I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 214

Lion Tong Guoguang also seemed to be relieved and said with a smile.


Eiri Sawamura was listening to their conversation. From a very early time, she expressed feelings about them, Izumi Masamune, and the popular writer Chishoumura Zheng, they would not be jealous of Li Yan's success. And competitive psychology.Although I thought it was not showing up for a while, it seemed that it was not the same after so long.

"It seems that everyone is writing novels because they are working hard. People who really like writing will not put extra thoughts on the success of others..."

Ying Lili smiled and thought to herself, she also admired how healthy the team of illustrators and writers led by Kagurazaka Sagabu was so healthy, it should be attributed to her guidance.

Originally, the creation is a piece of work that is far away from the complicated work of society to the greatest extent, doing what she likes. She likes such a team very much, and hopes that she can stay in this pure land and temporarily rest her tired mind.

"Everyone, I'm about to start Uesugi's thank-you meeting. Let's see how he will thank the readers who have been supporting him?" Izumi Masamune, who has been waiting for Li Yan's thank-you meeting, refreshed, and saw that the venue has already started. , Suddenly reminded with a smile.

Everyone's attention was quickly drawn over, and they picked up their phones and watched.

Almost this street is full of fans and readers who use wifi to watch videos at the moment. Passers-by who pass by without knowing the truth are wondering what news is it that will make people who do not like politics pay so much attention...

On the second floor of the bookstore, the atmosphere is also tense at the moment.

The place where the thank-you meeting was held was the warehouse of the bookstore. Although the environment and layout were temporarily remodeled, the lights were slightly dim.

[Click, click, click...]

I don’t know why, it was originally just a regular thank-you meeting for writers of light novels, but in some dim lights, because photography and flashing were not forbidden, the flash of the mobile phone in the thank-you meeting kept flickering. I always felt that the atmosphere seemed more like this. It's a press conference.

Not only that, it seems that the atmosphere of questioning is quite strong. With Li Yan's face wearing a mask and hat, people who don't know thought it was an apology meeting of a certain star.

"Wait, why would my thank you be like this? Can you turn the light on a little bit, the store manager?!" Li Yan suddenly recovered, thinking about this serious problem in a puzzled way.

"Then, welcome to Uesugi's thank-you meeting. I am his editor in charge, Kagurazaka Ayame. Please give me your advice. Since Uesugi's debut, we have always been a cooperative relationship, and I am deeply moved here. Now, when I first read Uesugi’s first draft, I was immediately surprised by the plot inside, so I directly did a lot of promotion work for it. The reason why I am so confident, presumably all the book fans here also understand Well, that is a work written with heart, and the quality is different."

Kagurazaka Ayame stood up, with a confident smile on his face, took the microphone and started talking to the thirty fans.

Although the words are highly random, they are quite in line with the habits of the two-dimensional homesteaders. Every word and deed reveals a generous and decent temperament, and the effect of the program is quite good.

"Now the total sales volume of books has just exceeded 800,000 copies at noon today, and the results are quite gratifying. Because the sales cycle is short, I think the total sales of this series of works will be more conspicuous in the future. The sales time of the sixth volume is determined in the next week. It’s time to ask you all. With these achievements, all of you have contributed to supporting Uesugi, so I sincerely thank you for your support to Sanhe Bunko and Uesugi."

Kagurazaka Ayame took out a sales report card that said [800432], and announced with a bright smile.No matter who can tell, this editor seems to be happier than anyone else, and is very attentive to the author in charge.

"These are all your support to achieve the results like today, thank you."

After Kagurazaka Iris talked about the main point, he stood up with Li Yan and bowed to the readers present and watching. Immediately, the applause of the audience began to resound, which officially began Uesugi’s thanks. meeting.

The number of characters on the screen quickly stopped. It was number 27.

——That, I am Kimura from Kanagawa Prefecture, 23 years old, a college student at school, and I am very happy to meet Uesugi.I have always liked it, I really like the teacher's work!What I want to ask is that you mentioned your plan to write a new book earlier. This news makes our loyal readers very worried. I hope Uesugi can concentrate on completing this masterpiece. Du X’s book has been written for 15 years in 6 years. Volume, please also Uesugi teacher to consider extending the storyline, thank you.

The first fan who asked the question asked the point, and there were scattered laughter in the crowd. It seemed a bit cunning to use another well-known author’s work to pressure the old thief Uesugi, but it seems that every reader who likes this work is Concerned about how Uesugiyan would consider this opinion of readers.

This question seems to have been asked again and again on Twitter. Li Yan has always followed the editor's advice and did not respond to this question. Now when asked face to face, he no longer hides it.

"About this issue, it seems to have caused a lot of trouble to everyone, I'm really sorry."

Li Yan smiled slightly, looked at them calmly, and said: "In fact, it's like this. I don't know how other authors write, but my writing style is probably clear to everyone. Once the plot structure is determined, the story It has been firmly fixed in one word count, and the word count of the entire work will be around 1.5 million words."

"Because my story type is the plot of the blood series, it is also the first work. I lack experience, so the plot is a bit short. This is my mistaken decision. However, the random extension of the structure of the story is undoubtedly a drag on the plot of this story. It’s just cumbersome. My goal is to share the most perfect story I can write with you. The plan of the new book has nothing to do with this book. I will try my best to write each of my own books. You can rest assured about this. I hope you forgive me. ."

Sometimes, the book is not necessarily as long as possible, but the main reason is that the strength of the story is as strong as possible. Although there are exceptions to novels and comics, which can be written super long, Li Yan decides the rhythm of the plot before he starts writing. It is indeed impossible to change the half point.

There were some comments in the crowds, and both the Internet and the scene regretted Uesugiyan’s decision, but as he said, this is probably the writing style of the old thief. The compact plot created a high reading mood and it was achieved. It’s Uesugiyan, it’s not wrong...

In the coffee shop, Ying Lili, who was watching the live broadcast, was still sucking the juice. She was taken aback for a moment and looked a little surprised. She asked, "...Is that so amazing? This is not the otaku Li who is planning to throw smoke bombs at the readers. Right?"

"This is generally not wrong. After all, high-quality books will have a good outline at the beginning. Although they will be revised and added due to new inspirations, experienced authors can basically know that they will go on according to the plot at a stroke. How many words will there be."

Lion Boy Guoguang said with a smile.

Kusanagi Ryuki thinks of other genres, and said: "Well, of course there is also a new model, that is, the American TV model. It is said that the American TV model is after the first season is written, and it waits for the market’s reaction to decide how to write the first season. In the second season, American dramas often lose their reputations at the beginning of the third season, that is, after the essence is written, the later plots are often lacking in attention, and the reputation of the most popular entire series has also declined."

Masamune Izumi smiled and said: "After all, the plot of the novel seems to be summoned from another world. It is moved around, and the number of words is so large. Although I want to write as much as possible, I haven't reached the level of predecessors."


Ying Lili seemed to be a little guilty, and her eyes became a little flustered. She took a drink and sucked hard, but she couldn't fill her empty heart.

Although she is an illustrator, she is also a book painter. In fact, she often conceives plots, usually through the interaction of female students in school to find inspiration, so the plot inspiration drawn is almost endless... although the book does not have much What a strong plot requirement is enough, but staying with this group of colleagues who are more serious about the plot, I always feel that I am very amateurish.

The live broadcast has been going smoothly. After all, Li Yan's nature is a serious person. On the premise of not being spoiled, he answered readers' questions with heart.Readers are basically concerned about the future plot trends of "Super Academy War" and seek the author to clarify some details that they didn't understand before. As a result, all eight questions were answered smoothly and satisfactorily.

The overall atmosphere seems to be getting more and more harmonious. The barrage and messages of Station N seem to have begun to change Uesugiyan's image a lot, so the effect of the face-to-face exchange meeting is truly reflected.

——Hello, Uesugi-teacher, my name is Miyazaki, I am 26 years old and I am already an office worker.Your idea of ​​writing and story makes me deeply agree and admire. I am also an amateur writing enthusiast. What I want to know more is how to honed my writing skills as a teacher who went to the dark horse in the young novel industry With story thinking, where do you think your writing success lies?Thank you for answering my question.

The ninth question, after the basic doubts were asked clearly, finally asked the author himself.This question is also very interesting and sharp. After all, in the Japanese light novel industry, which submits hundreds of thousands of articles every year, there are not many works published through the library, and there are very few dark horses that can be born like Uesugi Yan. Those who like to write stories hope that he can share his successful experience.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, pondered for a while, but didn't answer immediately.

This is something that all authors will think clearly about their own writing advantages, but, on the contrary, Li Yan never thought about why he could successfully write a work because of his studies, friends, younger generations, family, the past. The burden completely overwhelmed him. At the beginning, he wrote novels only for interest and to pay off debts.

But it shouldn’t be just these...

"No, I don't seem to be able to write successfully at the beginning... It should be said that my writing and ideas at the beginning were not so powerful. If I am forced to make a living, I will also write the current mainstream love college stories. It's not a story of the bloodline..."

Li Yan hesitated for a while and began to answer.

"I can't write a story about love and joy, because I have been tortured by life so that I can no longer believe in a love, a success can be easily obtained... After all, light novels are works of entertainment and should not be overly involved in cruel things like reality. , But my concept has been reformed, and writing what I like is probably a kind of spiritual sustenance for the Lord by fighting against life and unyielding."

When Li Yan said these words, in his memory, bit by bit flashes of memory, lonely figure, plunged into darkness and helplessness, hating such self, and then forced to save the freshman and start writing again, painful memories Later, because of the opportunity of the novel, after getting to know Kagurazaka Ayame and Sawamura Eiri, life has been changed since then.

"So, although it is a light novel, I still think that human experience has a great effect on writing. Every bit of life is an inspiration. Although the story is fabricated, it gives emotion to it. This is the story. In the process of writing this novel, I also received help from friends and partners, editor Kagura Saka Irisa, and Kashiwagi Eiri, who has been working hard to design illustrations for me, and willing to bring My companion on the road of writing, and friends who have helped me in life...and everyone who has always liked my books. Actually, my sales volume is not too much or not too much, but readers who like my books. It’s great to be able to enjoy watching. So, everyone, thank you."

Under the dim light and the flashing camera lights, Li Yan stood up, bowed deeply to the camera and the readers, to express his gratitude.

At this time and here, Shiyu Kasumigaoka watching the computer at home, Yono Yukoshita watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone, and returning from an illustrator negotiation, Sayuri Sawamura watching TV in the back seat of the car, watching it on a friend’s mobile phone Takashi Natsume and Teacher Cat, who were watching the live broadcast, and Qikai Aoyama who were busy while working while still working, were all paying attention to Li Yan's confession.

It seems that this is no longer a thank-you meeting for the novel, but a real thank-you meeting.

Under the bright night sky, ripples appeared in everyone's heart, why not, they didn't want to thank this bloody battle Uesugi...


Watching the live broadcast, Ying Lili couldn't help but laughed at the young man bowing. Perhaps, today's event, as Li Yan insisted, was an opportunity for reconciliation.

It seems that tonight, the name of the old thief Uesugi is about to disappear from the world.


"Yeah, so writing is not easy. For everyone who likes to write, work hard too. Don't forget your original intention."

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