I am a master of light novels in Japan

I am a master of light novels in Japan Chapter 211

Chapter 134 Autograph Meeting, The Catastrophe of the Old Thief

"Oops, do you always feel late?"

Li Yan, who hurried over from the University of Tokyo on a bicycle, thought with lingering fear as he came and drove toward the commercial street in Koto District. The brand-new tires swept across the street with fallen leaves, and the rhythm seemed so brisk.

Li Yan, who is already a college student, doesn’t have much free time for free activities. When he was a student of Yingcai Academy, he seemed to have a lot of free time to do something, but he arrived at a university life known as heaven. , But there are many more experimental subjects and passionate professors who like to lecture overtime. As a result, he originally promised to arrive at his destination at 3:30, but he is still on the way at four.

In Jiangdong District, this place has a little connection with Li Yan. It used to be the place where he had a fight in the subway, entered the police station, and finally reconciled with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Li Yan's first autograph meeting was held here.It should be said that when he started writing, he never thought that one day he would really use his identity as a home to hold an autograph session. Now that his dream comes true, his heart is naturally excited and excited, looking forward to it. This time belongs to his autograph meeting.

The weather in the afternoon was quite good. The clear sky was clear and the bright sunshine shone on the clean streets, it seemed to be a little reflective. The lonely wind was blowing on this proud author. Although he was in a hurry, he felt a little anxious. I was replaced by the feeling of expectation. After all, there was plenty of time, although the time agreed with the editor was late.

The traffic lights at the intersection turned on red. Li Yan stopped at the intersection and kept eager to try. After a while, the green light turned on and the bicycle rushed across the road. Everyone could see that he was in a good mood.

Just as she passed a cross road, a black-haired girl in a black uniform was walking on the sidewalk, and when she noticed a figure flashing in front of her, she was taken aback and stood on the street, watching That familiar back figure.

"...Why is he here?"

The breeze blowing from the street lightly swept her black soft long hair and brushed her white and beautiful cheeks.She carried her schoolbag and stood quietly on the street, looking at the distant back with her silent eyes like snow.

After school in the afternoon, Yukino Yukoshita took the Shinkansen from Chiba to Koto-ku, Tokyo. Naturally, it was also to see the true face of the author who wrote "Super Academy War".

However, encountering an acquaintance in this place made her a little surprised, but there was a sense of sight that bothered her in her consciousness, which made her face hesitate slightly.

At about 4:10, Li Yan hurried to the back alley of the commercial street according to the route proposed by Kagurazaka Ayame. Wearing a mask and hat, he looked left and right to make sure he was not being stared at. After going up, enter through the back door of that large bookstore.

"Why do you always feel like you are a thief..." Li Yan thought depressedly.

This street is not a well-known prosperous street. It should be said that compared to Kasumigaoka Shiba's signing event in Akihabara, this street naturally cannot be compared with the sacred place of otaku culture in all aspects.

However, this street happened to be the ideal place that the editors of Sanwa Library thought.After all, for the first time to operate a signature meeting of the old thief author, safety should take precedence over advertising benefits. No matter how significant the advertising benefits are, if it is messed up, the consequences will be quite serious.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Li Yan came to the office area at the back door, apologized to the long-awaited Kagurazaka Acorus, panted slightly.

"You’re here, it’s okay. After all, you still have a course schedule, and you’re just waiting here when you come here earlier. Then go upstairs first. This time, the autograph meeting and fan meeting will be held on the second floor. Let's take you to get familiar with your exclusive signing occasion."

Kagurazaka Ayame beckoned with a full smile, motioned Li Yan to follow her, and said.

The two of them arrived at a temporarily closed sales area through the freight elevator. It seems that after the store also valued Uesugi's popularity, it deliberately sacrificed a part of the bookshelf area to entertain Uesugi's author.

This relatively large bookstore has a two-story sales area. The second floor mainly sells all kinds of cartoons, magazines and light novels. This shop is also quite high-end decoration style, full of lights and transparent golden ceiling , And the wooden corridor, the quaint bookshelves, provide seats for reading. As a result, there is a table at the end of the bookshelf area by the window. The two chairs before and after are already placed, and the table is placed [] The designation and the illustrator characters in the book are arranged very carefully.

"Here is the beginning of the evening. It belongs to Uesugi's autograph session," Kagurazaka Ayame introduced with a smile.

"I feel a little embarrassed to make the bookstore so much trouble because of the event..." Li Yan looked at the venue and treatment in amazement, a little flattered, and said to Kagurazaka Ayame.

"Don't worry, the bookstore is definitely making a lot of money. After all, the readers who are attracted by you now don't know how many books of the fifth volume have been bought, so you can prepare your own status and sign it. "

Kagurazaka Ayame smiled brightly and comforted.

"In this event, I and several editors of Sanhe Library have a comprehensive plan to ensure that it can be implemented smoothly. Let alone choose the location on this tepid commercial street, and there are several escapes here. The passage, the back door, and the roof of the building can go straight to other shops to escape. The insurance fee paid is three times that of Teacher Xia Shizi, and the police are sent to maintain order, which can basically guarantee the safety of your life. "

Kagurazaka Acorus then explained the safety of the place, indicating that Li Yan does not have to worry about the safety of others.

"...Although I can understand the painstaking efforts of the editor and the company, the first thing I heard when I heard you was to tell me how to escape, how would you let me take this opportunity with my heart?" Li Yan looked nervous He said to Kagurazaka Ayame.

"It's okay, it's just a plan guarantee, but it doesn't say that it will definitely cause fan riots, so be prepared."

Kagurazaka Ayame looked at him with confidence and continued: "Don't worry about these details for now. Next, I will explain to you the specific arrangements for the signing meeting."

"The entrance will begin at about 6:30, and the autograph activity will last for two hours, and it will end on time at 8:30. Then you will have a rest for ten minutes to conduct the contest for the remaining thirty fans. Fan meeting, publicize the sixth volume you are going to sell, and officially end all activities at 9:40 in the evening. So your working time is three hours in total, so I will have to work hard today."

Kagurazaka Ayame took out his plan and read it to Li Yan.

This arrangement is mainly concerned with the fact that the free time for authors and readers is basically at night. After all, the survey of Uesugiyan’s book audience shows that half of them are students and half are social workers. It should be said that among the various books of Sanhe Library, the most A novel loved by the community.Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits of the event, we changed the signature during the day and held the event at night.

The situation is still mixed, and Li Yan didn't plan to think too much, and said to Kagurazaka Acorus: "I understand, I will work hard for you next, Miss Kagurazaka."

"It's okay, you just have a good rest here. There is more than an hour left. You can read books and listen to music. At that time, readers will enter the venue ten minutes in advance. If I am, I will go downstairs to arrange It’s the queuing and lottery, and it won’t come up for an hour, just like that, call me if you have something to do."

Kagurazaka Ayame looked at the group of fans gathered downstairs as he instructed, and said with a smile.

She opened her palms, waved to Li Yan and walked downstairs, leaving Li Yan alone here to rest or do other things.


In this place, he is the only one left, as well as this table.

After listening to the words of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, the words of the girl who had a sense of literature made the rational Li Yan feel a little bit more emotional. The old thief’s notoriety has been entangled since the third volume was delayed twice. His body makes him very annoying.Encountering readers is like a mouse on the street, everyone shouts and beats. It is estimated that only he and old thieves in other industries can deeply understand such a hard life.

Wash away the identity of the old thief in one fell swoop.

"Old thief Uesugi, I finally see you again!"

Suddenly, there was a shout from behind Li Yan, which immediately made him pale with fright, almost jumped up, and looked back with a guilty mood. As a result, there was no one...

Yes, it is a group of monsters who have seen and have not seen.

"Um, what's the matter?!" Li Yan widened his eyes, looking at the "Hundred Ghosts Yexing" ahead, and didn't quite understand what this group of monsters were asking him for?

"I am here."

At this moment, a round object jumped up from the floor, but it did not succeed. Two round forefoot desperately grabbed the table, and finally climbed up hard. After a few breaths, Teacher Cat proudly stood up. , Staring at him with those meaningful eyes.

Li Yan read the reminder from his eyes, and urged him vigorously. His expression turned dark when he was hopeful that he would be sent to Hitoyoshi City to remind him.

"Volume Six..."

"I have already written it, but I haven't published it yet. Go to the bookstore and buy one by yourself!"

Li Yan refuted it with confidence, always feeling that this fat cat was too disgusting.

"You guy is too arrogant. I thought we could write the sixth volume, but we were angry. A book with more than a hundred thousand words would be gone in one day? You should have started writing the seventh and eighth. Volume, write the story all at once to calm our anger..."

Teacher Cat didn't buy it at all, and she burst into anger and screamed endlessly.

"Master Uesugi, please be considerate of Master Madara’s mood. You can wait for a while to read your book, but Master Madara will become uncomfortable if you don’t wait for your new book for a day, causing cramps, breathing difficulties, and full Weakness, weight gain and other symptoms..."

A masked female monster explained.

"You don't know how the novel was written. How could it be possible to write without rest, especially when I was writing when I was tired, and I couldn't write interesting stories." Li Yan was not to be outdone. Explained.

"I don't care. It is your responsibility to write it out. Our readers have the right to ask you to do this. You are responsible for the end... Wait a minute, tell me what the plot of the sixth volume is like. The protagonist's ability is not evolution. Alright, you can beat the opponent's ability... Ah, no more... My body is hollowed out... Lee, volume six... Hurry..."

Teacher Cat started to twitch, his face was weird, rolling around, as if he was taking a sip of catnip.

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