I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 286

But, instead of her taking the exam, isn't it...

The class representatives began to distribute the test papers, and soon, everyone got their test papers, but Kato Megumi's desk was empty.

"Kato." The female head teacher looked at her with a reproachful expression, holding a graded test paper, and nominated.


When Megumi Kato heard this, she stood up with some anxiety.

"This one is really your test paper. What's the matter with you, you were all very well-behaved students before, but this time it seemed like you wanted to behave rebelliously, and you deliberately didn't write the names and student numbers of all the test papers."

The head teacher said sternly.

"Eh... I'm very sorry!" Kato Kee said with a wry smile a little nervously.

She naturally knew what was going on, probably the senior wrote to her, but after the exchange went back, all personal information would disappear.

"However, our teacher also agrees with your progress. Just forget it this time. Don't forget it next time. We will let you go this time and record your grades, but we must continue to work hard next time."

The head teacher immediately smiled cheerfully, beckoning her to come over to take the test paper, and said: "Almost all science subjects are full marks. Except for the inexplicable regression of Chinese language, the liberal arts are basically very close to full marks. It's amazing. , Temporarily ranked first in the complete works."


Kato Megumi showed an embarrassing smile from the heart, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, she came to the podium and took her test paper. It was too eye-catching and completely inconsistent with her life style.

These neat handwritings, the detailed and easy-to-understand class notes in her schoolbag, and many appendices explaining to her, as if they appeared in her life not long ago and gave her a help, although a little messy , But it feels a bit warm.

These were made for her by someone she didn't know...

In life, this experience gradually felt incredible, and gradually became full of curiosity. It seemed that it was not bad to be treated warmly by the other party.

"It's just... why is it that only the national language is a failure?" Kato Kei looked at a national language test paper curiously, and thought.

It's just that, after attending a morning class, after the last morning class, suddenly, Kato Megumi, who had been quiet, was suddenly called up.

"Sorry, can we continue yesterday's discussion?"

A boy wearing glasses with a serious and excited look stroked his eyes, took his notes, and asked Kato Kee nervously.

"Huh?" Kato Megumi was taken aback for a moment and looked at him in astonishment.She knew this otaku named An Yilunya, because she did a lot of extraordinary things, she was well-known in the school, and she was reputed as [one of the three wonders of Toyosaki], and she hadn't said anything in her class for a year Talk.

"My name is An Yilun. Speaking... I have never spoken to you before, but these are not important. Are you a book fan who loves Uesugiyan's work?! Thank you for your advice yesterday. I always think you are very much. I have the idea of ​​designing games. A long time ago, I had been planning to set up a club to seriously produce a fan game of "Super Academy War", but I still don't have any creative talents, that...what's your name? "

When this boy named An Yilun Ye was talking passionately, he paused and asked directly.

"Um...I'm Kato Megumi, a classmate who has been in the same class with you for a year..." Kato Megumi was asked this, and then smiled a little troubledly, saying that she is still used to being ignored by others. Probably because the sense of existence is too weak.

"Yes, Kato, you are an individual talent. Please join the fan game club [blessing software] created by me. Let's create the perfect fan game for Uesugi-sensei's work together!!"

An Yilun also continued to burn herself, and said to Kato Hui fervently.


After listening to Megumi Kato, she was a little surprised, especially when she heard the names [Uesugiyan] and [Super Academy War], she suddenly felt electric shock, and she always felt a little impression.

It seems to me that I really have heard of it and feel nostalgic. Although I can’t remember where I heard of these names, she still remembers that Teacher Cat said that the senior was a famous light novel. Home……

Next, this boy named An Yilun Ye seems to have misunderstood that she has a strong design ability, and has been persuading her to join the club. As a homecoming department, she finally chose to be determined after thinking about it. The way, answered An Yilun's prayer.She always felt that she should not decide this matter lightly, after all, this matter was the beginning caused by that senior...

Just after leaving An Yilunya, Kato Megumi breathed a sigh of relief, but inadvertently looked out of the corridor window and saw Kasumigaoka Shiwa who was observing her in the corridor, and the other window was beautiful. The blond-haired Sawamura Ying Riri happened to pass by, and she had a horrible feeling when she looked directly at her.

"Is that...Is it my illusion...I always feel the feeling of being watched today." Kato Hui sat there with a bitter mood, not daring to move. After all, she didn't know why she was caught Big celebrities are eyeing...

"As a result, did Senpai really do it... Working hard to solve our previous problems..."

She raised her head, facing the gentle wind, looking at the side of the window on the other side, a little melancholy between her eyebrows, smiling like a girl.

"But... why do I suddenly feel a little lonely."


Suddenly, fate is often not missed, only late.

In an instant, Kato Megumi's eyes changed for an instant, her heartbeat pounded, and again, she was swapped again, and came to this apartment building room.


Megumi Kato looked at here in surprise.

"Huh?" The teacher cat on the side was still eating the lunch that Li Yan cooked for him, and realized that the people on the side suddenly smelled a little bit differently. It looked at this person's face and guessed a bit, and said: Oh, it’s finally swapped, welcome back, guy Li probably guessed that he will be swapped, so everything is done, even lunch is ready for you."

Kato Megumi's forehead shed cold sweat, staring blankly.

Her mood was not uneasy, but a moment of relief. It turned out that the exchange was still going on.

"Sure enough... I haven't finished listening to the story of Mr. Kitty. That man's story... listen a little more." Kato Megumi smiled and said.

"Um, are you still going to listen?" Teacher Cat asked, chewing the fish.


Kato Megumi looked around before saying, "That... it feels like reading a novel, haha... Lee, to me, is like the protagonist of a story, I can watch He was adventurous, worried for him, happy for him, and deeply moved by this story... Obviously there is this person, but for me it feels so illusory, and it feels like this... …It’s like watching a movie or a work. I haven’t had any contact at all, but I always feel that I have been together for a while and I hope to continue to understand….”

"..." Teacher Cat looked at her, nodded, and said: "Wait a minute, I will finish the meal first, you can eat too, that fellow's cooking skills are pretty decent."

"Yeah." Kato Kee smiled quietly, and then began to eat.

In the two hours of noon and afternoon, Kato Kei quietly continued to listen to the progress of the story followed by Teacher Cat, step by step, towards the current accident caused by Shura's blood.

The hero in her mind is gradually growing up, seeming to experience the same slowly in front of her eyes.

Sure enough, it is completely different from her living environment...

"Huh?" Kato Hui saw the diary on the table inadvertently while eating. The line of words seemed to be the notes written by the senior.

——[Today is finally a little better, sorry, these days have been affecting your life, and finally let you go to class in the morning, no matter how hard I work hard, I will definitely free you from such chaos Yes, I have worked hard for you these days.After these days of experience, I seem to have learned a lot about you. You are a very quiet, kind, gentle person to everything, sensitive to things around you, and have always been low-key. Here, I gradually feel your mood. It may be inappropriate to say these words in this situation, but I still want to say that it is not a bad thing for you to live in this environment. If you are a female character in the story, As a writer, I think it will be a very dazzling girl.If it is really possible, I hope to learn more about you.In short, I'm really sorry that I dragged you down this time, and it will be over after a while.

When Li Yan was in school, he was also learning what the girl he replaced was. Before he knew it, Li Yan seemed to have some understanding of Kato Kee. He could not ask for any information about Kato Kee. A piece of information, a girl whose existence was forgotten. He clearly felt that she was a dazzling girl from various details, but was unexplainably buried...

He also quietly learned that Kato Megumi was at peace on the surface and unwilling to life. In the process of gradually being able to resolve this special incident, he finally left this persuasive message specifically.


Kato Kei was slightly surprised. She originally thought that she was the only one who understood the other party, but unexpectedly, the other party was really understanding her...


She didn't know why, but her heart was moved suddenly.

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