I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 280

"Next week? You fellow, if you come here, I will ask you to drink until you can vomit the fat out of your whole body. You are about to start your journey today. This event cannot be delayed for too long, you know me How many sins did you suffer this day?"

Li Yan squinted his eyes and immediately refuted Teacher Cat's time proposal.

[Human wine is not as good as the wine of monsters, just wait, and I still have a lot of injuries. Natsume and his classmates will go to the hot springs this week. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Something that the city doesn't have...]

Teacher Cat seems to be very nostalgic for the enjoyment of this week, even the voice is comfortable and expectant.

"You fellow, why didn't you see that you were so unreasonable at the beginning? If I had known it earlier, I would pluck out your hair by the way when I was fighting Shura... Wait a minute, I suddenly remembered something I haven't told you anything yet."

Li Yan said annoyedly on the phone, but suddenly something flashed in his heart, and then he said to his classmate.

[Any clue?

Teacher Cat was completely unmoved, and asked lazily.

Li Yan looked at the laptop in front of him, with a faint expression in his eyes: "I have made a promise like a military order. I plan to write the seventh volume of "Super Academy War" in May. But now When it comes to such trouble, it seems that the publication can only be suspended for the time being, even I feel it is a pity."

what?!Wait, wait, are you ready to write the seventh volume? Will it be completed this month?!

Suddenly, the voice over there was shocked. Even through the mobile phone, Li Yan could imagine that this cat teacher must have all the hair erected at the moment, and now even the voice is shaking with excitement.

"So, when did you come here?" Li Yan asked coldly again.

[You guy, you actually played this trick with me, are you a devil, a robber?!

Teacher Cat suddenly shouted angrily.

However, the protest went to protest, and Teacher Mao finally compromised.

[I understand, I will set out now and help you solve it as soon as possible. Although I am not sure that I can really help you, it must be the best choice for you to find me. I am better than the second-rate monsters of Sanxiao and C It's much stronger. It will be around tomorrow morning. As a reward, I will watch you write the seventh volume by the way, otherwise I will never go back.

Teacher Cat's voice calmed down and continued.

"Okay, then please." Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief, before hanging up the phone, said one last sentence.

All of a sudden, it finally made Li Yan feel that this incident has some hope of resolving...

He looked at the note on the table, and he was not sure if it was a new "reincarnation" after waking up tomorrow. He also had some things and planned to tell the girl clearly...

As a result, after continuously copying books and rushing to write novels, after a busy night, Li Yan tried to stay up late and tried to prevent the phenomenon of "swap" from recurring by not sleeping. However, at seven o'clock in the morning, He was originally drowsy, but suddenly, the room in front of him, and even the entire scenery, was changed again.

He, Li Yan, was "sent" to this girl's room again, seeming to wake up again.

At this moment, the girl with short hair also woke up again and found that she had come to that strange single apartment.

Between each other, once again stepped deeply into each other's lives.

The morning sun shines in different areas, but there are young people and girls who share the same worry and anxiety, Li Yan, and the girl named Megumi Kato, invariably raised their heads to look at the bright morning light.

"How on earth can I know your name?"

The name may become the most important "bridge" for them to return to their normal lives...

Chapter 169

In the morning, I came to this familiar bachelor apartment room, just like the previous few times.

"The result... is still the same."

This female high school student who came to the living room looked around quietly, his eyes a little uneasy, and he thought slightly.

Her name is Megumi Kato. After the end of the spring break, she officially became a sophomore in high school. She originally thought that she would spend her sophomore year peacefully this year. Unexpectedly, she started just a few days ago. It's a strange event that can subvert one's three views.

There is always a sense that he and the owner of this apartment have been "exchanged" with each other.

What happened, and what she was going to do next, she couldn't figure out these things...

It’s strange to say that after she went back, her mind was basically blank. Although she remembered what she had experienced in general, the fragments in the memory seemed to be erased, especially the other party’s intelligence, as if it did not exist at all. After letting her go back, she couldn't investigate from the source at all, but after she came back again, after she learned about the intelligence again, she took over the previous experience.

"So, what am I going to do next, or do I have to go to class instead of this East University student as before?" Kato Kee showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, pinched her chin, thinking nervously.

She quietly looked at this quiet living room, in the warm sunshine, silently greeted this uneasy life that continues. She is not good at dealing with such events that deviate from common sense. The only thing that can be done is to save as much as possible. After this period of time, go back to her original life circle and look forward to her ordinary and peaceful life, that's it.

As a result, when Kato Megumi was a little uneasy, suddenly, her gaze swept across a notebook she had placed. On the white paper, she wrote a line of messages. Her eyes widened slightly, suddenly. I remembered that I seemed to have tried to leave a message to the original owner in the early morning yesterday. Perhaps the message she left has made progress.

In the notebook, I wrote some information that Li Yan wrote out yesterday afternoon after thinking:

[I saw your message yesterday. Due to some force majeure reasons, almost all the personal information we provided to each other will be erased. This may be a problem of time and space paradox, especially the traces that prove existence such as names will be processed. I I heard that a person’s name is a very important basis for existence a long time ago. Although it is against science, what I have experienced now violates the scientific concept of the world today.Please don't panic. I am already looking for a solution to this problem. In the face of danger and trouble, the first priority is to calmly overcome the difficulties encountered.I have asked for leave from the school today, so you don't have to go to my university. In time, this uneasy thing will definitely be put on a stop.I am sorry for involving you in this incident.

The handwriting is somewhat sharp, but vaguely, I can feel that the young man who wrote the note is very serious.


After reading the message in the notebook, Kato Hui was a little surprised. There was no anxiety in this line of handwriting as she did. She seemed to have some habits, and at the end she made a special reassurance and apologized.

The other party seemed to have accepted this weird incident so easily, and was already on the road to resolve it, so I had to surprise Kato. After all, ordinary people's reactions were not so calm.

Now, she doesn't need to go to the University of Tokyo. In order to avoid causing more troubles, Kato Hui can only prepare to stay in this room for a while.

Early in the morning, in a strange room, Kato Kee put her feet up and leaned against the wall, looking up in a daze at the sky on this balcony. The golden sunlight was shining on her. Only in this way, she was her. Myself...

To be honest, she always felt uneasy and resisted when she was suddenly involved in an unfamiliar environment and lived the life that others should have. She even began to miss her peaceful student life.

"So, what am I going to do next...?"

Kato Megumi looked at the sky boredly, thinking.

She doesn’t like a passionate life, because she thinks she is a very ordinary girl, it seems that because of ordinary, she leads a very peaceful life, she does not reject such a lifestyle, and because she is fixed in this way Peaceful life in the world.

When she was trapped in this room by herself, she walked back to Li Yan's bedroom again, and again, carefully observed this strange room.

On the second day, she just thought it was a boy’s room. In order to find the other party’s information, she also found a lot of messy things, such as dumbbells, martial arts books, unreadable college books, and a whole bookcase. In addition to knowing that he went to the top school in Japan, it is just his name and appearance. It is not clear what is the background of this man named Li Yan, what is his personality, and whether he is a danger People...

Now, it seems that because it was the third [swap], Kato Megumi has gotten used to it. In her calm heart, she started looking for books, playing styles, and waiting for her to be swapped back.

As a result, there is no light novel that she likes, nor is there a subject book, she can understand...

"I always feel that this person is incompatible with me." Kato Kee blinked, looked at the pile of items, and said in a very soft voice.

Kato Megumi had such an impression of the host here, she was totally uninterested, and when she read the message, she also felt that she was completely at the opposite end of her personality, including Li Yan’s sense of sight at first sight, and It’s not the type she is close to. Although she looks very handsome and handsome, her eyes always make people feel too sharp. It seems a bit scornful. It should be said that if they meet in real life, it will probably be because they are not. People of the same kind do not have any intersection.

In the end, she had no choice but to continue sitting on Li Yan's desk, thinking about ways to spend the time today.

After sitting down, Kato Megumi suddenly noticed that there was a notebook in the pile of books on the table.

"Is this Li Jun’s diary?" Kato Kee took out the notebook that was caught in the pile of books curiously. After seeing the logo on the cover, he understood that the notebook was working. It's Li Yan's diary.

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