I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 204


Li Yan looked at her in a melancholy manner under the low rain with his bangs. He didn't know how to explain this scene filled with too many people. He could only be questioned by Ying Lili, but could not say anything. It will cause more rumors, but it will not help.

The more nervous he was, the more he needed to be calm, and he tried his best to maintain Ying Lili's position.

But Ying Lili didn't seem to desire anymore to learn about the inside story and the truth. Her voice became more and more fragile, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she whispered, "Otaku Lee...you help me...what should I do? ...I'm so confused, I don't know what to do..."

Once, the first time I met Ying Lili, when I was going out to buy breakfast downstairs, a strange girl with blond hair directed the moving company to move some of her belongings from the door of the apartment building. He and her Occasionally looked at each other, they were just passersby...

It was never foreseen that she would be her first best friend to get him out of loneliness in the end.

He didn't know how Ying Lili was before he appeared, but he always felt that he should have cried more times...

In silence, Li Yan knelt down, stretched out his hand, and wiped the tears from Ying Lili's cheek with the only dry sleeve on his body. This is the only thing he can do for Ying Lili now, in the dim sky. Next, he looked at Ying Lili quietly after meditation, and said: "The result is not yet clear. The only thing that can be done now is to strive for the best result. I haven't helped you at this moment, just waiting in the dust. Before it settles, I will protect your happiness, Ying Lili."

After speaking, Li Yan stood up slowly. Under the thunder and lightning, his eyes became cold and complicated. Looking at this apartment, there was probably something that didn't belong to this world lingering.

After all, Ying Lili mentioned a key clue on the phone, which made him feel that even if the police could get in, it would be useless, and it would only be a gift.

Earlier, Ying Lili tried to make a call at home, but she actually answered it. As a result, she heard some eerie and weird children's voices.

--where are you?

Thanks to a series of events brought about by that TV Tokyo show, among the weird games in his world, the most famous ones are the Bloody Mary game, the dark four-corner game, and this weird game named "Hide and Seek Alone". Up...

He is a rebirth. He stepped into hell with one foot, and seemed to step into heaven with the other foot, and finally returned to the world. As a result, when the world was troubled time and time again, he had to fight desperately against the inhabitants of darkness. day.


Ying Lili wanted to stand up and went with Li Yan, but when he was about to leave, Li Yan signaled to refuse.

"Ying Lili, just stay here with everyone. Don't come close when you hear any strange noises. You will call the police after I come out."

Li Yan turned around and said to Ying Lili and the others.Then he glanced at Zhen Bai, motioned Zhen Bai to follow him, borrowed an umbrella from someone and handed it to Zhen Bai, a man and a woman hurriedly walked towards the mansion and disappeared into the cold black rain again. in.

Li Yan walked around this huge mansion looking for a suitable entrance, but he tried to beat it with a stone. There was no damage to the glass of the window. He didn’t believe that the Zecun family was so wealthy that they were willing to install bulletproof glass as windows. An unknown cursing force wrapped the entire house.

As a result, he still found a window leaning on the corridor on the first floor. Seeing through the light, it seemed that there was nothing. Li Yan chose to break in from here.

"Shiina, maybe there is something dangerous in it. I can't guarantee that I can handle it myself, so I have something to ask you... You have already taken the subway once, so you can help me find an invisible one. Can a helper come over? In the middle of the stairs in the Jingong Forest Park subway station, just say my name and she will probably come out. Can you do it by yourself?"

Li Yan turned his head, explained it carefully, and asked.


Shiina Mashiro stood in the heavy rain and nodded after listening to Li Yan's words.

She turned around, walked faster, and walked back holding the umbrella, but after walking two or three steps, she suddenly looked back at Li Yan who was standing outside the window. She had no expression or words, but she seemed a little worried. He, as a result, continued to walk back.

Finally, in the darkness, he was left alone. He touched the window again, and suddenly made a fist with his right hand, and slammed it against the cursed window. With a sound, it seemed that it was not just a glass quilt. To break, this piece of curse was unbearable for such a supernatural power and was crushed to pieces.

"Sure enough, my physique has the ability to restrain these things..." Li Yan retracted his hand and wiped his undamaged fist, thinking.

Li Yan opened the window and crawled in directly through the window.


The rustling rain outside suddenly became quieter after entering the dark room.

It was pitch black, Li Yan took out his mobile phone, began to look into the darkness, and explored Ying Lili's home step by step.

Da da da……

The drops of water dripping from the clothes made a crisp sound, dripping on the blanket in the corridor. At the beginning, he felt that this place... seemed too quiet. Quietness is the most feared sound. I have heard that there are several Individuals, including Ying Lili’s family, are trapped in the house, but there is a problem with being so quiet...

--where are you?

--where are you?he he he he he……


Suddenly, Li Yan was startled, and heard a weird voice coming from a corner not far away.

He realized something decisively, turned off the dim phone lights, slowed down his pace to prevent himself from making an obvious sound, but the strange sound became quieter and quieter and seemed to be gone.

"..." Li Yan only felt chilly all over, he suddenly felt what was going on with him, and had such a terrifying experience than a horror movie.

According to the information he had read, it was probably the movable doll that was released. Maybe it had a murder weapon in its hand. After being found, the consequences can be imagined...

As a result, among the flashing lightning outside the window, I saw blood marks on the stairs and in the corridors. I don't know how many people have been found. It is terrible...

Li Yan successfully went up to the second floor, and finally found a glowing room in a dark corridor.

He walked vigilantly towards the luminous room. Under the flickering light, he saw a blond British man lying in a pool of blood. He was probably middle-aged, but his face was very handsome. He received a good education and dressed gracefully, but he seemed to have a stab wound on his abdomen and his blood loss was serious.There was also a shotgun in the pool of blood. One of the shots was already loaded. It may have been attacked by evil spirits when the second round was loaded.

Although he didn't know him, Li Yan realized that this blond man seemed to be the one named Spencer. After all, his superior temperament provokes many disputes, and most of it is a man who hates the ugly girl. .

"Mr. Spencer who has a rosy face..." Li Yan glanced at him and thought.

With the rustling noise outside the window, Li Yan locked the door and wrapped the half-dead British man well. After stopping the blood loss, he could only stuff the man into the closet and hide him.But in a pool of blood, he picked up this shotgun and bullet box, thinking that it might be really lethal to the entity doll, so he took this dangerous weapon for self-defense, and took a look. Instructions in the bullet box.

However, he was worried about one thing...

Sayuri Sawamura, is it also in this apartment...

The sound of rain, the lonely darkness, a flash of thunder and lightning outside the window.

While holding a shotgun looking for other people in the corridor, he just walked to the top of the stairs. Suddenly, at the bottom of the stairs in the darkness, a cold wind blew head-on into his body.

It's cold, cold to the bones...

--Got you.

It seemed that it was not a human voice, it passed from hell like the voice felt by consciousness, the grinning smile was like a hunting surprise.

Li Yan clenched the shotgun tightly, and under the stairs in front of him, the sound of a babbled staircase pressing on the wooden stairs quietly passed through this terrifying house, a one and a half meter full of blood. Ragdoll ate the machete, staggered away from the darkness to show her face, and walked towards him step by step.

Li Yan's eyes sharpened, he held up the shotgun in one hand, pointed the muzzle at the strange thing that was being forced, and squeezed the trigger tightly, waiting for the opportunity.

Suddenly, Li Yan turned around and leaned down to stabilize the bottom plate, and directly pushed a muzzle on the forehead of the other huge mechanical doll that had been stabbed at him silently from the corridor behind him!!

Li Yan's cold eyes fixed on the doll that was also stained with blood, and the doll on the stairs behind him also made a sharp laugh. From behind him, Li Yan had already moved in an instant. trigger.

"Well, are there more than one?" Li Yan frowned.


Suddenly, a clear gunshot rang out from the mansion, and the fire light directly illuminated the mansion on the second floor, but it was quickly covered by the roar of Chunlei...

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