I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 220

He thought for a moment, took a toothbrush and towel and other washing tools to the door of Izumi Sagiri, greeted him and said, "Hello, my name is Uesugiyan, my brother's friend, what happened last night... For me, staying for one night also disturbed your life. I'm really sorry. I hope it won't bring you unpleasantness."

In short, he still has to apologize. Although he is the one who has been seen naked, after all, the other is the sister of his best friend, and he has to make a good relationship in the future.

But for a long time, there was no sound from the room.

After waiting for a while, Li Yan thought that the sister of Hequan Zhengzong was too introverted to say anything, but when she was about to choose to leave, a piece of A4 paper printed with one line was handed out in the crack of the door.

"Huh? What is this?"

Li Yan picked up the paper, and it said: [Eromanga: Mr. Uesugi, I have heard what you said. I don’t need to apologize in person. I am also responsible. Please add your line account. If it is convenient, you can contact via line. Now, I also have a request to tell you, thank you.

A line account is attached below the line, which is probably Eromanga’s work number.

"Um...probably the meaning...is to talk to each other using lines?"

Li Yan seemed to understand Hequan Sagiri's habits, and he looked at the row of numbers curiously, thinking.In short, he will look at his sister, who is also a contract painter who belongs to Sanhe Library. If you have anything to ask him.

So, after brushing his teeth and washing his face, Li Yan moved his laptop to the restaurant table under the greet of Izumi Masamune, and logged on the line account, and explained to Izumi Masamune that he was using line to contact his sister.

"It seems that Saguri agrees with you, seniors. She rarely sees her willing to exchange line accounts with other people. If you encounter something you don't understand, call me again. You can eat it after about ten minutes. Breakfast."

Izumi Masamune seemed to have noticed the reason, smiled, and said to Li Yan.He thinks it was probably because his sister Sagiri heard the conversation he had with his senior last night, and his view of Uesugiyan had changed.

Li Yan squinted and looked at Izumi Masamune who was still cooking, and said distressedly: "Authentic...What you just said made me think that you played the role of an old mother. Wouldn't you come to see your sister's network performance, her heart? Show that you have to analyze it all the time, in order to get her out of the room."

However, Izumi Masamune, who was frying three poached eggs at the same time, focused his energy on the iron pan. The creaking cooking sound also overwhelmed Li Yan's suggestion, and was completely integrated into the state of the housekeeper.Li Yan looked at his back and had to sigh lightly, and when he found something, he would talk to him.

Soon, a notification popped up on the line software, indicating that this line friend named [Eromanga] had been added, so the conversation between Uesugiyan and the illustrator Eromanga was in the morning The meal time has begun.

——Eromanga: Hello, the first time I met, Uesugi-sensei, I was a little rude before, I'm sorry, please take care of me.

As soon as he added a friend, Izumi Sagumi began to say hello first, which surprised Li Yan a little bit. He thought that the other party would hesitate for a long time to reply because of introversion, but he felt that all of a sudden communication became natural.

This kind of text and tone can make people feel the cute and lively atmosphere of the girl on the screen. If you don't know that the other party is a first-year girl from the beginning, Li Yan probably thinks that the opposite of the screen may also be cute. Uncles who stole feet or popular pseudonymous gays, the Internet is such an unreliable thing in this information age.

Li Yan typed on the keyboard.

——[Uesugi: Hello, meeting for the first time, Mr. Eromanga, you can just call me Uesugi directly.

——Eromanga: Although I want to do this, there are differences in seniority. You are also my brother Izumi Masamune’s favorite writer, and the qualifications are higher than ours, so it’s more appropriate to use honorific titles... and, I don't know anyone with this name.

"Huh? What does this mean, Zhengzong, why did your sister say that she didn't recognize her pen name? Eromanga should be her pen name?" Li Yan saw this, and didn't quite understand, so he asked Hequan a little bit. Authentic what is the situation.

"This... Although I don’t know why she didn’t like such a pseudonym and gave it this name, the transliteration of Eromanca is very similar to English [yellow manca] (erotic comics), and our Japanese also sounds like It's the teacher of Gongkou Manga, so her fans have always called him teacher of Gongkou Manga. Sagiri seems to be rather shy and reluctant to accept such a name."

Izumi Masamune had already made breakfast, and after a moment of distressed silence, his brows lowered and he explained to Li Yan in embarrassment.

"Probably it just sounds like it. After all, when translated in English, there are other meanings. Although I don't remember too many words, I haven't interpreted other possible connotations. Wait for me to ask Shiina if she has other meanings. It should be clear, but always thinking about ergonomic comics is too deliberate, like sexual harassment. If you give a pseudonym that you don't agree with, it won't work logically."

Li Yan didn't quite agree with the other fans' views, and said plainly to Izumi Masamune.

"Oh, it can be analyzed in this way... I always find it very powerful. Although I know Sagiri's pen name... probably what it means, Uesugi-senpai does not have an attitude of blind obedience. I have to say that he is really independent."

Hequan Masamune looked at Li Yan's ability to think with some surprise, admiring a little in his heart, and thought.

At this moment, Sagiri's message came again.

——Eromanga: Mr. Uesugi, I actually have a request for your consent. In fact, I am particularly interested in the Akiyama Akiyuki character designed by Mr. Kashiwagi. If possible, would I be allowed to draw on the next live broadcast? , Draw this character?

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and he was surprised by Hequan Masamune who started watching.

"Akiyama Mingxue? I remember that this is the heroine of a predecessor's novel. Why don't you paint the popular President Ningning, but Qiushan Mingxue?" Izumi Masamune asked curiously.

Li Yan raised his brows, looked at Izumi Masamune with a puzzled look, and said, "You said she is the heroine of my books. I just want to ask why I have to pay attention to President Ningning all the time. Take a look at the female character Akiyama I carefully created?"

"Because... this kind of character is too ordinary." Masamune Izumi was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized what he was curious and asked directly: "Senior, you like that kind of temperament that is ordinary and not very eye-catching. Female?"

"...No, as an author, how can I have such thoughts? I really like all the characters, so there is no such thing as who I like more or who I don't like. Even if the writing is a heinous harlequin, I have to Let his story come out to the fullest."

Li Yan looked at Izumi Masamune, did not agree with Izumi Masamune's guess, and explained.

"Although it is true that the characteristics of the character doom her to be ordinary, I still think that it is an interesting story to shine an ordinary girl out of her luster. I remember that the illustrations of your work are quite exquisite and beautiful, Eromanga Teacher, she should be very good at painting. Finally, there is a professional painter who is the first to paint Qiushan. I am looking forward to your sister's live broadcast."

Li Yan typed happily, and said to Hequan Masamune while replying.

——Uesugiyan: Of course, I don't usually interfere with the second time fan creation. Mr. Baimu should be even more so. I look forward to your live broadcast.

Masamune Izumi watched with some worry as Li Yan rashly agreed to his sister's request, thinking: "Even though the senior explained this way, it is true that Senior likes the role of Mingxue Little Angel (named on the Internet) very much... if so. If the author prefers to reveal a little bit, the predecessors will probably be criticized by readers on the Internet again... Also, I remember that Sagiri’s live broadcast should be of that kind of style... Does it really matter?"

Early in the morning, at 8:35, the sun was shining brightly on the streets of 1-chome in Ashikaga District, Tokyo, and the spring breeze gradually recovered. On the streets with few passers-by, Li Yan was pushing his bicycle with a pale face, and set off with Masamune Izumi. .

Teacher Eromanga deliberately sent the final completed work of the live broadcast of about 20 minutes to him by email. As a result, Li Yan's mobile phone still has the one just wearing pink sexy underwear, half taking off his underwear and sitting. The toilet is shy and scared looking at the door with a blushing face, that is, the reader's direction is full of Qiu Shan Mingxue. I always feel that this scene is clearly visualized and painted last night based on him!

Of course, the pseudonym Eromanga is indeed the meaning of eromanga...

"Authentic, your sister's thinking is very dangerous..."

Li Yan thought about it in fear, and said to Hequan Masamune.

"Um... sorry, senior, next time I will let Sawu shrink a little." Izumi Masamune smiled embarrassedly and said to Li Yan.

He also seems to understand why Eromanga, that is, why his sister Sagiri is eager to draw Akiyama Akino. It turns out that the more youthful and timid the anime character type, the more emotional it is to draw such a scene, and he also thinks Eromanga It's not a shame to be the legendary teacher of Ergonomics.

Teacher Eromanga is generally interested in live broadcast, so he will start to arrange the live broadcast unclearly. The number of people watching on Thursday morning should be relatively small, but the response was unexpectedly enthusiastic.

Originally, Eromanga had always only painted characters in the "Silver Wolf Series". Although the number of hits and popularity of the live broadcast were linked to that light novel, the results were quite satisfactory. However, when the popular animation characters were broadcast for the first time, the number of live broadcasts But it doubled, which also made Izumi Masamune suffer a blow, clearly aware of the gap between himself and his predecessors.However, he was also happy. After all, the writer around him is not only outstanding in his works, but also in his personality. He also hopes that one day he can become a writer like Uesugi Yan.

"But... those barrages don't forget to curse Senior Uesugi. Sure enough, seeing a bunch of harsh comments makes me unbearable. I don't know how Seniors ignored these bad reviews..."

Masamune Izumi's complexion turned blue, and his psychological endurance was very poor. It seemed that he would never be able to learn Li Yan's calm and calm attitude of looking towards Qianfuzhi with a cold eyebrow, and he thought to himself.

Unconsciously, the two of them walked to the bus stop, where Izumi Masamune was going to go to school separately from Li Yan.

"By the way, authentic, remember that the gathering time is 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, waiting at the entrance of Sanhe Library Company, and then we went to the airport to Okinawa together. Have you arranged your sister's life problem?"

Li Yan remembered something and reminded the Masamune Hequan who had already signed up.

"No problem, I asked Shan... The neighbor promised to help me take care of my sister tomorrow. She said that she would order takeaways for three days. She has been living in my house to help take care of my sister, so don't worry. My sister also encouraged me to follow. Seniors share more writing experience and find inspiration together. I will definitely be there on time."

Masamune Izumi smiled slightly and said in response.

The writer, as the name suggests, is still a group of people with sensible thoughts, inspired by life and stimuli from the outside world, whether it is for students’ authentic Izumi, or for the old thief Ueshanyan who has established a position in the industry, the truth is the same. One of the purposes of going to Okinawa this time was to find new inspiration.

The bus stopped at the station on time, and students and office workers began to board the bus one after another.

"Then see you later."

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