I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 194

The landlady raised her head, smiled and said something to Li Yan, her voice was too small, as if only Li Yan could hear it.

However, Shiina Zhenbai saw that Li Yan's expression was shocked for an instant, and his whole body was shocked. Then, he slowly put away his hand, and his whole face became a little sad.

Looking at the back of the young man without understanding, she walked over, stretched out her hand, and pulled Li Yan's sleeve.


Li Yan came back to his senses. He saw Shiina Shiro's snow-white expression and seemed to have read the emotions of concern. His complex eyes gradually subsided. Finally, he recovered his calm and smiled.

"Has it been signed?" Li Yan asked.

Shiina Masaki nodded and handed Li Yan a copy of the lease. Li Yan looked at it and did not see any suspicious items. After making sure that there were no mistakes, Li Yan returned the contract to Shiina Masaki, and then he was A landlord lady who sat back on the sofa said: "Thank you for helping me figure this out. I will think about your suggestions after I go back."

After Li Yan had talked to the landlord, he took Shiina Masashi and prepared to leave the house.

"Lee, whether people or other creatures are good, most of the time in life is loneliness. Grow hard is the best game you can play in loneliness. Try to break this situation and try to change Be stronger."

The woman smiled, her voice seemed to be much calmer, she lost the sense of liveliness she had before, and was a little more stable, she suggested.

Li Yan, who was walking in the true white of Shiina, walked under the sun, his somewhat sad eyes finally turned into a wave of anger and unwillingness. He seemed to feel that his body was a little hot and he pulled off the tie in the sweater clip with both hands. Turned around and said seriously: "I won't be alone anymore. As long as there is someone I want to see, I won't be alone anymore... My destiny is still in my control, and I will try my best to master this. An initiative."

After walking out of the house, it seemed that the morning sun became stronger and stronger, and the golden light shone on the quiet residential street, and also on him and Zhen Bai.


Shiina, wearing a large white coat, was really white, and her golden hair was a little gleaming in the sun. She quietly followed Li Yan, looking at the contemplative Mr. Holmes who had just said a serious and focused word.

"That... Shiina..."

Li Yan stopped and said to Shiina Zhenbai.

After the meditation, he opened his eyes, and there was a bright golden sunrise in his eyes.

"I'm afraid... I'll be the lone star of the gods all my life."


While sitting on the bus, getting off from the station, and walking back to the familiar street in the residential area of ​​Shinjuku, suddenly, a group of familiar people stood at the door of the Yiyuan Apartment, which made Li Yan a little stunned. .


Li Yan let out a puzzled voice.

Shiina Masashi was also taken aback, looking at the group of people, silent.

This group of people are not others. They are the Sakura Village and the group they met two days ago. Apart from the last time they met, there was a man and a woman who didn’t know each other. Among them, the middle-aged teacher with short hair was also inside. When Li Yan and Shiina Zhenbai came back, they immediately refreshed and looked at them.

"Huh, I finally came back."

The teacher named Chihiro Chihiro and Shiina Mashiro's cousin looked at them and said hello.

"Shiina's cousin and her classmates, what can you do when you come here?" Li Yan asked curiously.

"Sir, who are you?"

Chihiro Chihiro seemed to have forgotten Li Yan, and asked curiously.

They can't be blamed for this, but it was raining after dark, and the visibility was naturally extremely poor. Except at the last moment, Li Yan hurriedly played. He didn't even introduce himself, so naturally no one could recognize him.

"My name is Li Yan, an international student at a university and a colleague of Miss Shiina. I work for Sanwa Bunko together. Please advise."

Li Yan's original impression of them was not very good, but because the other party was Shiina's cousin, he introduced himself well.

Chihiro Chihiro Chihiro gave a slight bow and said, "Oh, it's from Sanhe Bunku. That's it. Thank you for taking care of my cousin these days. Today I will take her back to Sakura Village."


Suddenly, Li Yan was shocked slightly. He originally thought that after Shiina Zhenbai made a choice that night, everything was over. Who would have expected this teacher and cousin woman to come here to take Go her.

Most importantly, what should he do with the 15% rent discount he just got?

Shiina Mashiro also reacted and looked at the group of Sakura Sho.

Li Yan coughed a few times, shook his head, and said, "Sorry, this is definitely not possible. I just took Shiina to the landlord to sign the contract. Although he is a minor, he has the ability to make decisions about renting a house. Legally valid, the deposit and rent have been handed in..."

"I guessed this too, just don't just leave it. Anyway, this has nothing to do with taking away Zhenbai, and her family's money does not lack this."

Chihiro Chihiro thought he was going to say something, but when he heard about money, he directly interrupted Li Yan's words and denied his reasons.

"Uh, what did you say, don't you just stop it?!"

Li Yan asked in astonishment.

You know, after all, this is Shinjuku, one of the most expensive areas in the world for rent. Although the rented house is a single apartment, the monthly rent for a month is about 100,000 yen, and the deposit has always been two of the rent. Double, adding up the deposit and rent together cost almost 300,000 yen. Shiina Mashiro just lived here for about two days, and in the end, he said no, no, he always felt that the other party's decision was too casual.

"It’s white, don’t make a fuss. Although I do let you choose where to live, in the final analysis, students should live in student life apartments. Outside is too dangerous for you as a student, let alone you still I don’t know how to take care of myself. I am not only your cousin, but also your teacher. As expected, you are still not allowed to live outside, so come back with me."

Chihiro Chihiro, with a calm face, walked up to Shiina and said to Shiina.

"I want to live here."

Shiina looked at them and said.

"Huh, I knew you wouldn't go back with me so easily, so everyone at Sakura Village decided to come and persuade you." Chihiro Chihiro sighed slightly, propped up and said.

"Yeah, yeah, really white sauce, our dormitory is very good, the room is clean and spacious, and we live in very interesting people!"

The girl named Ume Kusaki persuaded her with a smile.

"... Mr. Senshi seems to be worried about you living outside alone, so I still think about it. We are all students, and we will have a caring for each other." Kanda said with a smile.

A single ponytail hairstyle, dark brown hair color, and a pretty face. His expression has always been more modest and serious. It seems that he has never seen such a beautiful foreign student who wants to live in Sakura Village. She was shocked. She looked embarrassed from start to finish, and finally seemed to look at Kanda Sorata’s embarrassed expression, and finally said: "Yes, that... Shiina, although I don’t quite understand what happened, I I also feel that it is most suitable for students to live in a student apartment."


Li Yan cared slightly. He seemed to think in his mind that their reasons were reasonable, and the safest place for students to live was the student apartment.


"Sorry, although I am an outsider, it is not good to say too much, but Shiina came to live in Japan, and I have some responsibility. If you want my colleague Shiina to go back, I would like to ask a few questions."

Li Yan stood up again. He knew that his position seemed a bit awkward. Just as the words said, he was responsible for Shiina's current situation. If it was a common problem apartment, it would naturally not need to be so arduous, but he After much deliberation, there are still problems that cannot be ignored in places like Sakura Village.


The others were taken aback for a moment, and once again looked at this young man who was wearing thin clothes on a cold day, and after being so cold to say a few words, could not help but cough a few times.

"I and the people in the editorial department have already known that there are serious problems in Sakura Village. Let alone poor management, the dormitory system where men and women live together, it seems that Ms. Senshi, as a dormitory teacher, you are not doing your job properly. I have always neglected the management of the students in the dormitory. And I also heard that there is a boy in the same dormitory who often goes out there, or the student has an improper relationship with a few women. If it is his own private life, I can’t control it, but he lives Under one roof, I feel that Sanhe and Wenku should not place this excellent painter in such a dangerous student apartment."

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