I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 152

However, this time Yukoshita Yono's smile seemed to be rarely true and calm.

"..." Xuexia Xuenai and Ye Shanxi were silent.

"Understood, although you know that your rewards and punishments, Ms. Yukoshita, are mostly joking, I always feel that it would be impolite if you keep turning down. I'll take part, so let's compete." Ying Riri said with a gentle smile. .

"Ying Lili, is that okay?" Li Yan was slightly surprised, looking at Ying Lili, and asked with a worried look.

"Huhu, what do you mean, do you look down on me? Don't underestimate me. I am actually quite confident in swimming. If you win, wouldn't it be better for you to go back a week earlier? Anyway, your primary school student is already I got the top five, and the task is complete." Ying Lili whispered to Li Yan.

"In that case, it's better to follow the group we divided into when we came, me, Xue Naojiang, and three people from Yanren, Jing, Miss Zecun and Li Yanjun, three wins and two losses, how about that?"

Yukino Yukoshita enthusiastically expressed her plan. She and Shizuka Hiratsuka were the oldest, so they competed in the first group, and then high school girls with similar ages, Yukino and Eiriri were the second group. With Ye Shan and Li Yan as the last round of the men's team, this can be regarded as the most fair entertainment game.

Unfortunately, none of the other people present had any opinions. Almost everyone had a certain position in this game. Except for Yukino Yukoshita, who had no meaning, he could barely participate in this game. .


When Yukoshita Yukino hesitated, she looked at Yinglili again, and Yinglili was also at this time, looking at Yukoshita Yukino confidently.

Chapter 104: The End of Work, Goodbye Qianxue

Among the crowded indoor swimming pools, there is always a water area where there are relatively few tourists, but it is indeed the favorite water area for swimmers.The water area is located on the far left side not far from the entrance of the purified seawater channel. Because when the newly warmed seawater is put in, the incomplete warming is accompanied by a lot of still cooling water flowing into this area, so ordinary tourists dare not dare Swimming in this area where the water level is deep, the current is rapid, and the water temperature is hot and cold, is also the ideal place for swimmers.

Yukushita Yukino and Sawamura Eriri started warm-up exercises on the beach. Eriri was obviously lost to Yukoshita in height, but her bust size had the upper hand. Although they were reluctant at first, once they decided, , The attitude of both of them is very serious.

"Ying Riri, don't be careless about your sports performance. After all, your opponent is the almighty Yukino Yukoshita. I remember her swimming performance is quite excellent. It's not that I don't trust you, but that the opponent's level is beyond ordinary people. If you do, I think it’s better to be more cautious."

Li Yan watched her warm up intently by Ying Lili, and watched her full of confidence. He felt a little surprised and reminded him.

Eiri Sawamura glanced at Li Yan with a slightly ridiculous expression, and said with a smile: "Huh, otaku Lee, I know that you are very good in science. Science students always like to use data to speak. Don’t say that I like to brag. I actually got pretty good grades in sports. In the swimming class, I was also among the top five top students in the women’s group. My opponents were my peers, who looked very weak and cute. Don't worry, I will try my best to achieve the best results, and I will let you go back earlier."

"Go back earlier... Actually, the length of working hours doesn't do me any good or bad, I don't care." Li Yan felt that the group of them made a fuss, and he explained indifferently.

"It doesn't matter? Hmm...it is true that there is food and housing here, similar to Shinjuku, but don't forget your own job. If you go back earlier, write the novel so that you can get paid for your work. It won't be so hard."

Ying Lili said coldly to Li Yan.

This really makes some sense. Although Ying Lili is not sure where his huge amount of manuscript fees went, but seeing Li Yan eat frugally and consume a lot of tea leaves for refreshing, they are made from tea stems that nobody wants. It is also guessed that his family is in urgent need of a lot of money. In this case, it would be quite beneficial if Li Yan's sixth volume was written down before the beginning of school.

The speaker was unintentional and the listener was interested. Ying Riri's words were heard by Yukoshita Yukino on the side. She looked at Li Yan with a look of doubt and asked: "Li Jun, has your novel published?"

Suddenly, Li Yan was shocked.

"No, no, you got it wrong... It's just a play occasionally, don't mind." Li Yan quickly shook his hand, with a nervous expression on his face, and quickly explained.

"Um..." Xuexiaxuenai naturally didn't mind, but was just curious about how Li Yan was suddenly so nervous.


When Li Yan saw Xuexia Xuena stretch out again, he was a little relieved. He looked at this one of the first hottest fans to read his book with a uniformly entangled mood, although he was very happy to know. Such an almighty beautiful girl is also his reader, but there is always nothing good to meet with readers. It is wrong in every sense. What's more, although the colleagues don’t say anything, the light novel writers who write popular novels are foreigners. It is estimated that acceptable Japanese readers will immediately lose some of them. Whether it is comics or light novels, it is not an industry that foreigners can get involved in for the time being. In the future, Japan may further recognize the animation stories written by foreigners, just like the mobile game industry. , But it’s too early to think.

But speaking of it, Li Yan couldn't help but look at Yukino's figure while watching this long and straight oriental beautiful girl stretch her waist, and felt that Yukino's figure really had the only shortcoming. Although she doesn't seem to care about it, there is almost something on the bust that can be described as barren. Eiri Li always cares about women with first-rate figures like Shizuka Hiratsuka and Kasumigaoka. In fact, if you evaluate it, Eiri is pretty average. The type of girl is a little bit below the average score of this country.

"If you guy is staring at the other person's chest, you won't be accused of sexual harassment too much." Ying Lili stared at Li Yan disdainfully and whispered.

"Eh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean anything else." Li Yan was taken aback for a while, and then he realized his failure, and replied in a low voice.

"Huh... Forget it, it's also a male yeast after all. This is understandable." Ying Lili said with a nonchalant expression.

"...I always think that your biology is good. Next time, it's better to describe me as a paramecium. Maybe the adjective will become E. coli next time."

Li Yan once again returned to his calm expression and said: "The results of the top five in the class are indeed pretty good... but I always feel that it is not enough. The second young lady from the Xuexia family has always been the first in all aspects of the school. I was in her school. I’ve seen Yukoshita’s transcript in my office, and I really want to have a good swimming class score enough to be recommended to compete in the county. Is anyone in your class eligible to be selected to participate in the competition..."

But before the words fell, Li Yan saw the pale and surprised, as if Ying Lili, who had lost her confidence and dreams, looked at him dumbfounded, and could already know the answer.

Being selected to qualify for the county-level swimming competition, then she would be better than anything, just surrender.No matter how you look at it, I can’t win. I can’t imagine that Yukoshita Yono, whose age, looks and body are evenly matched, will strengthen her so much in other areas...

However, the first round of the game has already begun at this moment.

Shizuka Hiratsuka naturally chose Li Yan's group. She also thought that she belonged to the lower-class people of Ying Riri's family, rather than the upper-class "upper people". She untied the towel wrapped around her lower body and thought This kind of game is more meaningful than the game, which agrees with Yang Nao's prank.

"Teacher, your subordinates are merciful, if you win, probably...no need to compare." Yukoshita Yono came over and whispered to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"...Since you know that, Ye Shan is still going to be a cannon fodder, it's really good."

Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at Yukoshita Yono who was smiling naturally, and at this time, he was still betrayed.Needless to say, everyone knows that in the third round, as long as a human being is likely to lose to Li Yan, she knows Li Yan's balance and muscle balance as almost perfect and almost invulnerable. Ye Shan is willing to do it or not. 100% will lose.

"So, when you dig Li Yan over here, I see some goals. The things you want are moving in the direction of your design. It seems that Xuena has already begun to think about taking other paths." Shizuka looked at Yukoshita Yono and said.

"... As expected to be a teacher, probably Teacher Li has also seen what I mean... No way, I am her sister, a creature like her sister, it's her sister's doll."

Xuexiayangna said with a cold smile on his face.

Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at Xuexia, a little lost, and stopped talking.

The competition started immediately under the arrangement of Ye Shanchun. Suddenly, the two people in the water set off at the same time. The swimming speed was almost to the extreme, as skilled and agile as regular swimmers, let Li Yan and Ying Lili see To be stunned, after touching the parallel opposite shore, the two reached out their hands to touch the signs on the shore, and turned around again to swim back here.

As a result, the outcome was decided within two minutes.

Shizuka Hiratsuka lost to Yukoshita Yono by one second. The two women who came out of the water were panting. It was obvious that they used a lot of energy, but Yukoshita Yono is very meaningful. He smiled and said, "I won, let me accept, Teacher Jing."

Hiratsuka took off his swimming hat and walked over to the resting blanket without saying a word. As he passed Li Yan, he whispered, "Sorry."

"...It doesn't matter." Li Yan naturally understood Hiratsuka's meaning, and responded in a low voice.

"Then next, the second set of matches, Yukino Yukoshita, Eiri Sawamura, please come over here." Ye Shanjin announced the tone of the second round in a standard manner, and arranged the next round, which was also a decision. The key to victory or defeat is a round of competition.


The second round of the game almost became the focus.

The two girls who came down to the same waterline quietly waited for the command of the game. They put on swimming caps and diving goggles. When they were soaking in the water, they felt the water was hot and cold, and they worried about whether they were hot or cold. Warm up enough, otherwise you feel easy to cramp in the water.

The atmosphere became tense, even Hiratsuka Shizuka, and Yukoshita Yono, who had been living heartlessly, all followed silently.

"Just relax, Yinglili, come on!"

Li Yan didn't have any expectations for the outcome, and didn't want to put too much pressure on Ying Lili, and said encouragingly.

Ying Lili nodded, but Xue Na didn't seem to understand why, so she looked back at Li Yan, and Li Yan was taken aback.

"...Second Miss, you can do it, too." Li Yan was taken aback for a while, and was silent for a while. Although he did not understand, he still gave Xuexia Xuena encouragement.


Xuexia Xuenao nodded and responded coldly.

"Uh, you guys turned into a betrayal, it's damned!" Ying Lili gritted her teeth, thinking hard in her heart.

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