I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 249

"It seems to be here. It feels very high-end. The film and television company is really rich and powerful. Is it really just to find a candidate for the film?" Li Yan looked at the building with a sense of history, silently thinking.

As a result, before entering the door, Li Yan took out the sunglasses, duckbill cap, and mask necessary to go out from his backpack, and hid his face. After inquiring and registering at the front desk, Li Yan started walking towards the elevator. Sneakingly watching if there are any suspicious people around.

After all, the last time a book fan was besieged in a bookstore is still vivid. Li Yan, who personally walked through the burning purgatory fury of readers, did not dare to take it lightly. Who knows how well the personnel of Dongyang Film and Television are doing their secret work, if they are Pass it to his readers, but not here to start a battle with him...

"Huh?" Suddenly, a girl's doubtful voice came from behind Li Yan.

Li Yan looked back vigilantly, and found that behind him was a student wearing a black uniform and a gray skirt. His tie was not tightened on some towering chests, and he looked a little unruly and casual. He was about 15 or 16 years old. The high school girl in, wears sunglasses and a duckbill like him, except that she wears a mask without his exaggeration. She still sees that girl’s face is beautiful and beautiful, with her black hair hanging on her shoulders. Exudes a mature and difficult to approach temperament.

"Oh, I always think it's weird to stand together in similar costumes..." Li Yan retracted his gaze, but with a bit of distress in his heart, he secretly looked at each other.

[Beep beep...]

Suddenly, in Li Yan's consciousness, the editing system once again issued a prompt, making Li Yan realize that the other party seemed to come from a character in the world of novels or works.

Speaking of it, his editing system has recently started to be a bit strange. It seems that even the basic function of judging novel levels has appeared problems, and the basic information of the characters in the world of the work is no longer displayed. Once activated, it will display [Load new Function...], it was unexpected that the system he carried after his rebirth would still have an upgrade function.

He has also been looking forward to the powerful capabilities of the new function. It would be great if he could play a certain point when he was in trouble...

Just as Li Yan was thinking about it, he found that the girl standing not far away had some of the same thoughts as him, and some looked at him caringly.

The waiting time for the elevator began to seem a bit long. Li Yan and this young girl waited for the elevator anxiously in a somewhat embarrassing atmosphere inside, but the elevator stopped one by one without any intention of coming down.

"...Good morning, excuse me, sir, are you also going to the Dongyang Film and Television banquet on the fifth floor?"

This young girl had been looking at her for a long time, always feeling that she would cause misunderstandings by looking at others in this way, so she started to ask more generously.

Li Yan hasn’t realized that the female high school student opposite is already one of the members of the Japanese entertainment industry. The appearance similar to her is basically to avoid paparazzi and fans. After entering, his actions were as vigilant as Li Yan. After all, there was a horrible incident of fans attacking idols with knives in Japan some time ago. No one knows which horrible characters among the fan crowd will be mixed in.

And Li Yan's temperament, dress up, and sneaky appearance appeared at the banquet venue of Dongyang Film and Television. If it was not an innocent idol, who would it be?

"Um... yes, classmate, are you too?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and asked.

"Yes, but it seems that the time is late now, my family lives far away. Sure enough, sir, you are also a debut artist." The girl said with a generous smile.

Li Yan realized that this girl was already a debut idol in Tokyo, Japan.

He seldom pays attention to Japanese idols, especially idols that debuted as high school students. He is even more disgusted with the hype news about beautiful girl idols once in thousands of years. However, if the one in front of him has refreshed his views, it seems that Personality is still quite reliable. In terms of evaluation, he admits the idol type once in thousands of years. After all, the idol concept in the entertainment industry has only been out for less than a hundred years. It is indeed a rare beautiful girl.

The other party seemed to mistakenly think that he was also a peer, so he explained: "No... yes, as expected, we are peers, please advise."

His smile was full of disobedience, and when he was just about to say that he was not an idol, but the truth of the writer, he suddenly realized that there was no need to take this risk, and it was safer to just follow the other party's will.

"You are older than me. I should call you senior. My name is Shibuya. I am a contract artist who belongs to the banna-shine company. I am fifteen years old and have just debuted for three months. Please give me some advice."

This young girl named Shibuya still followed industry traditions and politely bowed to Li Yan.

Next, it was his turn to introduce himself. The so-called lie is a lie that needs to be constantly lying to make up for the shortcomings. It is almost like a snowball. The first is the name. Li Yan anxiously thinks about a pseudonym. As a result, his mind The people who kept flashing in the middle were Sawamura Hideri, Kasumigaoka Shiba, Izumi Masamune, Shiina Mashiro and other Japanese names. Finally, after a few seconds of groping, he immediately replied with a smile: "I also just made my debut recently. That’s all, my name is Zezhiqiuquan, I’m 18 years old, and I’m still studying at university, because the contracted company has a non-disclosure agreement, so I can’t disclose it to you for the time being. I’m sorry, but I’m just a newcomer with little popularity.”

"So, then, when you came to the banquet, senior, did you get inquired about the movie characters by the way?" Shibuya didn't care, it seemed that he didn't have the intention to have a close relationship with the other party, just chatted politely and asked for a little bit For a moment.

"...Yes, I was invited to play a small role. After all, I don't have much qualifications. Which role is Miss Shibuya invited to play?" Li Yan's speech became a little unclear, and he hurriedly changed the subject and asked. .

"A character called Xin Heng Ning Ning." The girl said directly.

"Eh, Xinheng..."

Li Yan's original smile on his face suddenly reacted, and he looked at the girl in surprise.

He didn't have time to read all the information that Kagurazaka Ayame sent him. Although he knew that most important roles were fought by many popular idols and newcomers, he probably glanced at it. They were all unknown artists, so he didn't go into it. As a result, the young girl in front of her might even play the role of Xin Heng Ning Ning.

"Senior, what's the matter?"

"Xin Heng Ning Ning", no, Shibuya looked at Li Yan, saw his reaction, and asked curiously.

"No, I was just a little taken aback. Xin Heng Ning Ning is one of the most popular characters in "Super Academy War", right? I heard that last year, I made the top three in the Meng Zhan competition, but unfortunately lost to the love department. You are selected as one of the heroines of Dongyang Film and Television. It seems that you have high expectations for you."

Li Yan said with a smile.

"Really...but I don’t have the habit of watching anime, especially the hot-blooded anime, so I don’t know what the content of that anime is like. Well, I looked at it a bit when I was working, and it was right. I don’t have much interest in the content, it's probably a work written by the game Fat House."

Shibuya was embarrassed and smiled bitterly to tell Li Yan the truth.

"Um..." Li Yan suddenly felt a pain in his heart, covering his chest and looking at Shibuya.

"Although I heard that the popularity is very high, can the movies made by such works really sell? What is the confidence of the investors... I have been thinking about this issue."

Shibuya said with a smile while thinking.

"Ah..." Li Yan's face turned blue, staring blankly at this girl who was ruthlessly spurring his heart.

"Anyway, I probably came here with the attitude of giving it a try. It doesn't matter if I was not elected. If you are really lucky to be elected, let's talk about it." Shibuya looked at the elevator floor prompts, and finally casually Said.


Li Yan leaned weakly against the wall, staring at the woman who had just inserted three knives in his heart with a complicated expression.

I always feel that an actor who does not love his work at all is still a sneer, so how can he completely play the role of Xin Heng Ning Ning that he wrote? The so-called three-dimensional is such a reality and irony. He really feels right. The reality of anime is just a cosplay game that nakedly abuses the creator’s popular works...

It's just not clear why, after this contact, when he calmed down, he suddenly felt that Shibuya's words were just the truth in her heart. There are really not many people in the entertainment circle who are willing to tell the truth.Through his sunglasses, he carefully looked at the girls who have not been polluted by the entertainment industry. Whether it is temperament or personality, some of the hidden attributes are surprisingly consistent with Xin Heng Ning Ning, and they need to be polished and packaged. Get close to the image of "Master of the President" in his mind.

"Um, Shibuya-student, I actually know the...the author of the fat house who wrote this novel." Li Yan thought for a while, showing a bitter smile, and said to Shibuya.

"Do you know Senior?" Shibuya was a little surprised, looking at him and asked.

"Yes, but it's just a meeting. Although you may be right, such works are very popular, but they are probably fantasized works of the second dimension, but I can still appreciate the input of the author. Efforts, so-called cartoonists, oil painters, novelists, or even entertainers are all kinds of creators. They create works of art that look like they cannot be eaten or used but can only be seen. They need others to value their values The same level of value is generated after being identified. I think he can create works of this value, he should have exhausted a lot of thought and hard work. Such people are often called [Dream Chasers]."

Li Yan explained.

"..." Shibuya quietly watched this look suddenly become serious, and Sawazaki Izumi, who spoke some profound truths, should say that the real aura field is not the same as it was a second ago, which makes her feel uncomfortable. Listen to the other party's experience without paying attention.

"Human values ​​are different in forms, so the judgment is the same. This is the right of the reader, but not the right of the artist. As long as the insider should not easily deny a work that has been created hard, at least the creators Only under the premise of respect can you see more valuable things. Since you have entered the line of creators, you need to give most of your fans a sufficient explanation. If you are really selected, you must also be a qualified [ Dream Chaser] Just try to restore the role you want to play. Now that you are here, you should treat the movie, a professional entertainment industry with a correct attitude, if it is... just in case, You really have to play that role, you are responsible for that author, for readers who like that work, and for the industry you choose. Shibuya, that person came with this attitude Yes, do you have the same determination to take up the hardships behind the creation like him?"

Li Yan took out his mobile phone and carefully read the information of the three candidate idols of Xinheng Ningning, then raised his head and asked seriously.

"...Well, I see, you are right to say that, senior." After Shibuya listened to Li Yan's words, the arrogant and beautiful face seemed to be a little bit touched after careful consideration. Waking up and resonating, showing a smile, nodded and said.

"My word, as long as it's something decided, it will definitely be done, so please don't worry." Shibuya stated himself confidently.

"...That's good, sure enough you will grow into a super popular idol in the future."

Li Yan's worried mood began to dissipate, and said.For the time being, he remembered this girl named Shibuya in his heart.

The long-lost elevator finally began to come down. At this moment, Shibuya saw the vending machine next to her. After passing the words just now, she always felt that the personality and behavior of this artist was quite compatible with her, and she always felt that she should follow her own Need to express his personality, he said to Li Yan next to him: "Wait a moment, I'll buy something, senior can help me press the elevator?"

"Huh? Oh, yes."

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