I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 200

"...Uh, I always feel... that scarecrow is moving... coming over here?"

It was obviously cold, but suddenly, Qingshan Qihai's forehead got nervous and sweated, and asked in a low voice.

"Youkai," Shiina hinted.

"Hmm...If you saw it a long time ago, you would have reminded us to run away sooner!"

Suddenly, Qingshan Qihai's face turned blue, as if taking a deep breath, her chest was lifted up with her shoulders, and she couldn't speak at first, but suddenly broke out, grabbing her white hand. , Reacted quickly and ran away in this vast paddy field with Shiina Masashi.

However, I have only walked the paddy field for about a few minutes, but every time I ran towards the village, I always heard a [ding!'S bell rang, suddenly, the eyes shook, but I don’t know why, I went to an unknown paddy field path, and the scarecrow continued to run towards them tightly, Qi Hai's face suddenly turned greener. , Hurriedly ran away in the rice fields with Shiina Mashiro...


The subway entrance closest to the Yurakucho Line is located in a relatively remote place outside the Forest Park. It is close to noon at the moment. This remote subway entrance is deserted and sparsely populated.With a nervous look, Li Yan had just walked down the stairs before he thought whether the money in his pocket could buy the tickets for the important Yurakucho line.

"do not care."

Suddenly, Li Yan became distressed, and then told the station staff that it is okay to mortgage the student ID, but also to get the ticket for the station.

He is more and more aware of Sayuri’s pressure. If she is really the same as what she said, the woman has been crazy enough to kill innocent people. She was planning to do it last night. Today, she would never think that she would pretend to be him. Luring Shiina Mashiro and the others to go outside, avoiding the guardianship of the angels and evil dragons in the apartment building, it was really hard to guard against.

Suddenly, just hurriedly down the stairs, passing by a stall where you can often see smuggled CDs, Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and hurried back to the area in the middle of the stairs, looking at the shopkeeper selling CDs in amazement. .

She has a beautiful and exquisite appearance, emerald green eyes, black gorgeous kimono, and black and beautiful long hair. She stands quietly in front of the street waiting for guests like a delicate doll. She realizes that Li Yan has noticed her. I was puzzled for a while, looked away, and asked: "Sorry... our shop refuses to give a dream to a customer named Li Yan."

"No, no, I won't look at your Wanhua mirrors..." Li Yan narrowed his eyes and said negatively.

"Just kidding..."

Lianhua looked at him calmly, hesitated for a while and continued: "It's been a long time, Jun Li."

"Yes, but now I'm in a hurry. I won't talk about gossip for the time being, Lianhua, I'm so lucky to see it. Now that I can do me a favor, my friend has encountered a monster called twirling. The situation is unknown, and the distance is far away, can you help me repel that monster?"

Li Yan asked Lianhua seriously.

"...Monster? Are you so weird?"

Lianhua has no idea where the monster mentioned by Li Yan can be blamed. A big monster like Madara can be hit with one punch. One person can survive against ten thousand ghouls. Now all the curse of hell clearly prohibits ordering. A human named [Li Yan], this is the first time in the history of hell.

"It's not the time to be joking. For the sake of acquaintances, can you help me?" Li Yan didn't agree with Lian Hua's feelings, and continued to ask in a hurry.

"...Wriggling away, such a monster is a kind of monster formed by a collection of resentment. I have heard of such a monster in my time. The ancients would tie people who thought they were guilty to a wooden frame, because The hands and feet are tied for too long and it is extremely painful, so I try to twist my body to get rid of the bondage. The monsters turned into by extreme resentment will make the human mental breakdown seen at close range...Most human mental breakdowns, but, sorry, if I am You cannot interfere with any outside existence without being signed. This is the rule of hell."

As Lianhua was talking, she recalled something and smiled and said: "I heard that you sent a text message to Ai and asked about some things. The other party is allowed to send emails, but you are not allowed to receive emails at will. Hell is not allowed. If you help others, it’s good not to drag them in... But I can’t help you get rid of the monsters, but it’s okay to give you answers."

"...I see, are you rich now? It's okay to lend me a little money for a ride?" Li Yan looked a little lost. He knew the rules over there were strange and illogical, so he didn't bother Lianhua anymore. Reach out and borrow some money.

After borrowing some money, Li Yan continued to move towards the destination, but when heading to the subway front desk, Lianhua walked quietly to keep up. She was asked to answer some questions for him temporarily, even slowly. On foot, they followed Li Yan's quick steps.

As a result, I bought a ticket. As soon as he got into the station, Li Yan had just arrived at the station and the subway car entered the platform. After he entered, he found that there were still a lot of people, so he had to squeeze into a corner of a car to avoid it. Idlers, eyes and ears, keep in touch with Lianhua at all times.

In the corner of the carriage, Lianhua is petite, just below Li Yan’s neck. The two are close to each other. Li Yan holds a mobile phone in one hand and pretends to have been chatting on the line, while the other is supporting him. On the pole, to prevent people from squeezing in, it is regarded as protecting the lotus that no one can see.

Lianhua was very happy. Although she was leaving her job without permission, her expression was still leisurely and careless.At this moment, Lianhua was taken aback when he heard something that Li Yan had already wanted to ask Yan Moai.

"You mean the woman set up a row of lanterns by the river and set a river lantern in the river when the other party was cursing ugliness?"

After listening to Li Yan's question, Lianhua was taken aback and asked.

She thought carefully and smiled and said: "This method is the first time I have seen it, but it is a very clever ritual, which is really good. This is a reference to the method of the Bon sacrifice, lighting the lamp, and guiding the lost The grievances lost in the dark, and we believe that most human souls come from water, and the river can send the soul back to hell, so the river lamp can also carry the soul through the Styx to the Paradise of Bliss. This is an effective way to resolve a very serious grievance, which explains why so many ugly curses have failed."

"That's it... But the atmosphere of the scene is too weird, and there is no explanation in the books and the Internet. All non-professional guesses will miss some details. Now listening to you, you can finally wash away Miss Sawamura's suspicion. Up."

Li Yan thought carefully.

At that time, in that wet and cold night, the cheeks wet by the cold rain had a look of loss. It turned out that she had been protecting the man named Spencer all the time. They all competed with the girl of Ugly Time who was called "Best Friend" by her in the ceremony. Each other's obsessions controlled that person's life. It is conceivable that she was under pressure. And the torture in the heart is very affordable.

"But why, that woman was so targeted at Shiina Zhenbai, but temporarily let go of me... Last night, she obviously felt that I was more dangerous, and she shaved my head directly... Well, could it?!"

Li Yan suddenly remembered that when Zhenbai participated in the investigation, he did not have any contact with suspicious cursing props at all, and had been doing another thing, that was painting.

"What's the matter?" Lian Hua realized what he was thinking of, and asked.

"I remember, maybe the reason for Shiina's attack is... It's a pity that the materials she painted are still in room 605, otherwise there must be very important clues." Li Yan whispered to Lianhua.

"...In this case, I can pick it up for you. What are the characteristics?" Lian Hua asked with a smile.

"Hey, is it really possible? It's to paint some cursed scenes and the scenery inside the shrine. She should have been colored last night. Are you going back to my dormitory to look for it?" Li Yan worried about the long way The girl of Ugly Time lacked enough time to snatch materials, asked.

"No need. In your dormitory you live the evil dragons from the west, the angels of destruction, and some other residents who can't provoke me. I don't dare to get too close, but I am the eman of the dream. Way to do some small things."

With that said, Lianhua stretched out her Qianqian hand, reached into Li Yan's clothes and fumbled for it. The soft and warm girl's palm was pressed against his thin shirt and stroking it, making Li Yan not understand Lianhua. What I am doing, I always feel that it is sexual harassment.


Li Yan did not dare to say anything. After all, the other party said that he was looking for drawings for him. Even if he was touched, he could only bear it. After all, he didn't think that such a murderous and unblinking woman should make such sexual harassment against men. behavior.

"Found it." Lianhua said softly.

Her hand did touch Li Yan’s clothes, but she didn’t have to do this. It was just that after covering her hand with Li Yan’s breath, she could escape the dragon’s sense of smell a little, otherwise her hand would invade. In that apartment, it's not surprising to be bitten...but it seems a bit addictive at the back. After getting the hand and touching it a little bit, she will never say these things.

A pile of drawings was suddenly hidden in Li Yan’s clothes. Li Yan immediately understood Lianhua’s purpose. He put the phone in his pocket and took out the drawings. As a result, the scenes of the curse of the Holy Land were all properly displayed in the drawings. The color is over.

Suddenly, Li Yan noticed the difference in bright colors. Every picture was painted with some strange white spots. At first it felt like a face, but gradually, there was a chill behind Li Yan, which seemed to be a picture. The hazy faces peered at them out of thin air.

This shows that Shiina Mashiro has indeed grasped the face of that woman more and more, and that's why the other party hurriedly started.

But I have to say that it is really incredible that Shiina Masashi can paint these with such calmness.

"You went to a place like this... that place is indeed a dangerous forbidden place for ordinary humans. It has been abandoned and is quite cursing." Lian Hua said after seeing the drawing.

"...Do you know such a place?" Li Yan asked curiously for a moment.

"Of course I know, there is the shrine where I and Yan Moai worked. It used to be the first hell communication place, but because the location is too remote, the business has been bad, so I often change the location of the shrine." Lianhua Explained seriously.

Li Yan always feels that the world is so small. The program production team did not find it well, but found the shrine of the girls of hell. No wonder there are so many wooden signs with names written on them. I don’t know how to kill them for hundreds of years. How many people were there.

"Sure enough, if you can contact Yan Moai or Lianhua in the first place, it won't be so hard. Unfortunately, no methods were used before. Now I add all the information collected."

Li Yan secretly thought.

Sayuri does everything possible to prevent him from being involved in this danger, so what exactly is she going to do next?



And at this time, when Lianhua was groping for Li Yan, he also felt that his mobile phone seemed to be disturbed by some evil spirit. Although he knew that he could not interfere with the grievances of the outside world, he looked at Li Yan's sad expression. As she thought quietly, she put her hand in front of his pocket quietly, and for a moment, the resentment was dispelled by the strong spirit.

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