I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 264

"Because it's too obvious, I can't get out of bed for several days. I'm too old to walk anymore, chat with the guests, cook for the guests... These are all her favorite things, she can't even do these If she arrives, she is probably really old... I found her and asked her if she wants to live. If she is willing to survive, I will give her my blood... and said... it turned out to be a real one The stubborn guy refused, and said that this was enough. That guy, but I don’t know how much I wish she was a little bit greedy, and how good it would be to live..."

Sasara's eyes became gentle, and he gently stroked this tombstone, showing a helpless smile, and said.

"..." Li Yan didn't say a word, but he suddenly seemed to understand the considerations of the old man Sakazaka Chizu. If the flesh and blood of a mermaid can really live forever, it would be a dream for the powerful. However, the life of a person like this is because of the limited life, and only cherish every second every moment. If she can’t be reunited with her family in another world, she will eventually leave her to live alone. Kind of torture?

In the rumbling sky, the air was a bit chilly, and the leaves shook and made a rustling sound. Time gradually dimmed. The mermaid girl dragged her long fish body and stepped back slightly. She raised her head and looked at the sky. I know I can't stay here for long.

"Now, I'm fine. By the way, it's still the same way. Don't tell Natsume that guy about my things here." Saishu reminded Li Yan.

"Okay, I get it." Li Yan was used to it and agreed.

"One day, I also hope I can help Natsume-kun. After I lost my friend, I realized how important Banaka is to me. If it weren't for Natsume's hard work, she and I probably hadn't had enough time before. Say a few words... I said too much to him, I'm sorry. Let him come over and pass the message, I'm sorry. However, I can't live up to the gentle human beings like this. I have to find time to pass on my feelings to Natsume "Saizhou stood in the rain water, showing a slight smile, and said frankly to Li Yan.

"Natsume said, he didn't hate anyone, so you don't need to approach him with such a mood, it will also make him a little bit troubled..." Li Yan persuaded.

"I know, but I always feel that there is still something to be done. The gentle human has left one, and I always feel that there is something to be done." Saizhou shook his head and said in a ignorant way.

"...Well, let's see if he needs help." Li Yan felt that this mermaid girl was unexpectedly stubborn and had to compromise and said with a wry smile.

"It's getting late, that's it, goodbye, monster human." Saizhou turned to leave, moved the fish body, and said goodbye to Li Yan.

"Didn't I introduce my name, and the monster called me, I always think you have a problem with my eyes."

Li Yan did not forget to correct this monster girl's mouth addiction. He always felt that he was called a monster by the monster, and he was really uncomfortable all over his body, and he couldn't understand the disharmony.

"Goodbye, Chizu. As expected, there is nothing good about knowing humans, but even so, I still think it's great to meet you..."

Sasha looked at the tombstone with a smile, and said goodbye, she left. In the long rain and fog, the big purple Japanese robe danced slightly in the rain. The boundary between humans and monsters should not be broken. , When being broken, when we meet each other, it is destined to be the sadness of missed destiny.

Li Yan held the black umbrella and continued to stand there, watching her leaving behind, and suddenly felt a cold loneliness in his heart, whether it was his own or the mermaid...

Wednesday, afternoon.

Located in the auditorium of a senior middle school in Gono, Hitoyoshi, a lecture on physics was being carried out in full swing.The seats were full of students from this high school, and they were unwilling to give up the live lecture given by the famous physics master Professor Kenichi Ogura.

Although Li Yan thinks that Professor Ogura is a stubborn and gloomy scientist, he is surprisingly good at giving lectures. In his words, it seems that dry physics is so vivid and interesting. It also regards science as a representative of human science. The concept of the most important force for the progress of human productivity runs through it. Normal speeches are quite encouraging.

Li Yan looked in his eyes and realized that this did not seem to be Ogura Kenichi's outstanding speech ability, but that all of this was a direct manifestation of his mentor's heartfelt love for this subject.

After that, after the previous group of students demonstrated a physical phenomenon in life, the second simple physics experiment was conducted by Li Yan and Hagi Ling.

However, when Hagi Ling just came out behind Li Yan, there was a commotion in the audience. In the ears of Li Yan and Hagi Ling, they all heard about the eight or nine-year-old man on the stage. The blonde girl in Dongda was also a student of Dongda University and felt incredible words of exclamation. Suddenly, Li Yan felt bad in his heart.

"Ahhhh, you guys, I am not a genius child of eight or nine years old. I am the same age as this guy!!"

Hagiura bell suddenly exploded in anger, and suddenly retorted with a roar below the stage, and her voice was a bit good to read.

In addition to this small episode, when Li Yan and Hagi Bell hosted a reproduction of a world-famous physics experiment conducted by British scientist Henry Cavendish at the end of the 18th century [Cavendy Xu twist Scale test]. In this experiment, a 6-foot wooden rod with metal balls at both ends is suspended with a metal wire, and two 350-pound leather balls are placed close enough to attract the metal balls to rotate. The wire twists, and then uses a precision instrument to measure the tiny rotation.

In this experiment, the constant parameter of universal gravitation can be measured, and even this method can be used to measure the weight of the earth, which is about 13 trillion trillion pounds.

Naturally, this famous experiment also needs to be carried out carefully. With the assistance of technicians sent by the Education Department, Li Yan and Hagi-Mura can be regarded as a good reproduction of the experimental scene in the 18th century. When the experiment is over, suddenly The students burst into applause one after another. Finally, the plans and arrangements they had worked so hard for several days were rewarded.

After the end, Li Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the backstage. At the entrance of the auditorium, Takashi Natsume and others gathered outside. When the two parties met, Tou and Tanuma were waiting for someone. They once again applauded and saluted Li Yan.

"It's really exciting, senior, so handsome."

Natsume Kishi's friend Nishimura approached excitedly, seeing that he was completely caught in the atmosphere of the show.

"Yes, it turns out that there is another way to understand our world. I always feel that Cavendish, a British scientist, is really amazing. Although we have also learned the theory of universal quotation, let me give it to me. I wouldn't want to use this theory to calculate such complicated things for a thousand years..." Beibendou Shi smiled, and at the same time seemed to feel a headache, he said with an embarrassing smile.

"Ah, how else would it be considered an experiment by a great man," said Multitrack Tou.

"But I always feel that after I have read it, the distance from the prestigious school seems to have widened again, and I feel that it is not at the same level...The little Dong University student seems to be very smart, and the calculation speed is so fast..." Jun Sasada stroked his glasses and said bitterly.

"No, we also went through a lot of hard work before entering the university. Success is not casual, including Hagi, who has been working hard to review. After participating in tutorial classes, she was admitted to the University of Tokyo."

Li Yan realized Jun Sasada's distress, so he explained.

"Huh? Is that little girl's college student called Hagi Village? I thought it was a foreigner." Jun Sasada asked, a little surprised.

"Ah...Her father is Japanese and mother is Italian. She used to study abroad in a foreign country. She originally planned to go to university in France because she didn't know any friends or classmates who could pass the S-level university, so she was lonely instead of studying in Japan. , It would be better to go to England and France to study at a well-known university that you dreamed of. However, after getting to know me in the third year of high school, I began to apply for the University of Tokyo together. However, she was the same age as me, and I will never say that she is a child in front of her. Extreme."

Li Yan introduced Hagiura Bell to everyone, hoping that the students of this high school can understand this taboo.

Natsume and his party always felt that Li Yan was surrounded by a group of strange personalities.

"Senior, after this lecture, are you going back to Tokyo the day after tomorrow?" Natsume Takashi asked with a smile.

"Yes, since yesterday morning, the professor has started to give lectures in high schools in Kumamoto City, plus tomorrow, he will basically travel throughout Kumamoto City, and his voice has probably reached the students who are interested in listening to his lectures. Let’s go over there. It’s not good for the professor to be too tired, so I plan to go back on Friday."

Li Yan looked at Natsume, then at Multitrack and other people, and asked, "I look forward to your next performance. Now the time is like an arrow. You must study hard. Although university is not the only way out, no matter what the road is. On, everyone should love their career and life like Professor Ogura, okay?"

"Yes, we understand." High school students including Natsume nodded and said.

At this moment, suddenly, behind Natsume Takashi, a teacher hurriedly ran over and shouted, "Natsume, come here, you call from home."

At this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted to the teacher who suddenly ran over, and for a while, they all felt uneasy.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Natsume Takashi asked nervously.

"...Anyway, come here first." The male teacher didn't know how to explain, looked at the group behind Takashi Natsume, and said.

Natsume Takashi nodded, and left with the teacher, not forgetting to say to them: "Sorry, I'll go over!"

Li Yan and other classmates watched Natsume Takashi leave the auditorium. In the end, everyone became a little worried, and they talked briefly, and then they started to follow closely and came to the teacher's office in the teaching building.

Natsume Takashi followed the teacher in. As a result, when everyone waited for less than three minutes, Natsume Takashi walked out and passed Li Yan and his party. Everyone saw him on his face. An expression of extreme horror and worry.

"...What's the matter? Natsume, wait a minute!" Kitamoto realized something was wrong, and immediately chased after him and shouted.

"Natsume-kun..." Multitrack's eyes trembled, and he couldn't help covering his mouth, looking at the figure of Takashi Natsume running recklessly with some fear, and said.

The teacher in the office walked out to see the situation, but Li Yan stepped forward and asked: "Teacher, may I ask, what happened to Natsume's house? We are his friends. Can you tell us?"

"Ah... so, but these things shouldn't be spread out, but seeing you are worried about Natsume-kun, I understand it a little bit. Natsume-kun’s family called. Ms. Fujiwara Toko seems to be due to the recent unstable blood pressure. This morning While helping Natsume clean up the room, he accidentally rolled down from the upper floor and was seriously injured. Now he has been sent to the hospital for rescue."

This teacher said to Li Yan and others with a heavy face.


Li Yan's eyes widened, his breathing suddenly became difficult, and he stared at the teacher blankly.

Just the day before, we had a good chat together, and under her care, Fujiwara Tower, the woman who has been caring about Natsume Takashi and silently guarding the house, who is gentle and affectionate to everyone, happened to be wrong... …

The expressions of the others changed suddenly, and they all understood why Natsume was so panicked this time.

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