I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 162

The little girl with white hair also thought quietly.

Evil dragon...

Apart from demons, this is the most hated and hostile race in the heavens.

Chapter 109 The Unscrupulous Girl Group in Other Worlds

On the dark streets, Xiaolin stood in front of the ditch and retched, but couldn't vomit anything. As a result, he turned around in a circle, and was supported by Li Yan who was waiting behind him and took him home.

"Huh, I thought it was who was in that wing... It turned out to be you. I have rarely seen you during these hours... I didn't expect to learn to start in and out of the wine house like adults."

Xiao Lin Jiu, who was sitting down in the aisle in front of the door, woke up a little, blushing and smiling while looking at Li Yan and said.

Xiao Lin, wearing those bright glasses, looked listlessly nerdy whether he was drunk or not. He was probably in her twenties and was temporarily confirmed as an unmarried woman. She seemed to be a more senior working nerdy.

"It's true that I haven't seen each other for a while, Senior Xiaolin." Li Yan said as he sat next to her and was very happy to meet an acquaintance.

"So, where have you been this period of time, have you been working all the time... Didn't you just finish the college exams recently? How are your grades?" Xiaolin asked incoherently, his eyes gloomy.

Li Yan sat next to her, thought carefully, and said, "Yes, I applied to five universities, but one of them was admitted, but I still didn't pass the ideal major and school. Don’t you know that too? Senior Kobayashi, my family is in crisis. Even if I go back, I can’t help anything at home. The family puts hope in me to go to a good university and inject hope into the family’s future... Sometimes hard work is not always necessary. There will be good results..."

"It turned out to be like this... It seems that you have had a very hard time during this period. I understand that I suffered a lot of crimes when I was admitted to the university. They were all the same. I didn't get admitted to the ideal university. Becoming a programmer whose hair will fall out and people will age... Isn’t that also very unsatisfactory. Until now, the marriage has not settled, so I can only drink alcohol..."

Kobayashi raised his head and looked at the sky with a smile on his face, and said, "But I still intend to continue to live a good life. This is a human being. It cannot be smooth sailing. You must give something to understand some things that you did not understand in life. You. Didn’t you pass the university entrance examination? Just keep in mind and don’t be an IT.”

"...Professional, it is really not a programming technique, although I like technical work like programming engineering." Li Yan said.It seems that he also feels that people who have worked have never recommended his profession. After all, as long as it is a job, he would not think that this is a pleasant profession.

Although she has always been a sister word secretly, but after all, the customs here in Japan are different. If you communicate in Japanese in front of you, you are still regarded as a senior.

After all, he was the first person I knew from the very beginning. After the one Li Yan swallowed the medicine, he replaced himself in this world and chose to start again. However, facing the dilemma of no source of life, almost all of the first month I worked part-time in convenience stores and bars. Later, when I came back late at night, I met a neighbor named Kobayashi who was drunk at his door.

After taking care of her for a whole night, she didn't even figure out whether she was a male or a female. After all, she looked neutral, but she didn't have a beard or a Adam's apple, so she was basically female.

After taking care of him that day, she began to take care of him. Not only did she often bring him lunch boxes, but she also gave him financial help during the most difficult period of the first month, so Li Yan respected this senior neighbor.

Only in these recent times, half of him could only occasionally meet Xiaolin when he was going up and down the stairs in the morning, so he had less contact, and he often chatted on the line.

"So, how? What university did I get into? I don’t know if I have heard of it. I’m not familiar with university. But any university is good. You will have a bright future when you study well. My university is not What a decent university, it's broken..."

Xiao Lin asked with a smile.

It was already night on the street, and a little snow began to fall in the sky. The streets were brightly lit in the cold winter. People coming and going began to drink and chat, and Tokyo’s nightlife quietly kicked off.

But suddenly, a roar broke the silence and attracted the attention of many passersby.

"Are you kidding me? You got into such a good university, and you are still talking bitterly with me?!"

"No, really not!"

At the entrance of the bar, Li Yan was directly strangled by Xiaolin’s neck with one hand, and the whole face was pressed directly on her chest. Li Yan inexplicably smelled a fairly good smell, her chest was soft, and she was surprised to notice this Kobayashi is really a woman!

"Forget it, you hateful presenter, enjoy your life like a winner, now that your wings are hard, don't show your dissatisfaction... and, congratulations."

After knocking Li Yan on the head, Xiao Lin staggered up and said with a drunken smile.

"Um... it really hasn't changed, Senior Kobayashi."

Li Yan smiled, stood up, and went in with Xiaolin, not daring to let the group of people wait too long.


Suddenly, in Li Yan's consciousness, the editing system sent a reminder again, making him a moment of surprise. He naturally knew that Xiaolin was just a virtual character to his original world, but after identifying it once, the system It won't be recognized a second time, so there should be other characters around.

"...Forget it." Li Yan didn't intend to delve into it, and walked into the doorway of a curtain.


However, the two of them had just entered the wine house, and under the falling snowy weather, there was a dark figure trembling with anger, almost looking like he was going to explode.

"Hate, I hate..."

The shadow of resentment exudes resentment, thinking in pieces.

"Who is this small and filthy man, actually put his head directly into Kobayashi's arms, only I can smell the smell on Kobayashi's chest, but I haven't smelled it yet. I can't forgive it. I almost want to take him. You can't chew every bone!"

A resentful figure hiding under the telephone pole whispered angrily, the red glowing pupils staring at Li Yan's back, her thin hand almost crushed the telephone pole.

"Master Thor, what are you doing here? Kobayashi is in." A little white-haired girl behind her said calmly.

"I know, but haven't you seen it, Kang Na, that fellow, the smelly and dirty man has done something to Xiao Lin!"

The young girl named Thor said to her angrily.

"...I saw Xiao Lin's hands, she was a little bit dissatisfied..." Kang Na said sternly.

"Shut up! You may have eaten something, and you have hallucinated your eyes. No, I have to warn that guy well. It's obviously a weak creature, so I don't get too proud of it."

Conna stared at Thor with angrily gritted teeth, and thought: "Tor is already mad and delirious. Judging by the breath, I always feel that that person is a monster, almost irrelevant to human beings. It’s not someone with a unique identity, Thor will suffer a rash attack like this... After all, God’s running dogs seem to be here too, I don’t know if that God will ambush us around, Master Thor must be dangerous to do so."


At 7:30, the banquet has basically eaten almost the same, and the topics are almost the same. As a foreigner, Li Yan, although he has the same appearance as them, is talking and laughing in the tatami world. , The style of drinking sake still makes him feel quite like it, but he still feels a little uncomfortable.

Especially the awkward dance performed by the drunk Kagurazaka Ayame, which almost prevented him from looking directly at his editor in the future, so he had to come out and breathe.

"Just buy some drinking water to bring to Teacher Yinglili and Xia Shizi in the car. They will probably be very late when they go back. It would be better if I send them back directly..."

Li Yan thought, he felt more and more that he should take a Japanese driver's license.

When he just walked into the corridor, suddenly, a very gentle girl voice came from behind him.

"Excuse me, are you Xiaolin's friend?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. He turned around and saw a beautiful girl wearing a maid costume with long golden hair, rose red eyes and a pair of strangely decorated heads. She smiled a little sweetly. Looked at him quietly.

"Eh, maid?! Is there a maid and waiter in this store?"

Li Yan looked at her in surprise and thought.Moreover, it seems to be blond double ponytail again.

But soon, a system prompt came from his consciousness again, letting him understand that this girl is also a character in another world, but when she heard about Kobayashi, she replied: "It should be regarded as a friend, but it is more accurate. I am the junior she takes care of, may I ask you?"

"Hello, I am the maid of Xiaolin's family, my name is Thor. Sir, please stop approaching Xiaolin in my house."

Tolton's face was taken aback, and he warned with a smile.

"...Huh?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"Why? Isn't this obvious? Me and Xiaolin are just right, cough cough, do you know how despicable your behavior is? What is such a behavior called a third party? NTR! If you are acquainted, stop approaching the owner of my house."

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