streets in the early morning are usually the peak period of going to work or running business. Although some business has been received, the effect at the moment is not ideal.


A beautiful girl with long black hair next to her opened her mouth slightly and gently warmed her palm with heat. She has been working in the cold wind with her bare hands and handing out flyers, most of it will freeze.

Yukoshita Yukino, who was originally the young master of Yukoshita Industry, is now wearing the red and blue kimono that was passed down when the flyer was distributed, standing beside him and working together to earn some pocket money.

"In the beginning, I didn't dare to ask if your sister was around. Now, let me ask a little bit, why did you send out flyers together here? This is not what the rich lady should do."

Li Yan curiously looked at Xuexia Xuena next to him, and asked.

Xuexia Xuena was waiting for the opportunity to hand out flyers, and said blankly: "It's very strange if you ask that, why can't a rich lady have a part-time job? If my pocket money is to increase, I always rely on work. I heard that you were taken care of by a gangster, why did you come back here to continue working for my sister?"

"Um, what kind of support, who made the rumor, I have to find him to reason. That young girl is just a relative of my friend, because I needed a Chinese translation, after all, university tuition and living expenses are not cheap. I have to find a little more work."

As soon as Li Yan heard the word "nurture and nurture" at the beginning, he suddenly became nervous and generally annoyed, and he retorted bitterly, but the following words were a little bit sad, and he seemed to think of some thoughts.

It’s just that even if the sad thing hurts no more, it can’t affect the mood of others. He thinks carefully about hiding his acquaintance with Ying Lili’s relatives. He is indeed not honest with his friends. After all, he has an appointment first, but he can’t. Explain the misunderstanding well. As a result, Ying Lili offered to break the relationship. He also said that it was okay. There has been no contact for several days.

He used to have no friends, and the things that broke up were usually things that existed at the beginning. The lonely he finally had a friend like Ying Lili, and in the end, after knowing one year, he just broke up like this.

Moreover, even the line and the cooperation have begun to break. It seems that Ying Lili is serious.

"Please don't be in a daze, the sighing thing makes people feel disgusting, we are still working." Yukino Yukino suddenly reminded, she turned her face to look at him, her attitude was always serious.

"Um, you won't even take over the responsibility of your sister's management?" Li Yan was taken aback, looking at this indifferent colleague helplessly, thinking in his heart.

But seriously, the leaflets sent by Yukoshita Yukino didn't have much effect. Her indifferent and beautiful appearance, unapproachable arrogant temperament, and withdrawn personality that was too much to talk about made people think she was not suitable for this one. The work of contacting people, within one hour of work, resulted in not even sending ten copies.

"I said, Second Miss, is it your first time to distribute flyers?" Li Yan asked.

"...What does this mean? It's true that this is the first time I distributed a leaflet, but if you think I didn't do a good job, please point it out." Xuexia Xuenai was slightly aware of Li Yan's question, and then asked back.

"Since you say that, don't say that I show off my experience. Since I was a child, I have always worked part-time to earn tuition. Once I was 16 years old, part-time jobs became easier to find. Distributing flyers is simply commonplace. "

Li Yan sighed helplessly like a senior, and then showed her performance. He took the flyer and said with a smile to a middle-aged man passing by: "Hello, please take a look, there are special offers. Thank you."


The other party responded indifferently and accepted the flyer.

"..." Xuexia Xuenai looked at Li Yan silently.

"First of all, you have to smile. After all, a smile is a basic courtesy. Another point is that it depends on the situation. If the other party is in a hurry, it will usually trouble you to talk too much, so just pass it over and talk about the most important selling point. That's it, the other party naturally took it away in a hurry. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, at least make the advertisement first."

Li Yan turned around to explain.


Xuexiaxue Nai is a little embarrassed. She is not good at smiling at others anytime and anywhere in an inexplicable way.

"It's definitely useful. It can also improve your social style, look at people's faces, face them with a smile, and answer patiently to those who are in doubt, so that you can do a simple job of distributing and communicating." Li Yan holds Bi Xue Xia Xuenai had more than doubled the flyers, and continued.

The two people continued to distribute flyers at the entrance of the street. Finally, Xuexiaxuno watched Li Yan a few times and successfully distributed the flyers. Indeed, as he said, the success rate is very high. She is an excellent person with high intelligence and good study. The face is beautiful, but good people also have jobs that they are not good at, which is similar to hospitality.

She bit her scalp and saw a middle-aged man, handing out the flyer, showing an unnatural but slightly horrible smile, and said: "Hello, gentleman, do you want to counsel your child?"

The other side retreated vigilantly, even if it was a beautiful girl's sneer, if the smile was too cold, like a confident underworld girl, it was really unbearable for people like the uncle.

"Well, what's wrong..."

Yukino Yukino slowly withdrew her hand, frowned in confusion, not understanding what had happened.

"Uh..." Li Yan watched from the side, obviously she was a big beauty, why it made people feel a little horrified when she smiled just now, and I think it would be better to explain the naturalness of the smile to her next time.

"Sure enough, I still can't do things contrary to my intentions. At the time, I obviously felt that the person's eyes were not clean when he saw me. Let me just smile at him like this. After all, I am very cute. Don't do such things. Good."

Xuexia Xuenai retreated, analyzed her failure, and finally reached a conclusion, with a helpless smile, she denied Li Yan's method.

Li Yan looked at Xuexia Xuena with a complicated expression. This girl really thought of what to say. Although the analysis was correct, she always felt suddenly upset about her reasons.

"It's okay to explore the way you work next. Everyone has different work habits but they will succeed. After all, all roads lead to Rome." Li Yan had to smile, agreeing with Xue Nao's truth, and said.

Xuexia Xuena looked at Li Yan in silence. She actually felt that Li Yan was absent. It seemed that she had been unhappy because of something. It was really hard to imagine what would happen to the guy who talked and laughed the first day after being shot in the abdomen. He was enduring awkwardly.

However, he is also a good-looking man with a very good personality. The three views are very decent, but she suddenly understood why her sister had deliberately seen Li Yan for the Ye Shanzhe people——Ye Shanzhe people are very Perfect, but I can't do anything when encountering a deadlock, I just complain with my heart.Li Yan is very popular, but he always breaks out in silence, doing things worthy of his heart.

At night, on Saturdays and holidays, the streets began to flow more people.

Li Yan had just left work, and after saying goodbye to Yang Nao and Xue Nao in no mood, he left alone and lived in a rented house near him in a night-filled street. He no longer needed Yang Nao’s special car because of him. The existence of Xuexia's parents was angered, and even temporarily living in Yangnai's apartment was forbidden. He could only take the subsidy and rent another house outside.

However, in the cold night sky, when I just walked downstairs to the apartment I rented, suddenly, a cold wind blew, in the corner of the dim and lonely street, there was a dark place at the end of Li Yan’s eyes. The figure sits quietly on a public chair, as if waiting for a long, long time, quietly bowing his head and being silent.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and looked over.

Obviously I had just seen it not long ago, but at this moment, it was like ten years. Li Yan's eyes could not be separated from the blonde girl, and his heart was surging like a sea, and he asked dumbly.

"Is that you, Eiri..."

Chapter 101: A Different Choice From The Past

Like this cold night, the figure looked a little cold and lonely.

Maybe she waited for a long time, even when he came back, she didn't notice it, but when she noticed it, she suddenly didn't even have the courage to stand up and shout.

After being dumb for a long time, she suddenly looked at the figure of Li Yan walking down the street, and immediately recalled that familiar figure, the friend who had not spoken for many years.As a result, the little mouth that had just opened, did not move for a long time. Gradually, she had to keep waiting like this.

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