I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 269

It should be said that he also hesitated for a while as to whether he would give up once and avoid this dangerous incident.

However, this rain, after meeting the monsters that Natsume once helped, gradually washed away his doubts like rain. They are monsters, but they came for the little bit of kindness. Here, and in this rainy scene, the Sasaya in his eyes, the lonely mermaid girl who is deeply nostalgic for her friends, and the left back, made him unable to give up.

All the good things, he really couldn't help but be completely destroyed like this...

Therefore, he is standing here now, leaving life and death for the sake of his confidant.

"...Really?" The ghost girl looked at him silently and asked.

"Then, I'll go in with you." She said with a faint smile.

Li Yan hesitated, looked at her, and said, "You don't have to take an adventure with me. You are already a ghost. There is no need to use your own soul to take risks."

"So what, if you go, I will never leave. This time, I will fight alongside you."

The girl stood quietly beside him with a casual smile, letting the mountain breeze blow her beautiful long brown hair, and said quietly.

"...I will protect your safety, please be sure to tell me the information in the cave."

Li Yan realized that he could not persuade this mysterious high school girl. He said that he was going to catch up with Chang Sanwu.

"That demon knife seems to be a very powerful weapon. Although you are very powerful with your bare hands, you sometimes need to use the power of foreign objects to protect your strength. Take it."

Before Li Yan left, she reminded once again that what she mentioned was the demon sword that gave off a faint cyan light when Chang Sanwu was shot.


Li Yan pondered for a moment, and felt that there was some truth. Although he felt that fighting empty-handed was the most suitable, he still chose to bring this demon sword to defend himself just in case.

In the dark tunnel, with the help of the dim firelight, Li Yan and the others hurriedly chased over. There was no fork in this tunnel. All the way forward, they did not encounter the escaped demon master, nor did they see the boat. .

In the end, Li Yan walked to the end of the tunnel. As a result, in the middle of the mountain range in front of him, there was a huge space. The huge mountain forest outside was hollow.

"Sure enough...you still chased after..."

In the empty cave, the cold and arrogant voice of Chang Sanwu came.

"Where's Ms. Sasazhou?" Li Yan couldn't judge the opponent's position, and asked immediately.

"The blood of a mermaid is not able to make people immortal. Although it is not clear where the rumor came from, it indirectly caused a large number of mermaid monsters to be slaughtered. Even if it was actually eaten, it was found that there was nothing It worked, but it still attracted a large group of greedy people to go further to hunt and kill merman...this is human being."

Chang Sanwu continued in a mocking tone.

"Sometimes, I feel like I am just like them. I didn't do anything, but I was driven by fate. The separation of the family can only be reduced to a dominated fate and be reduced to a victim. Therefore, I need a mermaid. Power, this kind of blood that can not make people live forever, but can bring humans and monsters back to life, wakes me up for revenge."

Li Yan and the ghost girl felt a breath of suffocation. They were illuminated by the torch in Li Yan's hand in the darkness ahead. The huge body began to move gradually, and Li Yan finally understood this one. Mountain, why was the middle hollowed out...

He raised the torch, raised his head, opened his eyes in amazement, looked at the huge "giant" on top of his head like a building, and slowly opened his eyes.

"This, what is this?"

At that moment, Li Yan only felt that his scalp was a little numb, and asked dumbly.

"...The big monster of Japan, the monster called [Sura], the monster sealed here by the Japanese land gods, Li...you absolutely can't deal with him."

The girl quietly raised her head, looked at this giant monster, and explained.

Chapter 164 I will never leave

In the early morning, Wan Lai was completely silent, a faint light appeared in the mountains to the east, and the air was cool, gently blowing the tranquil woods, like a landscape painting.

Suddenly, something seemed to be disturbing. In the mist-filled forest sky, a swarm of birds was startled and flew towards the sky. All of a sudden, the earth began to shake violently.

The mountain collapsed and the ground cracked. For a moment, the world changed its color. A forest mountain suddenly collapsed, and a huge cloud of smoke was suddenly splashed.


Amidst the smoke and mist, there was a whisper of awakening.A giant monster as huge as a mountain, gradually got up from the state of leaning over. The bronze skin and strong muscles glowed like a totem. The two corners of the huge monster blocked the sun. , As if constrained for too long and suppressed too much anger, it suddenly roared into the sky. This roaring sound made the surrounding animals and monsters bow their heads and tremble suddenly, the original lively forest, But completely lost any sound.


This roar made Madara dancing in the air uncomfortably shocked. It took Li Yan to escape from the collapsed cave in time. On the edge of a mountain cliff, Li Yan was shocked into confusion. He jumped down on his back, squatted on the edge of the cliff, watching the giant that turned out to be born.

All the monsters fled one after another, standing still on the spot, so scared that they couldn't move. All of a sudden, the battlefield with which they were fighting against the gods suddenly collapsed.


The epic scene in front of him, like being in the world of Norse mythology, made Li Yan feel shocking.

Like a movie, on Xiaobai’s sky and above the misty forest, a giant like a mountain stands proudly between the sky and the earth, while the tiny one crouched on a cliff not far away, white The coat was hunting, only a demon knife was placed on his waist to fight it.

Absolutely...can't win.

"No, if you don't use missiles or artillery, you won't be able to hurt it..." Li Yan frowned.

In the strong wind, the ghost girl who followed by her looked at Li Yan quietly. At this moment, Li Yan’s eyes were full of restlessness, despair, and pain. Facing this evil creature Shura that was suppressed by the gods of this area, he Just a mortal in the flesh, fear and vacillation are his due rights.

Therefore, even if she trusted his abilities so much, she tried to prevent Li Yan from going deep into the crazy trap of this demon master. This time, the human beings used the power of the gods without authorization. Asura’s power destroyed and seized the position of the young man in the field, he has successfully integrated his body and soul into the comatose Shura, and used the mermaid who is regarded as a fairy among rare monsters as the key to restore Shura’s power. Committed a felony.

"What should I do, what should I do, run away...but, but Miss Sasune is still in that guy's body!" Li Yan clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with fear and anxiety, thinking quietly.

"Sura... Was this legendary monster originally sealed in this place?"

Banyao looked at this giant monster, his expression was not very good, and said seriously: "This monster legend is like a pangolin in the monster world. I waited for it to be an ant, just the food that was consumed by it, Li , We have encountered an enemy that cannot be dealt with."

"Um..." Li Yan clenched his fists, feeling at a loss for a while.

"It turns out that the mermaid was used as an inducer to restore Shura's demon power... The demon master is like this, but the mermaid's power is very weak, and it may only last long before the mermaid's power will be completely eaten..."

Madara continued.


Li Yan, who had been speechless for a long time, reacted immediately and couldn't stay long.

"... Teacher Cat, this monster, is there anything that can restrain it before?" Li Yan turned his head to look at it and asked.

"Just kidding, if there is something to restrain it, it won't use the power of the local gods to suppress it hard. What are you thinking, do you really plan to fight such a monster in this place?"

Madara looked at him, and felt a little astonished that Li Yan still had plans not to retreat, and asked.


Li Yan was in the mood for a moment. Suddenly, an indescribable sense of powerlessness and suffocation penetrated into his heart, making him silent again, and the line of sight of his eyes was also somewhat sadly lowered.

It seems that at this moment, he said yes, or maybe said no, they were all seriously contrary to his original intention.

An unprecedented predicament is right in front of him...Different from the previous predicament, when Wan Huajing was broken, although tens of thousands of ghouls were released, he still had enough space and obstacles to win by relying on the terrain. .At the moment when he was chased by the police on the mountain road and his right hand was knocked and dislocated, he at least still had one hand that could barely run to the other side of survival. After crisis after crisis, there was always a door opened to him... and now, In retrospect, he was a man, absolutely unable to deal with huge monsters that the gods could hardly resist...

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