I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 222

Li Yan listened and felt that Kagurazaka Ayame's arrangement was quite a lesson from the previous experience, and he paid close attention to the words of the Kagurazaka editor, and did not seem to predict anything bad. Probably this trip will be a little bit Shame before washing, make a pretty good trip.

While Li Yan was still thinking, suddenly, that gaze fell on him again. Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look, and ended up sitting in the double seat on the right side of the plane with Shiina. Together with Qianshou Cunzheng secretly watched him.


He seemed to understand the meaning, silently nodded, worrying that he didn't seem to be relaxed. He also had an assist mission from a popular writer on his shoulders. Perhaps traveling would not be as good as he imagined.


Ying Lili on the side noticed Li Yan's actions inadvertently. He always felt that Qianshou Cunzheng and Li Yan didn't have much friendship, but what happened to the eye contact?

After briefly explaining the arrangements that can be enjoyed tonight, every traveller participating in the group is satisfied. After tasting the local food, they are soaked in warmth. Indeed, the first thing is to relax the nerves of this group of creators.

"Senior, I almost forgot. I was planning to ask you about the leave of the autograph session. What you mentioned, Senior, seems to have dried up. Is this true?"

In the bustling and dark airport, Izumi Masamune asked with some care.

Ying Riri held her small chin with her hand, and whispered, "Well, it's just being lazy and planning to rest. Izumi-sensei, you don't need to pay attention to this guy's rhetoric. Nine out of the ten promises in the novel are fake, they are old. The thief's scheme of asking for leave is no more."

Li Yan squinted his eyes, angrily and a little helplessly said: "I didn't lie. It was indeed because the inspiration was exhausted, which completely affected the writing plan of the next volume. Although there was an outline, it was in a state of fatigue. A novel does not guarantee that you can perfectly express your previous ideas from beginning to end if you have written an outline before, especially when you are under too much pressure, it is time to encounter a bottleneck."

"Ah, our author did have such a bottleneck, and it was the most difficult time. After I finished the "Silver Wolf Series", I also planned to write a new novel. It seems that many of us are I want to take this trip to find inspiration."

Masamune Izumi smiled a little embarrassedly. He himself experienced the feeling Li Yan had said before and immediately said: "Sure enough, Okinawa must be the best place to find inspiration. It is later than today. Yan’s hot spring hotel is a scene often seen in anime. The protagonist and his friends go to peek at the heroines bathing and other plots, which are based on an ambiguous occasion like a hot spring."

"It's true, but in real life, isn't this a crime in a public place? If you peek at a girl's bath, even the best girl will think that such behavior is very dirty. This reduces the plot of goodwill Almost just to bring illusory excitement and fantasy to readers."

Li Yan nodded, but then continued to explain in a fresh tone: "I have seen animations and novels often set in traveling hotels, creating scenes where the girl opens the door and meets the girl changing clothes, but it is logically the same. Quite unreasonable. After all, when a girl changes clothes in an outside hotel, she will naturally think of locking the door first, so these tired plots are called routines. Although interesting, they cannot be produced by ordinary readers. Enough resonance."

"thats right……"

Izumi Masamune showed a bitter smile, looked at Li Yan and said.

Although this is indeed the case, in the heart of Izumi Masamune, he understands that even this truth is that logic is not the first in otaku culture, but the plot is interesting, and it can attract readers' attention with various cute and welfare elements. the most important.

However, although Uesugiyan’s work is an overhead world, he pays special attention to the details of life. It is also true. Many readers who like to read his books have many fans, and they do not like or even resist the work of this light novel writer. People are not in the minority...

"I said you... Although what you said is true, don't randomly substitute reality into the works of the house series. Everyone sees that our works are created to satisfy the unsatisfied desires in reality, yours. The work really lacks some cute elements, so a character in your book can compete with the female characters in cute works. I have always advised you like this..."

Sawamura Yinglili listened to Li Yan's out-of-compatibility analysis, frowned slightly, and persuaded Li Yan.

"All novels, as long as they are expressed in words, should be inspired by life and be transformed and sublimated by the author. Works that do not resonate will not impress others." Li Yan did not back down and directly denied At the suggestion of Ying Lili, said.

"Your idea of ​​finding a sense of reality from the illusion is tantamount to a challenge to the otaku culture... When you travel, it is better to find a story you love and hear."

Ying Lili whispered in irritation.

As a result, Li Yan and Ying Lili whispered and argued about creative ideas, but Kagurazaka Ayame, who was sitting behind, came over and reminded him in a suspicious voice, "What are you still whispering about, everyone? I’ve all been seated, and the plane will take off in a while. Keep quiet, otherwise the captain may be asked to get off the plane because of the open noise."


Li Yan and Ying Lili then stopped.

"You, although you work in the otaku circle, but your thoughts are completely current. If you plan to increase your sales, you should better understand what otaku culture is. The ambitions of the two of us are totally different. The same, you should work harder to refer to my opinion."

Ying Lili's eyes were angry, and after speaking, she hummed softly, turning her head away and not intending to ignore Li Yan.

Li Yan's expression was also dissatisfied, and he didn't say anything to Ying Lili anymore. The partners who had good feelings started cold wars with each other.


Shiyu, who was sitting in the back row, had listened carefully. She suddenly realized that Ying Lili and Li Yan’s home direction were completely two extremes. One was a realist writer and the other was an imaginary book painter, with fundamental thinking. Can't close together...

However, Ying Lili became a childhood sweetheart with that person because of the otaku culture. Even if she did not speak for many years, she did not break the bond between each other.

"So, this pair of partners...will they break up?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu quietly looked at the two partners whose heads had not been turned away, and had such a guess.

At 7:42 in the evening, the plane landed on time at Naha International Airport in Okinawa Prefecture.

At this moment, the night was filled, and Kagurazaka Iris and his party walked through a long road and finally walked out of the vast Naha International Airport, ready to take two taxis to the hot spring hotel where the room was booked.As a result, everyone was looking forward to a hot spring hotel located at the seaside or in a bustling city. They were stunned to be farther and farther away from the flashing metropolitan area. They kept turning around. As a result, they took about 20 minutes' drive in the dark Get out of the car at the painted hillside corner.

[Qua, quack, quack...]

The surrounding area is filled with the humming of frogs one after another. It seems that it has been raining recently, which is quite suitable for frog activities.


All the people with big bags and small bags looked at this mountain hotel which is located several kilometers without people. Even the road in this area is still a dirt road.

"Sorry, only one qualified hot spring hotel can be booked... But although the surrounding area is a bit broken, the evaluation is still quite high, let's go in and have a look.

Kagurazaka Ayame smiled awkwardly and said to them.

"That's the way it is. After all, a place to stay is the most important." Kusanaru Longhui said with a sigh.


Shiina Mabai looked around calmly, tugging at the corners of Li Yan's clothes, and asked, "Holmes, are there any monsters here?"

"No, no, there are so many monsters." Li Yan hurriedly replied in a low voice.

Now Zhen Bai seems to be particularly fond of this type of environment, and seems to be ready to submit the horror atmosphere of detective comics to the rookie contest in May, resulting in her recent thinking is as sensitive as horror novelists and detective novelists, probably she Would you like this accommodation?

However, when they entered the hotel, Kasumigaoka and others were taken aback, and they understood why this hotel would have a good reputation. Although the outside environment is quite bad, this hot spring hotel is in decoration and atmosphere, and The service attitude is quite professional, not inferior to the hot spring hotels and hotels close to the metropolitan area.

"It seems that the hotel itself is quite good." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a smile.

"Very professional Japanese-style hotel." Qianshoucunzheng nodded and said with appreciation.

"I'll just say it, there should be nothing wrong. I decided to stay in the hotel after all the verification. After all, we have to rest here for two nights." Kagurazaka Ayame supported her with a smile, and said with relief.

"So, Ms. Kagurazaka, has the plan for tomorrow also been strictly investigated? After all, we don't have a tour guide and when we are unfamiliar with the place of life, I am a little worried that we will go a lot of wrong ways."

After all, the group of them encountered the uneasy factor at the beginning, although they resolved it after they came in, but everyone still had some lingering fears, and Kasuga no Oka Shiyu took the initiative to ask Kagurazaka Iris.

"You and I have known each other for quite some time, but I still don't understand my ability to do things. Don't worry, I bought a detailed travel guide specially, there is absolutely no problem."

Kagurazaka Ayame took out a travel guide book from the bag and told them with a smile.

Everyone felt relieved, but Li Yan was beside Masamune Izumi on the left and Chishoucun Zheng on the right. He suddenly felt an invisible pressure on his shoulders. He always felt that his assist guide did not know how to start...

The scale of this hot spring hotel is not small, and the equipment is carefully maintained, and clear hot springs flow out of the warm courtyard.It is said that there are many high-quality hot springs in Okinawa, and this one is a bicarbonate hot spring, which can treat neuralgia and joint pain, help recover from illness, and relieve fatigue.The steaming steam fills the courtyard, which makes people want to soak in the hot spring.


As he walked toward the reserved room and passed by a sign indicating the opening hours of the hot springs, Li Yan inadvertently saw the opening hours of the hot springs.

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