I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 254

"It's me who won't say it, Professor Ogura, but I have spent enough effort to complete the topic you explained. Do you know how many reference materials I have read before I dare to give you the purpose?"

Li Yan thought with a fright.

"Then, it's almost time for get out of class to end, but before get out of class ends, I have to say something outside of class to the students."

Professor Kenichi Ogura retracted his gaze and looked at the dense physics formulas and analysis diagrams on the blackboard after that class, and asked: "Everyone is an outstanding student who has stood out from thousands of students. There are high expectations for academics and work. Whether in Japan, the United States, or Europe, physics is beginning to fade. The enthusiasm for science is not as good as finance and stocks. This is one of my concerns. Phenomenon, human progress, and financial power have contributed a lot, but what drives human prosperity is essentially physics. We need to understand the nature of the world in order to truly discover the gifts the world has given us."

"So, I recently received invitations from the principals of several high schools. Next week, I plan to choose a few students and go with me to several high schools around Japan for a good walk to help me promote the beauty of physics. I have communicated the matter with the school and obtained consent. Now I ask if anyone volunteers to assist me in speaking activities in the surrounding senior high schools?"


Suddenly, the whole class was silent, and none of them raised their hands.

After all, the students who have studied with this devil tutor for more than a month know that activities around Professor Ogura are almost a kind of suffering. Even if such outing activities will earn corresponding credits, no one wants to use that It is tiring to follow this demon instructor throughout the week, and is always under heavy learning pressure.

Unexpectedly, a student did not take the initiative to raise his hand, one after another you looked at me, I looked at you, or pretended to be reading carefully without hearing the professor's question.

"Um... the professor is joking, absolutely no one intends to follow, and they said they want to be voluntary..." Hagi Village Ling said bitterly to Li Yan next to him.

"Professor Ogura recently seemed to be in a good mood because his precious high school daughter had no results with a boy, and he suddenly thought of promoting the beauty of physics throughout Japan... and the publicity belongs to publicity, but physics is even publicity. There are also many people who can't read these boring formula worlds." Li Yan nodded and responded in a low voice.

A group of students were whispering. Suddenly, Professor Ogura immediately turned his eyes to Li Yan, and the head of Hagi Village, who was about to be overwhelmed by the figure of the students in front. , The two of you seem to be very interested, it's the two of you, and if there are two of you, we will get together."

"Huh?" Li Yan and Hagi-Mura Ling shocked, looking at the professor.


Li Yan and Hagi Ling's faces were blue, and they screamed in secret, shaking their whole bodies like a scared kitten.

Next, the entire classroom was dead silent, the students held their breath one after another, and there were two "victims"... not selected by this demon professor in Tokyo...

After class, hagi-mura Ling and Li Yan, who were ignorant on their faces, stayed with their classmates, a man and a woman, and the classmates who had survived behind them were talking and laughing, talking about playing golf, shopping, and other entertainment. The topic of the activity drifted away, and these words felt so painful in the ears of these four students.

"We will start going out about next Monday. You probably think it sounds strange. Such activities are usually lecture tours for graduate tutors and graduate students led by him. However, my teaching Everyone knows your style. Don’t think that you are just undergraduates. You can think that academics have nothing to do with you for the time being. One of the most proud departments of Dongda is the Department of Physics. You are the honorary latecomer of the University of Tokyo and the World Physics As a future member of the academic world, I have the responsibility and obligation to demand you in accordance with the standards of graduate students."

The white-haired Professor Ogura looked at them and said to the four of them coldly.

"is teacher……"

The four students answered.

"Science is not only an academic issue, but also an attitude issue. So during the admission interview, I and several other professors put out a slightly more complicated question to test you. It is not necessary for you to be able to answer that question. Get a few points here, but it is a test of how you deal with academic problems and when your ability is questioned. If you can stay here, the attitude towards science and ability naturally makes me satisfied. This The same is true for a publicity work. I hope you can recognize why we love physics. Then you will work hard. Before next Monday, I will tell you about the gathering time."

Kenichi Ogura stared at them with his superbly shining eyes, and began to explain the purpose of the entrance exam, and continued his stern teaching.

"Sure enough, that subject originally had a knowledge beyond the scope of high school textbooks..." Hagi Murata thought secretly.

"is teacher."

All the students can feel from him that this seemingly old-fashioned Japanese old man has an atmosphere of pursuing physics for the future of mankind and sincerely loving this subject.But it is such a breath that is admirable, but also feels too strict and fearful.

When the four-person team dispersed, Ogura Ken thought for a while, looked at the back of Li Yan who was leaving with Hagi Mura Ling, and said, "Li, you stay, I have something to ask you."

"!!!" Li Yan suddenly felt a chill behind him. He originally thought that this was bad enough, but the professor was still looking for him, which made him a little uneasy.

"Yes, teacher..." Li Yan turned around helplessly, looked at Ogura Kenichi, and said.

"I'm leaving now." Hagiura Bell waved to Li Yan and whispered.

As a result, the quiet classroom became more empty and quiet.

The professor, who was thin and slightly tall, came over, took out his paper, and asked, "Li, do you know why I should stop you?"

"...I don't know, teacher." Li Yan trembled and replied.

It should be said that there is nothing wrong with the thesis he wrote. After all, although Professor Ogura's class requirements are extremely strict, the topics assigned do not exceed the scope of undergraduate textbooks. He is very focused on allowing students to lay a solid foundation in college physics, so students are slightly You can handle it with a little effort.

"It feels like you were used to writing essays before. Among all the students’ essay descriptions, your essay description is almost the most professional. Just like you have written essays before, the explanation of the problem is also the most complete and rigorous. Yes, it surprised me a bit."

Ogura Yanyi took out Li Yan's paper, looked carefully at those wrinkled eyes, and said.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and blinked. He originally thought that he would be left behind to criticize him, but who knew it was a compliment, and he suddenly became clear as if he was seeing the sun.

After all, when Li Yan was in the Department of Chemistry, he began to participate in laboratory activities and write papers. Although the quality of the previous papers is not very high, he can get a scholarship when the school is selected, so he It is really hard to study and study.

"In the past, I wrote a little bit, but it was about chemistry knowledge. I was able to be praised by the teacher. I was terrified." Li Yan stood up straight at his waist and said politely.

"Ah, if you have merit, you should praise it, but...what's the matter with your paper, you guy, do you plan to perfuse your teacher with such a thing?" Ogura Ken took a picture of the ten-page paper , A pair of eagle-like eyes stared at him and asked.


Li Yan's original joy was wiped out immediately, and he knew that there must be nothing good to keep him.

"You did put some effort into this paper, and it was pretty good, but it was far worse than what Hagi wrote. You can see the difference between the two of you. You are just handing in your homework to me. It’s time for you to give me homework. I was looking forward to it. But seeing you like that time, I just put on that stinky face that I was going to retaliate severely, and wrote a kind of problem solving that I didn’t expect. Thoughts, you turned in an assignment for me. Next time, you will never be allowed to make such a mistake."

Kenichi Ogura put away the paper he had marked with a lot of comments, and the chill in his eyes became a little bit more, reprimanded.

"Yes... Teacher." Li Yan was about to catch a cold, nodded and said yes.

"Also, I heard that you had previously applied for finance and economics in other universities, so I applied for science major to Dongda University alone. These conversations do not belong to any credit considerations. As your teacher, I I just want to understand the students I value, Li, where do you put your mind? Do you really like financial things? Is it more interesting than physics?"

Professor Kenichi Ogura suddenly changed the conversation and asked Li Yan about his choice of ambition, which surprised Li Yan.

This information was probably heard from Hagi Suzu.

Professor Ogura is quite famous in the University of Tokyo. However, he treats the students he teaches with care, and he will not be the kind of professor who abuses his power to put pressure on the students. The student keeps his interest in physics, although the punishment imposed on minor mistakes in his class is far more severe than other tutors.

Even Suzu Hagi, a student with the highest grade in admissions, once mispronounced a vocabulary when he accidentally explained the concept of physics. He was publicly reprimanded and penalized for copying. The time spent on the penalization took one week. I haven't seen her ever come out of the girls' dormitory.

"Teacher... if you want to be honest, I'm more interested in physics, so enrolling in the Physics Department of the University of Tokyo was the only choice I had intended. But I need money and a lot of money to protect my family. This is caused by my family factors. My original wish was like this. I am ashamed of your concern and teaching. I am really sorry." Li Yan was silent for a while and answered truthfully.

"It's so...it's reasonable. But, Li, money is never the most important pursuit in life. It may be indispensable. People cannot do without material supplies. However, people are strange creatures. Understand one thing, that is, what is the meaning of human life? All the accomplished scientists and scholars I know have clear answers. Through so long observation, I can see your confusion. You are still an undergraduate. After studying for a monk or doctor, there is still a lot of time to think about. If you have achievements in the future, the problem of money will not be a problem. Don't give up your long-term self for the current difficulties, do you understand?"

Ogura Ken looked at him seriously and asked.

"..." Li Yan fell silent, without a word for a long time, his eyes paled slightly.

"Okay, don't hand me something like this next time. Just write something more carefully. Maybe the paper you write can be published in a scientific journal. It will be a lot of help to apply for a master degree in the future..." Ogura Yan Yi's tone eased, and he nagged a little, and said.

"Teacher, I didn't think about studying as a monk. I have to go out and make money quickly..." Li Yan was a little surprised, reminding him.

"What did you say?" Ogura Yan asked him, staring at him.

"No, nothing... I will work hard." Li Yan's face was pale, he bowed to this teacher, and hurried away without saying anything else.

"...This brat."

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