I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 288

The store manager who hired Gabriel said with emotion, seeing that there were many high school students in the store.

"What's wrong, store manager?"

Gabriel who was carrying the plate noticed something was wrong with the manager, and asked.

"Ah, Mr. Innocent, don't you think that many young people like to drink coffee recently? Although I am very happy, I am a little older, and I can't talk to these young people at all.

The store manager said with a awkward smile.

"Isn't this always obvious?" Gabriel replied directly.


The store manager's face is full of sadness, why this lovely waiter is so directly filling his heart.

Suddenly, a new group of guests greeted at the door. After Gabriel noticed it, she said to the store manager: "I'm going to entertain the guests."

"Ah, thank you for your hard work." The shopkeeper with a beard said gently.

Gabriel walked to the door, and as a result, three female high school students walked in. They didn't seem to be students from the surrounding high schools. They brought many shopping bags, talking and laughing.

"Welcome, three?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes, are there any seats available here?" a female high school student asked.

"Yes, please come with me." Gabriel nodded and said in greeting.

As a result, the two girls began to walk in. As a result, the third girl had short black hair and a lovely face. She seemed to have a very soft and kind personality.

Gabriel was taken aback for a moment, always feeling that when she saw this strange girl, her breath always made her feel a little strange.

Gabriel arranged their three female high school students in a seat in the room. After the other party ordered coffee and snacks, she went busy by herself. Although she was curious about one of the girls, she didn't even pay attention to why she herself. I understand, just ignore it.

"Is this waitress a foreigner? Isn't she cute?" A high school girl said in a low voice, looking at Gabriel's back.

"Yes, blond hair, it feels noble, like a princess in Europe." Another girl smiled.

As a result, the third girl who came to shop with her did not say anything, but was thinking about something with her notebook. She seemed very focused and did not hear their words.

"Kato, what are you writing?"

The students around me started to care and asked.

This girl who writes notes, who is not Kato Megumi?Kato Megumi suddenly recovered. She raised her head and said with a shy smile: "I... write a little about the subject matter of the story."

"Eh, the subject of the story, Kato, do you like writing?"

"No, that... I'm a little bit interested, but what I wrote is basically a failure. I'm still studying it. It's more difficult than imagined." Kato Kee said with a smile.

"Yeah, yes, I can't write anything interesting anyway. Well, I bought a lot of nice fashionable clothes and put them on tomorrow, how about?"

After talking to Kato for a while, the other two girls began to turn the topic to fashion clothes and magazines. Kato Megumi listened to it, and then took a look at a true story she designed.

In these days, she used a notebook to communicate with the senior whose name she had forgotten.She said that her own sense of existence is too weak, but the next day she saw the other person’s perception of existence. People’s existence is not determined by others. Human existence means identifying with yourself. Let others’ opinions determine their own existence. It is a kind of mistake, without any packaging, as long as you are serious about yourself, you have a sense of existence.This view is undoubtedly more in line with the style of this unknown senior who has overcome all kinds of difficulties, and Kato Megumi started to want to pursue something.

While communicating with her diary, she also began to learn how to organize the storyline of the novel. Two days ago, she was forcibly tried to write a story by the teacher cat, but she was identified by this only talking rice cake monster as having no talent for writing. Ordinary people.

She is really not good at fantasizing about stories, but there is only one story she has heard, and she wants to show it in a whim. She wants to complete this real work by herself.

"Kato, look, look, this kind of clothes looks good, I always feel that long hair will be very flavorful when matched."

The topic of fashion among the girls continued, Kato Megumi had to put down his notes and began to discuss with them, such as the designer’s name, the specific nouns of the style, and even the details of the folds of the skirt. In-depth analysis and appreciation.

"I always feel... I don't understand what the young people are saying at all, naive sir, I really can't communicate with the guests. If I can understand, I should contact the customer a little bit and provide better service."

The store manager who was standing not far away seemed helpless, and said to Gabriel who was about to carry the plate.

Gabriel looked at the group of girls and smiled and said, "The store manager is right. Recently, I don't know what the young people are thinking. Haha..."


The store manager is full of trouble. Why is this lovely waiter so young, but said so old-fashioned...

After a period of time, Kato Kei and his team started to leave the coffee shop. This coffee shop was recommended by one of the high school girls. After Kato Kee and the other person drank the coffee, they also found it delicious and paid. After that, he kept talking and leaving.

"Gabriel, I'm here, please serve me hard."

Suddenly, when Kato Megumi was about to go out, two girls came in again. They looked young and were similar to her, and their hair color was a bit foreign.

Satania walked into the coffee shop shiningly, and behind her was La Fei, a girl with silver hair.

"What are you two guys doing here? Go back, go back." Gabriel showed a disgusting expression and hurried people at the door, urging.

"What's your attitude, and this time, I didn't come here for coffee, it was the fellow Winnett who asked us to come to the meeting together." Satanya retorted dissatisfiedly.

"Well, it's like this, I'm looking forward to something unfolding." La Feier said with a happy smile.

"Eh...Vinette, that guy, what kind of meeting are you going to have..."

Gabriel was taken aback for a moment, and there was always a feeling of restlessness in her heart.

As a result, Kato Megumi followed the two of them out of the coffee shop. After crossing the zebra crossing, they walked towards a commercial street and went to the tram stop to go back.

However, just after leaving a hundred meters away, Vinnett and Li Yan, who came in from another street, happened to stagger the group of Kei Kato, who had been blocked by the walls of private houses. They staggered by coincidence.


Megumi Kato felt something. She turned her head and looked. The glass door of the coffee shop was swaying. It seemed that the customer had just entered, and she did not see the back of the other person clearly. After hesitating for a while, she did not think too much to continue following her friend Go home together.

In the coffee shop, Li Yan once again came to the place where Gabriel worked.

"Ah..." When Jia Baili saw Li Yan, she couldn't help but let out a surprised voice.

Li Yan smiled at Gabriel.

But this smile couldn't erase Li Yan's pale face at this moment. It was revealed in this face that I don't know how much intense pain and torment he has endured so far.

"Mr. Innocent, aren't these your friends? Let them sit down. I will make some mixed coffee to entertain them. Of course it is free." The shop manager saw that this group of people are friends of Gabriel, and immediately said slightly. Laugh, after I told Gabriel, I went back to work to make coffee.

"..." Gabriel fell silent, and she could see at a glance that Li Yan was in a terrible condition at the moment. It was obvious that several powers were attached to him before, including the magic power of Venette. As a result, these protective powers are now severely weakened. Up.


Weinet noticed that Gabriel was distracted, and called her.

"Uh...well, I'm here." Jiabaili recovered after a while and walked over with complicated thoughts.

"Gabriel, you really are still working hard." Li Yan looked at Gabriel wearing the European-style waiter costume, and once again praised.

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