I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 209


"That's it, okay, then you all get in my car, one is going to the station, and the other is Shinjuku." Kagurazaka Ayame took out the car key and said.

"Edit Kagurazaka, can I make two suggestions?"

Suddenly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu put her hands with the bag in front of her abdomen and asked.

"Well, what's the matter?" Kagura Sakayama turned around and looked at Kasumigaoka Shiba curiously. For this serious and comprehensive girl writer, it is generally unnecessary, and she knows Shiba doesn't say too much. words.

"The first thing is what I mentioned to you before. This time, I will treat you and take everyone to Okinawa. The teacher has agreed."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a smile.

"Oh, did you agree? Actually, I really want to go to Okinawa. No, I want to go to Okinawa. I'll just wait for your notice. But for the cost, Kasushiko-teacher, just ask him to go. We A few people will pass at their own expense. After all, it is an agreement between the two of you. We won't be cheap this time. Haha, let them know quickly, Okinawa is a really good place."

Kagurazaka Aryu seems to be shining happily. Although the last trip took her three days of vacation, she still has more than 100 days of vacation. She has already planned to throw off her work package again. Then travel with a group of people you like.

"There is one more thing. Although I have some unauthorised claims, I still think that we should use the opportunity of the publication of the sixth volume to resolve the intense conflict between Uesugi and readers. Therefore, we must hold an autograph session for Uesugiyan. That's fine."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu continued.

"Eh... eh..."

A cold wind was blowing on Li Yan who was standing behind him. He looked at the conversation between Shiyu and Kagurazaka Iris with a look of astonishment. It seemed that he could not hear what they were saying next, and could only feel it. To that chilly sense of fear in my heart...

Chapter 133-Unbelievable Readers Gathered

In the afternoon, in Shinjuku, Tokyo, it was still that quiet and ordinary apartment building.

In the 405 room, the sound of video games is quite fierce. The room with curtains is a little dim. There are messy garbage bags and boxes everywhere. PS4 games connected to the Internet are hitting the dual choice of spreading fire and not spreading fire. In the middle, Jiabaili's face with dark circles numbly pressed the handle, and finally got through the game that was only possible to play.

Suddenly, the curtains were suddenly pulled open, and a bright sun shone into the room. As soon as the white-skinned Gabriel was exposed by the sun, he let out a terrible cry, blocked his eyes with both hands, and shouted in pain: " Ahhhh! Sunshine, I can't be hit by the sun!"

"...Do you think you are a vampire?" Li Yan stared at this rolling Gabriel with some irritation, and asked.

"Um... so don't touch my home randomly. Everyone's home has its own exclusive atmosphere, so don't put your knowledge of home into my world."

Gabriel retreated to a place where there was no sunlight, and said in protest.I don’t know how many days I have not combed my unkempt hair. It seems that I have skipped class several times these days, and my school bags have been dusty.

Standing by the window, Li Yan looked helplessly at this blond girl wearing sportswear, not sure if there was a blond girl wearing leggings, and sighed slightly, thinking that at least this one month has been somewhat restrained, and she cannot be forced to be able to. It was done overnight, and she could only wait for her to grow and improve.

Gabriel seemed to think of something, stretched out her hand, asking for something with an indifferent expression, and said, learning the Osaka accent, "Hey, I bought it. I'll be back so late. I have been waiting for a long, long time. Come on. Give me the game disc."

"I did buy it, but it took me a lot of effort. You haven't eaten lunch yet. Anyway, you should brush your teeth and wash your face first. Let's talk about it after eating." Li Yan put the shopping bag on the table and sat down at the table. , Said threateningly.

"What are you talking about, spiritual food, what do you need realistic food for? The game you bought is my lunch." Jiabaili squinted, digging his ears, while digging his ears. Explaining her philosophy poetically.


Li Yan looked sadly at this girl who had lost not only her angelic temperament, but also the temperament of ordinary girls. She felt that she, the guardian, would do something next. Maybe it would be like other otaku. Parents of the tribe, it’s impossible to raise their children into a dead house that has not been out for 40 years...

In the end, Gabriel reluctantly compromised, took out the bought bread from the refrigerator, and served it with milk. This typical American lunch fits her long golden hair.

"I have written the novel to about 100,000 characters. Thanks to your suggestions and hints, I will be able to enter the editing and publishing stage in the next week. Phew, otherwise, if you drag it on, you will really be killed by the readers. ."

Li Yan's laptop was in Gabriel's home, and he continued to write novels, typing and talking.Now there are only the last three to four thousand words of the plot, and after two days of writing, my work has come to an end.

"Oh, then quickly write... the online game is waiting for you to open up a new map." Gabriel inserted a bottle of yogurt with a cannula, and said lazily.

"By Wednesday of the next week, Sanhe Bunku intends to hold a fan signing event for me to take the opportunity to increase the sales of "Super Academy War". I also feel that writing alone cannot further increase the popularity of the work. Certain advertising is always needed. The activities can be supplemented, and I plan to prepare for the autograph session in the past few days..."

Li Yan went on to explain, revealing the company's arrangements for the next week to Gabriel.

But for an instant, Gabriel's face changed when she heard it, her hand holding the milk carton couldn't help but force, and the milk shot directly on her face, and she immediately "wow".

"Ah, my eyes..."

Li Yan heard Gabriel’s exclamation and immediately broke away from his concentration in writing. He immediately took out a tissue and wiped the clumsy Gabriel’s face, and asked suspiciously, "What happened suddenly?"

When Li Yan wiped the face of this cute girl with a height of less than 1.5 meters, suddenly there was white milk on the hair and cheeks of the one in front of him. He always felt a sense of sight, immediately. I feel that I have been in Japan for many years, and I have become a bit degenerate after being immersed in the rotten island culture.

"Anyway, it would be better to wipe it with a wet towel..." Li Yan said with a slight sweat on his forehead, sitting back on his seat with embarrassment on his face.

"...Oh." Gabriel didn't understand Li Yan and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. She stood up and wiped her face and hair in the washing room.

"Wait a minute, are you serious? If you are directly exposed to your fans under a pseudonym, you might be beaten to death." Gabriel suddenly remembered what she wanted to say next. With his fists clenched, he hurriedly stuck his head out of the bathroom and persuaded.

"Actually, it's not that exaggerated. After all, I'm only writing novels. Although I have been threatened many times, in general, everyone will not be so radical about the novel. Don't worry."

Li Yan sat in front of his laptop, smiled, and continued: "And my colleague Xia Shizi also thinks that I should reach a settlement with readers. Uesugiyan, who is not popular with everyone, should be changed. ."

"It does make sense, but I always think that things are too idealistic. But now that you have decided, it is not impossible to give it a try."

Gabriel continued to search with one hand in his pocket, and drank yogurt with one hand. She also felt that the author named Xia Shizi seemed to say something reasonable. Every time I saw him on Twitter, he collected more than hell. Strong demons have to make more curses and comments, and indeed they have to change their image slightly.

When she was curious, she went back to her pink laptop and searched for news about Uesugi’s autograph session in the forum she often visited. As a result, in front of her, she was basically noisy and belonged to Uesugi’s fans. At this moment, it is severely split. One part is in the alliance of [Joining the Hunting Group today], and the other is the camp that advocates [Peace and Love], which seems to be a feast show in the light novel interface.

"It seems...this is no longer a problem with the book itself. Uesugiyan's vocabulary was originally a fun place that easily caused a lively topic." Jiabaili suddenly understood something, thought.

However, it is unclear whether the peace faction or the struggle faction will win before next Wednesday...

After she finished her lunch, she took out the game discs that have received much attention without saying anything, but saw a line in the disc box that said [In the days to come, please take care of me-Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to Li Yansang .

"Well, who wrote the messy words on my Collector's Edition game disc?!" Gabriel gritted her teeth, and the first series of Collector's Edition games lost their original value.

As a result, time flies quickly. Li Yan, who is studying at the University of Tokyo, concentrates on compulsory courses while letting Hagi Suzuo help cover, secretly writing in non-essential courses. After spending a few days like this, On Tuesday night, all the first drafts were handed over to Sanhe Library, and the release date of the sixth volume was finally announced at 21:00.

On Tuesday night, the streets of Shinjuku, far from the business district, were quiet. It was about eight o'clock, and suddenly, the doorbell of the dormitory was rang.

Li Yan opened the door, and there was only one person standing at the door. He hadn't seen him for a few days, but he was full of temper when they met, and he was a bit funny.

"Ying Lili, your expressions are so rich that you can make emoticons..." Li Yan looked down at this guest silently, looked at Ying Lili's expression somewhat troubledly, and couldn't help but complain.

"You saw that I didn't say a word, you should know the purpose of my coming, I said Mr. Uesugi, you still don't know how bad your reputation in our industry is, you are planning to hold an autograph session, are you serious? ?"

Sawamura Ying Riri stood with her hands folded, her eyes narrowed slightly, and stared at Li Yan and asked.

"This is the company's decision, Ying Lili, you are also a partner who has put a lot of effort into this book, aren't you? You should understand my mind. If there is no chance to help me, I will not agree. But after seeing Teacher Xia Shizi’s success, I also hope to change my image."

Li Yan said indifferently, Ying Lili seemed to be more confident. After all, he had completed the sixth volume of the A-level novel, and he was confident facing readers.

He poured a glass of Coke in front of the refrigerator in the house and gave it to the one who came to his own house. He took off his socks and sat on the cushion in a duckling position. After taking a sip of the drink, he loosened it. Tone.

"You don't know how tired I am. I finally sent all the illustrations to the company today. After being reviewed by several editors, they passed. Hehe, I was relieved a little bit. But I heard that you will be tomorrow night. Hold an autograph session in the Koto Ward of Tokyo. Do you know what this behavior is called?"

The snow-white smooth cheeks revealed a speechless and playful expression. Ying Lili, who supported her cheek with her small hand, glanced at him and asked.

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