I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 160

"Yes... wait a minute, why is there a white feather in my surname? I'm afraid you misunderstood my name... it's okay, you can call me that way." Li Yan sighed, he looked at the bald teacher, and said in compromise.

"They have a very good relationship. I like to look at them like this. Maybe I will be willing to guard the students to go on like this for the rest of my life. This requires your strength. Do you have younger siblings in your family? It seems that you will take care of them very well."


Looking back at Shasha’s memory, the patter of rain, wearing a high school uniform, across the road, staring blankly at his younger brother and sister who was hugged by his father and an unknown woman...

"Strictly speaking, yes, but I don't think I am their elder brother. I don't know if I can look at the present and stand in front of their predecessors. People like me really have no confidence..."

Li Yan said with a smile.

"...They trust you, they will," the teacher said.

"Senior fool, what are you doing? Go back now." Gabriel turned around and shouted unceremoniously.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then wanted to say goodbye to the teacher again, only to find that his bald head was long gone, and he was out of sight. He was looking ahead. Under the golden sunset, the four girls stepped up and walked down the street. Turning their heads one after another, looking at him with a smile, like fragments of memory, beautiful and precious.

"……it is good!"

Li Yan tightened his white coat, responded with a smile, and walked up.

He didn’t get along with his younger siblings, and perhaps he would never be able to experience the feelings of his younger siblings again. Brotherhood was not established at the beginning, but God seemed to have mercy on him and brought this group of angels to him. He also hoped So, this time is forever, no matter what, these are his family's existence.

Chapter 108 The Enemy's Narrow Road, Angels and Evil Dragons

The entrance of Tokyo University.

The sun was shining at this moment, and the green trees on both sides swayed slightly in the breeze and made a rustling sound, which seemed so peaceful in front of the entrance of this large school.

In front of a traditional gate, Li Yan returned to the entrance of this university. Last time I remembered tearing up the admission ticket here, and met the enigmatic paper-eater in the snow. He originally thought His own hopes of hitting the top three Japanese universities in the world of physics on the university academic rankings are very slim. As a result, he became the only foreign student selected for the physics department of the school this year.

After going through all the admission procedures here, Li Yan looked back at the university where he was going to study for the next four years. It is still a bit difficult to understand why he chose this university and why he chose physics.

The original intention was just a momentary obsession...

He always felt that if he was selected, he must have the principles of the world.As the scientific basis for reborn people, there is also an understanding of this world full of monsters, souls, fantasy and reality.

Science is not an endless superstition, nor is it blindly denying everything. He has always believed in this belief.But to find the truth of the world through physics, which is almost something that only God can do, he felt that this was a little wishful thinking, to pry into God's secrets.

At the moment, in February, the students who were admitted to the University of Tokyo have basically come here to take pictures. After Li Yan has completed the admission procedures, this physics freshman seems a bit late to arrive.

"Li, what are you doing in a daze? Come over to take pictures. You are the protagonist today."

Suddenly, under a clear breeze, Li Yan recovered slightly. He turned around and looked around. As a result, his editor Kagurazaka Changbu had already held the camera with a beaming expression, ready to take pictures of Li Yan. Photo.


Li Yan, who turned around, was directly photographed by Kagurazaka Ayame turning around.

Kagurazaka Ayame checked the photo, smiled satisfied, and typed OK for Li Yan.


Li Yan couldn't help laughing. It was obviously that he was admitted to the university, but this group of people was more excited than him, and their excitement in turn drove his joy. There is a saying in the heart: sharing happiness is happiness , Perhaps it is indeed the case.

This afternoon, a group of people who had been running around with him came here instead of his family to celebrate him. Young writers Shitong Guoguang and Kusuna Longhui, these two are already semi-professional writers. That’s why I have time to come over, and students like Kasumigaoka Shiwa, Ying Riri, and sister control Izumi Masamune, after all, are still in class time, so they will come to a party at a pub in the evening to celebrate the success of the exam together. The arduous process and drama of the exam have worried them for a month.

"It's the first time I've been to this place. After all, I never thought I had the opportunity to see Dongda." Ryuki Kusanagi raised his head and looked at the door number of [University of Tokyo, Japan], and said thoughtfully.

"Haha, yes, after all, this university is not accessible to everyone. Mr. Uesugi is really a hardworking and smart guy." Shitong Guoguang smiled at Li Yan and said.

"Ahem, Teacher Lion, don't forget what we reminded before we started." Kusanaru Longhui immediately coughed a few times to remind him.

Lion boy Guoguang was taken aback for a moment, then showed an apologetic expression, and immediately agreed and said, "Sorry, I forgot it for a while. I will definitely not next time. I am also emotional for a while."

After all, a name like [Uesugiyan] is a sensitive word on almost many occasions, even worse terms than gangsters and perverts. There are hundreds of thousands of fans, including those who don’t know how many anime fans have watched the fifth season without reading novels. , What kind of "beautiful" encounter when they meet an old thief who makes them love and hate...

"Let's go over, after the single photo is taken, of course it is a group photo!"

After Shitong Guoguang watched Kagura Banchangpu took several pictures of Li Yan at the door, he felt that the time was almost up, and immediately followed.

Kusanaru Ryuki's gangster dress almost didn't match the style of this school. At first, he was reluctant to come here to take pictures. But when the three of them took pictures together, they all smiled in front of Kagurazaka Ayame. Although I may have regrets of having an exam, I am not disgusted with this palace that I have longed for.

"Very well, everyone, it's golden light." Kagurazaka Ayame said with a bright smile.

Next, Kagurazaka Ayame himself wanted to join in, but he did not find anyone around who could help with taking pictures. Suddenly, a girl wearing a warm vest, who looked very quiet and graceful and beautiful, passed by the school gate. Facing Kagurazaka Iris, she noticed it, and immediately, she raised her hand to say hello: "Classmate over there, can you please trouble me?"


The girl was taken aback for a moment, then looked over.And Li Yan and the others also looked back, as if the spring breeze had advanced, the quiet and beautiful woman was as gentle as a flower, so quiet and graceful.She noticed Li Yan, and Li Yan also noticed her, all in a daze.

"Isn't this classmate Li?" The girl who had met not long ago smiled and looked at Li Yan enthusiastically, and asked.

"Huh? Teacher Uesugi, do you have a senior in this university?!" Shitong Guoguang was surprised and asked immediately.

"No, it's just a senior sister I met occasionally during the exam, and didn't even know her name."

Li Yan explained.

He didn't expect to meet this young girl again after coming back.

"It's more perfect than the literary girl described in my book..." Kusanaru Ryuki commented in astonishment.

"Don't care about it, it would be better if you know each other. We are Li's friends. Now Li is admitted to this university, you are also Li Jun's friend. Can you help us take a photo?"

Kagurazaka Ayame asked with a smile.

"Okay." The girl smiled and said.

She took the professional camera of Kagurazaka Acorus, and after listening to Kagurazaka Acorus's explanation, she picked up the camera, and after carefully grasping the angle at Kagurazaka Acorus and others, she took a picture.

"Alright." The girl smiled again, like an angel, and said.

"It's been a long time, senior sister." Li Yan said to her politely.

"Yeah, long time no see, classmate Li...no, I should be called Xuedi Li now. When the results list was announced before, I was curious why you didn't come here. Obviously there is a name on it. Now it looks like you should have gone out of town. The last time I left in a hurry, I didn't talk for a while. I will introduce myself..."

This incredible beautiful girl smiled and stood in front of this antique building, her black warm clothes looked so beautiful and elegant, and said, "My name is Toko Amano. I just entered this university last year. Special admissions for the department are different from students like Li Jun. I have nothing to do except like reading books. Please take care of me."

"Please take care of..."

Li Yan was a little surprised. It turned out that he was really a student of the Department of Literature, and he was specially recruited to this university. I am afraid that this girl's literary level has already reached its peak.

"Oh, I'm about to go to class. Sorry, I had already overslept in a nap. If you slow down, you will be scolded by the teacher. Next time I will talk to you. Everyone, I will go back first."

Toko Amano smiled, bowed slightly, and after looking at Li Yan, he hurried back to the school gate holding some of his books.

"...Your senior sister is really not a simple person."

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