I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 294

[Really worthy of seniors, I knew you would be able to defeat any enemy a long time ago. Although I still don't know what happened, I have always believed in seniors!Satania yelled happily and proudly.

[Satania, everyone, have breakfast.La Fei'er said with a smile.

[That's it, you have a good rest...Also, welcome back to Valhalla Kingdom, Warrior Ueshan Yan.

Gabriel's original sloppy tone suddenly became gentle, she smiled cheerfully, and after speaking in a low voice, she turned off the phone.

"...It seems that it really worried them for a long time."

Li Yan was silent for a while, then turned off the phone. He looked at the sunrise scenery outside the window, and gradually closed his eyes and wanted to go back.

As a result, there was some surprise when I returned to the place. The final stop turned out to be the bus stop near the restaurant where Rin Shibuya was dining with in Gangto District. Office workers working in the suburbs all transferred, and Li Yan was once again. When I came to the old place, I had to walk to the section of road I had walked before, to the subway entrance.

Time, 6:45 minutes.

It's that ramp again, painted in a beautiful oil painting in the morning sun.

After Li Yan went uphill, the leaves swayed and the cherry blossoms danced. Li Yan couldn't help but stop to watch the beauty of the cherry blossoms. At that moment, a short-haired girl in casual clothes hurriedly passed Li Yan on the ramp... …


The girl was taken aback for a moment, and she also stopped.

Teacher Cat said that the person was already at the end of the street, so after the police escorted to Tokyo, she took the subway to this side and walked towards this side in a daze.

As a result, on this ramp, once again, she met the unknown person on this ramp.

"...Li Yanjun, sure enough, have you overcome the difficulties again."

The girl was standing on the ramp where the cherry blossoms were flying, she turned around, smiled, and said, "We finally met."

"..." Li Yan looked at this girl in surprise, as if he had known each other before, and understood who she was.

"my name……"

Kato Megumi raised his head, those bright and beautiful eyes looked at him calmly, and said: "My name is Kato Megumi, I have always wanted to pass on my name to you, but now I finally did it."

Amidst the cherry blossoms, she smiled.

Volume 7 Sherlock Holmes and the Old Thief Chapter 175: Miss Watson with a Young Family

At seven o'clock in the morning, a layer of mist filled the streets, shrouding Tokyo in the morning mist.

On a quiet street, a young girl returning from a stroll raised her head and looked at the golden sunrise. Her white and flawless cheeks were hard with the morning breeze, and her golden hair swayed slightly. Her face and eyes were as beautiful as her name. Clear as water.

The street and atmosphere at the moment were very similar to those in London, England, which made her always feel like going home.

People think of the British style, it is often black cobblestone roads, gray city walls, always a little dim street lights, and black carriages passing by. The most important thing is the mist that is unique to the fog. view.

Today is a Saturday holiday. After Shiina Mashiro woke up at about 6 o'clock, he accompanied Aoyama Nanami to go shopping at the supermarket. Although she now has a general understanding of the use and value of money in society, she is in the details of shopping. But there are many loopholes, and there is still room for improvement.

"It's really white, it's still the same today, do you want to go over there?" Qingshan Qihai asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Shiina nodded, and said.

She raised her head and looked at the fifth floor. At this time, it seemed that the gentleman hadn't woken up yet.

[Ding Dong.

After pressing the bell three times in succession, Shiina Mashiro held the paintbrush tool and waited quietly at the door of Room 505.

After waiting for a while, Li Yan opened the door. His hair was dazzling and his eyes had dark circles. He seemed to have barely slept for many hours. He saw Shiina really white. After a slight stunned, he immediately remembered the Saturday agreement with a look on his face. He smiled and said, "Oh, Shiina, have you come over to help me draw a portrait now?"

"Yes, good morning, Holmes." Shiina nodded and answered calmly.

"Good morning, Shiina."

Li Yan also responded, but the name "Holmes" seems to have become his third name. Although he helped Zhenbai design into the environment during the investigation into the shrine a long time ago, all things ended. After that, he didn't call her "Watson" anymore, but Shiina insisted on calling him this imaginary detective name.

"Come in... Oh, why is it starting to fog today, and it feels like it's going to rain again... By the way, Shiina, did you have breakfast? Do you want to start painting after breakfast?"

Li Yan opened the door and walked in first. He thought of something in a dazed mind, and turned his head to ask.

"Qihai will send it to us later."

Shiina Mashiro walked inside the house, closed the door and said.

The two went back to the place that was originally a warehouse. Suddenly, Shiina looked at Li Yan for a while and asked, "Holmes, I slept very late last night. Was the professor punished for copying?"

"Um, how did you know that I was punished by the professor for copying textbooks?" Li Yan asked in a daze.

"You are in a bad spirit. You always cover your waist unnaturally. It should be a posture of sitting for a long time. Occasionally rubbing the position of your palms and your wrists is the fatigue of writing for a long time. You always use the computer to work when you write novels. The job is most likely to be fined for copying homework at the university."

Shiina Masashi looked at Li Yan's wrists, waist, and walking posture. The painter's sharp observation skills were fully displayed, and his tone was calmly analyzed to Li Yan, and he rarely said longer words.

"...Shiina, you really felt like a detective at that moment." Li Yan was a little surprised and couldn't help but praise.

"It's nothing, it's just the basics." Shiina Mashiro looked at him and said.

Under normal circumstances, people who meet at most know that he might stay up late or not sleep well. These few subtle movements and the purpose of staying up late are completely right, that is, a few seconds, Shiina is really white on him. A lot of information was found on him.

Since he started to create the detective series of comics, Li Yan knew that Shiina Mashiro had read a lot of classic detective novels as a reference. It seemed that Shiina Mashiro, who had a blank reaction to the world, began to absorb a lot of detective skills. .

In May, the temperature here in Tokyo gradually began to rise, and people felt more and more hot, as if the summer was getting closer and closer. When he came to the warehouse room, an indescribable sultry feeling made Li Yan noticed a little bit. He raised his head and looked around, thinking about whether to buy an air conditioner in this room again to ensure that Shiina is really white in the hot summer season and painting here will be more comfortable.

After Li Yan opened the window to this room, he turned back to his bedroom and moved his notebook and textbooks back.After all, Shiina Mashiro painted the way he was writing a novel, so he just continued to copy the textbook at that desk. The oil painting was called "Old Thief". He did not have time to update because of the penalty for copying. It fits the name of the oil painting.

Next was a long drawing process. Although Shiina Shiro held a paintbrush, he did not do anything at all. He kept observing Li Yan's busy copying, but only when Li Yan's expression appeared tired again. Draw it out.Regarding oil painting creation, Zhenbai has always felt that time is the best way to remove the disguise. She always feels that Li Yan, who is already full of tiredness, has a bit of thinking, but is still struggling to persevere, is the real representative. His life is tired and firm, but still happy.

"I always feel like I need to sleep a little longer..."

Li Yan thought with a distressed expression that after the end of last week’s [swap] event, there was a busy daily life, class, copying textbooks, and even dare to write the seventh volume of novels, almost let He hadn't taken a good rest this week, he had just emerged from the dangerous situation.

However, he feels that his life seems to have gradually entered the daily and ordinary rhythm. Originally, his life trajectory has been developing along this way, so he does not feel too hard.

In the last week's [swap] incident, it seems that because of him, Ke Kato joined a group called "blessing software" and began to assist in the production of fan games for his novels. When this group was established, I didn’t know it was out of For whatever reason, Lianze Village Yinglili and Kasumigaoka Shiyu joined one after another, and the whole society seemed to be fighting spirit.

However, in the next short meeting, Kato Megumi showed a faint smile on her face, and declared that she was going to work hard to make another special game with the team, and she clearly believed that her involvement in the club was largely due to Li Yan's factor. , Said that in future club activities, if you don’t understand something, Li Yan will always be responsible.

——[So, senior, be responsible for me.

When Megumi Kato said this with a smile, Li Yan didn't think much about it at first, but now when I think about it, I always feel that the ambiguity caused is too bad.

I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly, the door of 505 was knocked, and then Aoyama Qikai walked in, carrying a box of breakfast snacks, and after seeing them, smiled and said, "Okay, let’s rest for now. , Have breakfast."


Shiina Mashiro also just noticed that Li Yan was in poor condition this time and became more and more unstable, and immediately understood that the day would end here, and said: "Sure, Holmes."

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