I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 218

"Sure enough, I'm also a physique that can't adapt to the new environment?" Li Yan thought helplessly.

He picked up the phone and checked the time. It was already this time. It seemed that because there were a lot of things that happened yesterday, it completely occupied his thoughts. He kept arousing the little bit of his previous life in bed, making him unable to sleep.

"...Go to the toilet." Li Yan got up, his eyes dizzy and his hair disheveled.People who can’t sleep generally focus on going to the toilet.

He took the phone to illuminate the corridor on the second floor. After arriving at the toilet, he found that the light in the toilet was always on, and the door was still ajar. He didn't know if he had forgotten to turn off the light after going to the toilet, so he went in. In the toilet, he closed the door.

But when Li Yan was sitting idly on the toilet and waiting quietly, he fetched a little paper towel for use. After touching it, his fingers only touched the core of the roll of paper. For a moment, Li Yan felt cold behind his back and stared. Looking at the toilet paper with big eyes, it seemed to be over!

"How can I go out now? Anyone is fine. Can you send me some paper?!" Li Yan couldn't help but cried out in his heart of collapse.

The exhaust fan was working quietly. Suddenly, Li Yan had been single for too long and had never had the habit of locking the door at home. As a result, the unlocked door gradually opened.


After Li Yan realized it, she turned her head and looked. In front of her, a lovely girl with long silver-white hair holding a roll of paper appeared in the door crack. Her expression was full of surprise, but she looked at it. Looking at Li Yan's stunned face, and then subconsciously looking at Li Yan's stripped part, he remained motionless except for a surprised and novel expression. After a stalemate, he slowly closed the door.


In an instant, all the lights in the corridor turned on.

Masamune Izumi hurried out of the room in his pajamas, thinking in astonishment: "This is the screams of seniors, what happened?!"

As a result, at the entrance of the toilet, the door was subconsciously locked by Li Yan, and Masamune Izumi nervously asked outside the door: "Senior, what's wrong with you, what happened?"

"Just now, there was a girl...cough cough, don't care about it, it is more important to let the female hero keep the toilet paper in her hand." Li Yan hurriedly prompted.

"Uh... Sagiri?"

Izumi Masamune understood something, looked at that room, and understood that something embarrassing had happened between Li Yan and Sawu.

Izumi Sagiri is his younger sister and the only remaining family member.

"Brother, brother... A weird person appeared in the house, is it a thief?"

The wooden door of his sister's room was slowly opened again, poking her head out, looking at Masamune in a low voice and fear, and asked.

"that is……"

Masamune Izumi’s expression immediately became complicated. I don’t know why, but it’s the first time for me to bring a friend back to stay overnight. If I say anything about bringing outsiders home to stay overnight, maybe...

"Stupid, fool!!"

After listening to Izumi Masamune’s explanation, the girl with long silver hair became angry. She seemed quite disgusted with her brother’s decision this time. She closed the door suddenly, then clicked, and the door was locked. .

"...Um, Sagiri, at least bring the toilet paper in your hand first."

Masamune Izumi sighed, probably his sister would be extremely angry.

In the middle of the night, Izumi's house turned on the lights again.

With an expression of trauma, Li Yan and Masamune Izumi came to the living room on the first floor and sat down to make a space on the second floor so that the younger sister dared to go out to the bathroom.

"Sorry, senior, that one is my sister, Izumi Sagiri." Izumi Masamune said to Li Yan with a bitter smile.

"Sister... so it is."

Li Yan remembered that, indeed, He Quan Zhengzong had said that there was a younger sister in his family.But after entering the door, he never saw me. After sleeping for a while, he was confused for a moment and didn't realize that besides the authentic family, there was this sister.

Moreover, I don't know why, Li Yan always feels that Hequan Zhengzong's sister looks completely different from him, although it is true that some brothers and sisters will each have a face.

"Did I disturb your sister? I feel she is afraid of life..."

Li Yan said apologetically.

But while speaking, I suddenly remembered the scene where my body was seen by the girl standing at the door, and suddenly bowed his head heavily. If the other party is afraid of life, how does that kind of calm watching scene come back? thing?

Just ten minutes ago, he felt that he had lost a precious thing in his consciousness...

"I'm really scared of life... Well, senior, my sister was rude just now, I'm really sorry. I know that Senior is trustworthy, Sagiri is more afraid of life and misunderstood..."

Masamune Izumi apologized.

"It doesn't matter, I have always forgotten to lock the door at home, I am the culprit in this incident." Li Yan said with a embarrassed smile.

It seems that nothing unhappy has happened.Masamune Izumi breathed a sigh of relief, but gradually, Masamune Izumi realized that it seemed like a good opportunity for consultation at this moment. He had something to consult with the smart and mature senior Uesugi.

"Um... Senior, can I ask questions about life? Senior, you have always given people a very reliable and honest temperament. In fact, I have always been a little troubled in my heart. I hope someone can help me enlighten... Does senior have a brother or younger sister?"

With some doubts, Hequan Masamune asked Li Yan.

"Brother, sister..."

Li Yan was stunned for a moment. In his memory, he thought of the children born by the biological parents of each group of families. They were indeed his younger siblings, but this was already a matter of the previous life.However, he still has younger generations like Gabriel and Satania, and that bond and affection can probably be used as a reference for brother and sister.After all, it seems that the problem that Izumi Masamune is bothering is not knowing how to communicate with his sister. Just listening to the brother and sister's conversation, I can see that the clumsy Masamune can't handle his sister at all.

"As for me, I have always taken care of younger generations. Among them, there are those who don’t like to go to school and skip classes, some who have a black belly and like to do things, some who are not good at thinking and are often bullied, and there is a perfect top student. Yes, maybe you can borrow this experience. What are you going to ask me?"

Li Yan leaned on the sofa and asked Hequan Masamune confidently.

"Is that so? That's great, I feel pretty reliable, senior." Izumi Masamune heaved a sigh of relief, smiled, and said.

"I actually don't know how to get along with my sister." Izumi Masamune seriously revealed his secrets, looking at Li Yan and said.


Li Yan narrowed his eyes helplessly. Anyone with a discerning eye could see why this sentence was the same as Quan Zhengzong's deepest secret.

"This is one thing that I have never dared to discuss with everyone... I don't have any elders or friends who are suitable for consulting such issues. Whether it is an aunt or Miss Kagurazaka, they feel that something is not suitable for consulting my sister... …Perhaps, I don’t think they will have the answer to this contradiction."

Masamune Izumi looked at the steaming boiled water on the table and said thoughtfully.

"But after getting to know Senior, I always feel that if there is an opportunity to ask Senior, Senior, you have the answer I hope to get."

Looking at Li Yan, Izumi Masamune expressed his trust in Li Yan for a year.

"...Why do you have such high expectations for me? You know that I have always lived by myself. Although I said earlier that I have experience with younger generations as a reference, experience in different situations may not really help. I have you."

Li Yan was a little flattered. He felt Izumi's authentic sense of trust. He didn't know whether he could bear the expectations of this junior, so he calmly reminded him.

Masamune Izumi said: "Probably the situation is indeed somewhat different... But at that difficult time, I accidentally bought a senior's book, and the spirit of senior enlightened me at that time. The values ​​are like flames. Never The willpower that yielded seems to be able to see from the text the will and thoughts that the predecessors hope to convey. I was thinking that the original light novel can also be written in this way...So, if even the predecessors have no answer, I really don’t know How to protect Sagiri..."

"But I'm not a psychotherapist, writing novels and counseling are two different things..."

Li Yan thought helplessly.

"I understand, then can you tell me about your sister Sagiri? Don't worry, I will keep your brother and sister's affairs absolutely confidential. Is this okay?"

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