I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 242

On the other side of Li Yan, there was a little boy who didn't seem to go to school. He was Satanya's younger brother, who was a bit like Satanya. He had been sitting there quietly eating.

"Satania, it's rare to come back from the lower realm. How has your life been there recently?" Hu Taoze's father asked arrogantly, holding the red wine.

"Don't worry, my father, everything is the same. Most of the ruling power of the school has fallen into my hands. The day to realize my great rule is almost coming." Satania looked at her father with ease. Said.


When Vignette heard it, she was shocked at first, and then looked at Satania with a sad expression on her face, and could not speak for a while.

"It's really my daughter, it's still so amazing." Satanya's father said with a happy smile and praised.

"After all, she has the noble blood of the Walnut family." Satanya's mother also agreed.

"Now is the age of young people. I remembered that when I was sent to a high school in the United States for an internship, I only used some means and abilities to accidentally let the students of a boys school surrender to my feet At that time, one person could easily deal with more than a dozen troublemakers. If it weren't for being slapped in the back and the old wounds are on the body, now he is still young, right?"

Satanya's father sighed a little, looking at the red wine in the wine glass, the majesty blowing his hair, and some sighing about the vicissitudes of his former heroism.

"It's true that you are not too weak now," Satania's mother said with a smile.

"Dad, isn't your waist injury caused by accidentally falling from a tree when climbing a tree? I've heard Grandpa say it before."

Suddenly, the younger brother, who had been silent, said in a bit embarrassing manner.


For a while, everyone was silent in surprise, looking at this young but somewhat mature brother.

"Hahaha, the old man would really tell the juniors about my ugly things."

"I remember your father's things so much, I must be a very filial child in the future."

"Because of challenging a tree more than five meters high, falling down is also a brave and fearless injury?"

The Hu Taoze family began to respond to this younger brother's words.

"...I always think I kind of understand why Satania's character is like this." Weinet looked at the reaction of their family of three with a look of astonishment, thinking silently.

"Then...get back to the subject, Mr. Li, you can be appreciated by my excellent daughter, and you must have a great excel. Can you tell us a little bit about your experience? Our family is all right about being Sa Senior Tanya is quite interested in your affairs."

Satania's father looked at Li Yan gracefully and asked in a very polite tone.

"...If I am outstanding, I don’t have many decent advantages. I am still relatively good at math, and I often exercise my body. I have always been taken care of by Satania and Winnet. What she said is so reliable." Li Yan smiled and said politely.

"You are too modest, senior, you are very strong. You don't need to humble yourself in front of my family if you can repel the evil beast in an instant." Satania sighed helplessly. Smiled, looked at Li Yan and said.

"Haha, really, Mr. Li is so tough, I really didn’t look away. According to Mr.’s strength, he should be able to suppress several gangsters. Does Mr. have his own plan for conquering? Have you ever participated in a fight? How many people are suppressed?"

Demons are a race that absolutely worships power. Even in this era of the Demon World, it is still a common topic to be asked about power. Satanya's father naturally wants to know that his power has reached the male Li Yan. What a point.


Li Yan was stunned for a moment. When he was asked such a question, he couldn't answer for a while, because no matter how many people he could beat, he didn't calculate how many people he was able to beat. He was going to fight while standing, so he didn't know how many people he had fought.

"Sorry, I always think I haven't counted it, so I can't tell the exact number... I'm sorry, I'll wash my hands, uncle and aunt, let's break it."

Li Yan wanted to go to the bathroom a little, watching that the two of them were planning to continue to inquire, so it was better to avoid them temporarily. If there were too few hooligans who had beaten him, he would not be qualified to be an angel's senior, but If you say too much praise, you might be considered a bad mob or a predecessor who boasted and unreliable, so you can simply avoid this topic.

This house is not big. After Satania gave a brief direction, Li Yan smiled embarrassedly at the two elders and hurriedly left.

"Haha, the young man looks a little shy. In our Demon Realm, the power is absolute. I clearly feel that the power should be very strong. There is no need for restraint. As long as you work hard in the future, you can become an excellent devil."

Satanya's father showed a smile that saw through everything, and said in an elder's tone of comfort.

"Yeah, you don't need to be shy at all. There is still a lot of room for growth when you are young. Our couple will look forward to watching Mr. Li grow up." Mother Satania laughed and covered her cheek with a fan, watching He said.

"That... Senior, he probably never counted how many people he could defeat."

Realizing Li Yan's somewhat troubled and thinking expression, Vinnett on the side felt that it was necessary to help this senior to answer these questions that he was not good at, so he said with a bitter smile.

Just when he set off, Vinnet heard from Gabriel about Li Yan’s battle in Hitoyoshi a year ago. It seemed that that battle could be used as a reference for his highest combat effectiveness, so he stretched out a finger. , Smiled and said: "I remember, the words of the predecessors seem to have had a good fight with a large group of people somewhere, I think it should be used as a reference."

A group of people was taken aback for a moment, looking at Vinnett.

"Oh, then how many people has he played, ten people (type)?" Satanya's father asked with a graceful smile.

"...Eh? No, that, it's a little far, far more than that." Vignette smiled awkwardly, looked at him and said.


The Hu Taoze family all stared at Vinnett’s finger. If there were more than ten people, wouldn't the number at the beginning be a hundred people?

"A hundred people... really amazing."

The tone of Satanya's father became a little hesitant, still barely keeping calm, and said with a smile.After all, it is a great demon from the east, and there are many such powerful demons in the demon world here, which is fair.

"...Well, I suddenly felt that I still didn't explore this topic. I always felt a little ruining the atmosphere, and I always felt that the atmosphere was a little broken by me."

At first, Vignette just remembered the experience of Li Yan that Gabriel had mentioned, and brought it up on a whim, but immediately noticed something wrong with the atmosphere, and became nervous in his heart, but did not confirm it, embarrassed. He declined and said.

The Hu Taoze family looked at Weinet with a little surprise. They always felt that the joke was a bit big, but they all could see that Weinet’s expression didn’t seem to be bragging or lying, but rather embarrassing. The look of mind makes people think more and feel terrified.

Satanya's father laughed and said: "Haha, it's also... against a thousand people or something. It always feels a bit too exaggerated. Very few ancient (devil) heroes can do this..."

But he didn't finish speaking, but he saw Vignette showing the expression of hearing the wrong answer.


As a result, Vignette lowered her head, seeming to want to say something, but tried very hard to hold it back. She almost never lied. Faced with such an embarrassing situation, she could only face it with an embarrassing expression, smiling bitterly. Watch them.


The Hu Taoze family of four looked at Weinet with some surprised expressions. What was terrible was that at this time, they saw that their expressions seemed to say that the next number at the beginning seemed to be the correct answer, but they always felt this. Niu boasted a little too much, Vignette’s expression didn’t seem to be bragging or lying, but a look of embarrassment and care, which made people think more carefully (the same expression as before) reaction).

"Hahaha, I always feel a bit exaggerated, but it's a good thing to have a goal. This is the devil."

"It must be a good thing to have lofty ideals, and you will definitely become a big man."

"No, senior, hasn't he achieved this goal."

Li Yan wiped his hands and returned to the dining room. As soon as he entered the dining room, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere became more cheerful.

"What's going on?" Li Yan looked at them curiously, wondering why.

"How is it possible? It's just a lie when you hear it." The demon brother, who quietly watched their interaction, thought silently.

However, this sumptuous meal at noon was passed quickly in a cheerful and relaxing time.

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