I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 225

"Hmm, it is true according to the explanation of the tour group, but we are different. We have our own car, so we don’t need to consider the trouble of carrying things. Besides, according to the first impression of people, at first glance Seeing the strangest and interesting souvenirs is the most valuable, and we should also buy snacks and interesting items when traveling. If it is delicious or if there are other favorite items, you can come back and buy it again, so that there is no regret , So go shopping at the beginning." Kagurazaka Ayame explained with a smile.

This is indeed reasonable. It seems that this kind of experience is summarized by travelers who are good at traveling. Everyone thinks it may be a plan made by Kagurazaka Ayame after careful reference to some tourist experiences on the forum.

"As expected of Miss Kagurazaka, her ability to work is hard work, that's why Sanhe Bunku has given her responsibility for so many popular writers," Li Yan thought.

Just as they were talking about their plans at the door, a luxurious travel bus slowly drove past them. In the sight of Li Yan and others, the car was full of sailors wearing black long sleeves. The middle school girls who served were marked as [Fukuyama Private Girls’ High School]. Most of the girls under the lights were pretty cute. They were talking and laughing like a young lady, and they also saw Li Yan and his party.

Li Yan's face suddenly turned green.

One after another, a group of girls stretched out their hands to say hello to Li Yan, with smiles all over their faces, which surprised the people who knew and those who did not know.

However, the second bus and the third bus that were full of junior high school girls were calmer, and did not react much to Li Yan. It can be seen that the girl in the class I met last night was in the first bus. .

"Oh, this group is the middle school students who mixed baths with Uesugi last night, Fukuyama Private Girls' High School... I remember going to check it last night. It is an old northern aristocratic school. Uesugi, you are not shallow. They all have a good impression of you."

Kagurazaka Ayame laughed and said.

"..." Li Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at the gloating Kagurazaka Acorus, speechless.

Speaking of what happened last night, Li Yan trembled. In the hot spring bathroom, under the eyes of the young girl, he hurried away wrapped in a wet towel.After Masamune Izumi was out on the phone for a period of time, this group of sudden women flooded into the men’s hot spring room, making Izumi Masamune no longer dare to step into the men’s hot spring room, which became a thunder pond, and waited anxiously for a long time outside. Seeing Li Yan coming out, in short, that night was really embarrassing.

"Huh, you are so beautiful, old thief."

Ying Riri exhaled, squinted at him disdainfully, and said.


Facing the strangely identical expressions of Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Sawamura Eriri, when staring at him silently, Li Yan, who seemed to be in the cold, had nothing to argue.After all, Kagurazaka Ayame deliberately consulted the clerk when he was curious. As a result, he had previously asked the clerk about mixing baths and was exposed. This time he jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it.

Chijumura Zheng, who had been standing behind Kagurazaka calamus, had a complicated face. He opened his mouth several times, but he closed it again. He didn't know how to deal with the current situation, so he had to squeeze his little hand silently...

In the morning, nine people barely got into the leased business van. Kagurazaka Ayame drove in the car and it took about half an hour to get to the downtown area of ​​Naha.

Kokusai Street in Naha City is the most prosperous commercial district in Okinawa Prefecture. It is also the only decent shopping place for Okinawa with a population of only hundreds of thousands. The commercial area is also known as [One kilometer of miracles].

This place is like a tropical rainforest. It is a street with a Japanese style, but in this street you can find unique door plaques and buildings in China. It also participates in the American style of the United States. I have to say that the Ryukyu Islands are a An island zone influenced by various cultures.The dazzling array of local products and tourists from all over the world set off the uniqueness and prosperity of this street.

"Well, everyone, I have arrived at the Kokusai Street in Naha City. I suggest you split up and stroll around. Keep your mobile phone open. If you find a special restaurant and shop, please send a message to inform. First of all, buy some for yourself. The souvenir from you is the most important thing. I will be responsible for buying snacks. The meeting place is here, the time is 9:50, and lunch at ten o’clock in advance. Please take a good look at the style of Naha."

Kagurazaka Ayame stood in front of the intersection of the highway and told everyone.

When everyone was discussing team formation, Li Yan's clothes behind him were suddenly torn.

"That, Uesugi-sensei, I plan to go to a store to buy some gifts for my father. This place is unfamiliar. If you have time to accompany me, it will be fine for a while." Qianshoucun said solemnly and quietly.

"...That's good." Li Yan understood, nodded and said.

Probably, it was for Izumi's authentic things, and I came to him specially.

Others are a little curious about the relationship between Li Yan and Qianshou Village Zheng. It seems that these two top-selling writers will always be more noticeable together.


Especially Ying Lili, I always feel that the two of them seem to be sneaky recently, which is a bit strange.

Li Yan followed Qianshou Cunzheng to a small alley far away from the library. This made Qianshoucunzheng breathe a sigh of relief, mustered up the courage to look at Li Yan, bowed seriously, and said apologetically : "Sorry, last night... Last night's things hurt you, Uesugi-sensei."

"Sure enough, you didn't have the courage to go into the men's bathroom at that time?" Li Yan had expected it, and sighed slightly, looking at her and asked.

"Well... I have already agreed, and I think this is a very good plan, but I am still a bit... afraid to go in. I feel a little ashamed. After wandering at the door for a long time, I suddenly saw Senior Izumi coming out. I didn't dare to go in, and I saw what happened afterwards. I'm so sorry that you got into an embarrassing situation."

Qianshoucunzheng's cheeks turned red and whispered.

"Fortunately, at least they all follow the rules of wrapping the body, so I didn't think so ashamed. I also think about mistakes. What are you going to do next, and are you planning to get close to authentic him during this trip?"

Li Yan smiled casually, and immediately confirmed the meaning of Qianshou Village Zheng.

"Yes, this is for sure, and I hope you will continue to help." Qianshou Cunzheng held his heart a little nervously and said.

"...Next, I have another way, and that is to give gifts. When I was chatting with Masamune last night, I heard that guy was planning to buy a tropical shirt for the beach. You buy it. Give him a gift. When boys receive a gift from a beautiful woman, they will definitely think about it, so that your relationship will progress naturally."

Li Yan quickly made suggestions and said with a smile.

"Ah...it's true, Uesugi-sensei, you are really smart." Qianshou Cunzhen reacted with a puff in his heart, as if he was convinced of this method, and praised.

However, she also looked at Li Yan curiously and didn't quite understand Li Yan's own contradictions.

"What's wrong?" Li Yan noticed Qianshou Village Zheng's eyes and asked curiously.

"It's okay, then... I'll do it as the teacher told you. It's hard work for you." Qianshou Cunzheng shook his head and said with a smile.

In this way, after the two discussed, they separated.

Li Yan returned to the team of boys. After walking around, Li Yan bought game discs, special cakes and other gifts, and spent a total of 100,000 yuan to buy a bunch of items and put them in his backpack.

"Senior, you seem to have bought a lot of things, are you going to give them away?" Izumi Masamune looked at his increasingly full backpack in a little astonishment, and asked concerned.

"Yes, not only to the younger generation, but also to my professor and the landlord. In short, I have to spend this money. After all, I am also half a social person." Li Yan carried a heavy backpack. Said to them.

Shitong Guoguang and the others looked at him carrying this huge backpack, and they were quite appropriate when they spoke.

"No, there are not many. The main reason is that one model was bought for me by a junior named Satania, and it took up a bit of space..." Li Yan seemed to notice their strange eyes and explained further.

It seems that he is particularly concerned about the younger generation named Satania.

As the meeting time approached, Li Yan and Hequan Zhengzong had already planned to return to the meeting place, talking about the world and walking on the street. At this moment, Qianshou Village Zheng, who seemed to have returned from shopping, finally appeared in front of Li Yan.

Her somewhat immature and cute cheeks did not mean much to be shy. In terms of feelings, Chishoumura always seemed a bit more straightforward. She took out two tropical clothes and handed one to Izumi Masamune, and whispered, "Izumi Teacher, this is a gift I bought for you. Thank you for your continuous care. I wonder if you like it?"

Masamune Izumi was taken aback for a moment. Under curiosity, he received a gift from the other party. It is not clear why he was suddenly given a gift by Qianshoucunzheng. He felt a little complicated and said, "Ah... this, thank you... You are too polite, Qianshou. teacher."

Masamune Izumi was visibly shaken and accepted the gift.

"This one is for Mr. Uesugi, and thank you for your continued care."

Just as Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and finally succeeded in assisting, he unexpectedly had another one delivered to him.

Looking at Izumi Masamune, he suddenly became relaxed. After all, he was not sent alone, it should be a gift from a human relationship. This made Izumi Masamune relax.


Li Yan looked at this junior high school student speechlessly, always feeling that the recent ordeal came from this girl who didn't understand feelings at all.And he lowered his head and opened the so-called tropical shirt, but it was a strange style like an ancient robe. He always felt that the pressure on his shoulders was heavier...

In the street, finally, similar to the Dongchuang incident, Li Yan was waiting to assemble the puppet. He was called by Xiazhiqiu Shiyu to help pick up the items, but he was taken to a dark alley and surrounded Laize Village behind the alley. When Ying Lili and Shiina Zhenbai who didn't understand the situation at all, Li Yan realized that this was a trap.

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