I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 164

Gabriel sneezed suddenly, and she began to adjust the power of the Doomsday Horn. Just blowing it would be enough to make this dragon blast into the sky. This was the sacred artifact she got from God the Father as the chief graduate.

"Hmm, since you are a dragon, it just so happens that the envoy [Alexander] I have been training since I was a child is the legendary hell dragon, let you see the strength of my loyal subordinates! Come out, hell The source of evil, Alexander!"

Suddenly, Satania, as the pioneer, started first, and she immediately summoned a flying dragon to come out, and the cute fire dragon, like a mascot, appeared in the light of magic.

"Come on, release your power, Alexander!" Satanya waved his hand confidently and shouted.

Alexander was just about to take action. Suddenly, Thor's figure suddenly swelled, a cold wind stirred, and suddenly, a huge dragon was entrenched on the roof, looking down at Alexander. .

Alexander was motionless in front of Satania's eyes, but suddenly became limp and fell directly to the ground with a splash, pretending to be completely dead.

"What's wrong with you, Alexander?!"

Satanya shouted worriedly.

"...It's really embarrassing." Gabriel shook her head and said with contempt.

Immediately, Gabriel began to stretch her wings, exuding a burst of white light, holding a horn in one hand, ready to start confronting Thor head-on. After all, a dragon like Thor said the words of the attack declaration before, and she would not Will sit idly by, her knight, no one can touch.

It was also the first time for Li Yan to see Gabriel in the form of a real angel.

For a time, the smell of gunpowder became strong, and war was about to start.

Li Yan bit his scalp and finally figured it out. He wanted to stop this kind of war. He was just about to go out from the door. At this moment, a voice came from behind him.

"Tor, are you up there?"

Suddenly, a neutral girl's voice shouted downstairs.

"Everything shook this building, are you messing up again?"

When Xiaolin staggered up to the ground, he suddenly saw Li Yan at the top of the stairs. He was slightly surprised and asked, "Li, are you here too?"

"...I, I also just came up, and heard some strange noise, come and see." Li Yan panicked and said with a smile.

"Oh, too... At first I thought it was an earthquake... but after the phone confirmation, there was no such thing... By the way, let me go and take a look first to see if the two children in my family are there..."

Xiao Lin, who was still drunk, noticed something, and began to feel more energetic, as if hiding something, and hurriedly passed Li Yan, holding the guardrail up.

Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He realized that Kobayashi's voice had a great impact on Thor and others, and immediately realized that perhaps he could use Thor's influence to stop this fight, and he would not reveal that he knew they were angels. thing.

Probably...similar to all the stories, almost none of the messengers from the heavens can reveal their identity, otherwise there will be trouble.He also does not want to change this current relationship.

Immediately after Li Yan walked out, he saw that the rooftop was already quiet, and almost nothing happened on Thor and Gabriel.

"Xiao Lin, why are you here..."

Thor is like a little woman at the moment, asking shyly and scaredly.

But the stall in front of Kobayashi's chest that was thrown over by the shock had already said everything.

"What are you doing here...huh? Are you Li's school girls? My kids didn't cause you trouble, right?" Xiaolin smiled and looked at them and asked.

"No, no, we just chatted on the top of the building... now it's okay, haha..."

Vignette stood up with a bitter smile and explained.

"What are you doing here?"

At this time, Li Yan also came over and asked.

"...Senior, we're helping you..." Satania immediately wanted to blurt out everything, but Wanet sealed her mouth with her hand behind her.

"We are looking at the scenery. It's snowing again. I ran into Miss Thor here, senior, are you coming to see us?"

La Fei Er walked out in time and asked with a smile.

"Well, that's the case, probably you are going back now, but you can't find where you are." Li Yan said.

Finally, the incident of two protoss level monsters fighting against each other was stopped, and Li Yan was also relieved a little.

"It seems to be going back earlier today, Li, are you going back too, it seems to be on the way, do you want to call a taxi to go back together?"

In the dark sky and snow in the sky, Kobayashi stood between Thor and Conna, who exuded strong arrogance, and asked with a drunken smile.

"No, I have some other friends who want to send it off. It will be a bit late before I can go back. Senior Kobayashi, take a good rest."

Li Yan stood among the dissatisfied and hostile faces of Gabriel and Winnett. The cold wind was blowing on the corners of his clothes, hunting and hunting, and said with a smile.


But they all have an inexplicable feeling in their hearts. They always feel like they are the leaders of a group of gangsters, and the atmosphere of speaking is a bit heavy.


Tonight, after bidding farewell to Ying Lili and Shiyu, Izumi Masamune and Shitong Guoguang and others were sent away. A lively celebration banquet was also successfully concluded.

At night, Li Yan began to write the first chapter of the sixth volume in front of the computer. It was not until late at night that he turned off the lights and went to bed. Hearing the noisy noises from Xiaolin, he didn't know now. , It turned out that Senior Xiaolin’s dormitory had an incredible adventure this time.

However, he still felt that he did not approve of same-sex love. Although he was a little nosy, he still didn't intend to push his friends into the fire after looking back at the various care experiences that Xiaolin gave him.

"...In the future, it is estimated that encountering Thor and the others will be a narrow road to the enemy, after all, they quarreled."

Li Yan closed his eyes and listened quietly to the sound of a video game coming downstairs. It was a game he bought for Gabriel when he came back. Gabriel has been playing it all the time. Today’s experience, he Always remember her silent sacrifice.Gradually, he fell asleep.

The next morning, at seven ten ten, suddenly, the doorbell of his room was pressed, causing him to get up in a daze and look at Maoyan.

As a result, he saw a figure whom he had just met yesterday, and Thor was standing at the door of his house, causing him to take a breath of cold.

Maybe, today I took the opportunity to come over and eat his "rival in love"...

"Pretend not to be at home..." Li Yan thought to himself.

However, Thor waited for a while, but he said outside the door: "I can smell Mr. Li, don't worry, I didn't come here for a quarrel today. After listening to Kobayashi's comments on you yesterday, I was relieved. , So I have one thing to ask Mr. Li."


As a result, Li Yan secretly opened a crack in the door, looked at Thor who was smiling at the door sneakily, and asked carefully: "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

"Take care of Kang Na for me. Kobayashi is going to Hokkaido on a business trip today, so I plan to go there with her, but you also know that for a honeymoon between two couples, three people can never go together, so one day That’s it, there shouldn’t be a problem with this child on your side."

In front of Thor, Conna has been quietly raising her head to look at him, being pressed on his shoulders by Thor's hands, she looks very cute and quiet.

"...It can be, if you take care of it for a day, but why suddenly feel so relieved to me, always feel a little strange?"

Li Yan asked with a puzzled look.

However, the words Thor replied completely broke Li Yan's heart.

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