I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 296

Qikai Aoyama was taken aback for a moment, and the originally worried expression turned into a faint smile, and said: "Um, it was an appointment together. The text of this stage play was adapted from a legend in this area by the senior Mitaka, but The number of popular stage plays is enough, so as the initiator, I invited everyone to prepare this stage play together."

She looked at the group of people, smiled helplessly, and continued: "It just seems that my cohesive ability is not enough. Everyone seems to be not optimistic about the stage play I organized."


Li Yan was stunned for a moment. It turned out that this team was a drained team from Qingshan Qihai. It is no wonder their performance did not treat this stage play as their own.

But can such an effort really succeed in performing a stage play...

While thinking, Li Yan unknowingly followed the brigade to a Japanese-style building sitting at the top of the ramp in the town. The moist wind blew the group of people, making the original worrying environment more primitive. Everyone relaxed a little, and it seemed that this Japanese-style theater was well equipped in all aspects.


Qingshan Qihai, whose hair was slightly wet by the drops of water from the trees, smiled cheerfully, looking at this theater that he had never seen before.

Although the sky is still gray, this small town surrounded by forests looks so fresh and natural. It seems to be a nice scenery. Li Yan is standing in front of the Japanese-style building built on a high slope, wearing a thin long dress. Siu Tse, came here as an escort, and looked at this Japanese theater with calm eyes, silently hoping that Zhenbai and Nankai's activities would have good results.

After entering this Japanese-style theater, everyone was carrying props and equipment in a hurry, and began to set up a simple background on this medium-sized stage, and the actors also stepped up to read the lines to avoid Speaking wrong or forgetting words during rehearsal.

In a busy scene, when Li Yan was also helping with the arrangement, suddenly the girls who were the starring actors seemed to have some small conflicts in the team. Not far away, Qingshan Qihai was working hard again. Being an intermediary, the result seems to be unpleasant on both sides.

"It seems to be very hard, Qikai."

Suddenly, in the busy backstage, Shiina Masashiro walked out of the stage screen, looked at Qikai blankly, and said to Li Yan.

"...Ah, it looks like this." Li Yan was silent for a while, and after he confirmed that there were no students around, he said with a troubled smile.

"We are not good at acting."

Shiina Mashiro once again looked at Aoyama Nanami's expression aggrieved at this moment, and said, "However, Nanami said that if we work hard, we can succeed."

"...Is that so?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, he was silent for a while, and asked.

Will you succeed if you work hard?

"Now, Holmes, what do you think?" Suddenly, Shiina Masashi slightly raised his head, looking at the young man who was taller than her, and asked.

"It's just my personal opinion. If a genius adds hard work, the chance of success is very high, but... the odds of ordinary people's hard work may not necessarily succeed, once, twice, three times, or even keep working hard. It is possible to face failure... However, God is still somewhat fair. If everyone does not work hard, they will only face failure. Even if they fail, they will definitely leave precious wealth to the loser."

Li Yan looked at the way Qingshan Qihai looked. He didn’t know why. At that moment, he could always think of himself. He worked hard no matter what he was. However, if God’s will make people, often Jiucheng failed. He was an ordinary person. Looking at Shiina Zhenbai, this young girl with extremely high talent seemed to have an inexplicable sense of trust in him, which made him sometimes unable to bear it.

After a while, he asked, "Shiina, what kind of person is Nanami to you? What would you do if you fail this time?"


Shiina Mashiro was taken aback for a moment. After staying for a short time, the golden hair in front of her eyes was swaying slightly in the breeze blowing from the window. Then, her eyes were so beautiful and simple, and she replied: " Rita is my first friend... Nanami is the third."

"So, how many times she has failed, she can stand up, Shiina...No, Miss Watson, Qingshan will ask you." Li Yan looked at her, relaxed and said.

"Yes." Shiina Mashiro responded.

"Then continue to work. In terms of role-playing, if you play well, I will ask you to eat Baumkuchen for a week and work hard."

Li Yan faced Shiina Zhenbai with a rare gentle smile. He always felt that if this were to go on, this girl would be able to stand alone in society, and it would be okay to protect others even the other way round.

However, Li Yan noticed some details. If the third best friend is Qingshan Qihai, then the second one is not him?It seems that the true white words have begun to be more and more convoluted recently, with a lot of straightforward but obscure language.

"Holmes, can you walk with me before lunch?" Shiina asked.

"...Okay, are you planning to move around suddenly?" Li Yan turned around, hesitated a little, and asked.

"No, just be prepared." Shiina said, looking at him.

This Japanese house seems to be a theater, accommodation, and exhibition. It can be seen that the owner of this building is very rich.

After Li Yan and Shiina Mashiro walked around for a while, they were prevented from entering the non-commercial house part by the security guards, and the two of them quickly finished walking.

"..." Shiina's white eyes seemed to capture every corner here, and followed Li Yan quietly, speaking very little.

"Do you like this kind of architecture?" Li Yan asked.

"Well, it's beautiful."

Shiina nodded and said.

The light and fluttering voice was a bit distracted. However, Shiina Mashiro seemed to be a little too indifferent to Li Yan along the way, and said: "Holmes, I acted as a passerby B who was eaten up in the drama."

"...Is that the case, wait a minute, what is going on being eaten?" Li Yan asked curiously without responding.

"I don't understand, but as a soul that assisted Qikai in defeating the devil."

Shiina Mashiro said, "However, I proposed to play the headless horseman, Nanami and Mitaka refused."

"It's totally impossible. The stage play is too scary. By the way, are you still worried about the group of headless knights I killed?" Li Yan asked with a bitter smile.

"Is that so..." Shiina looked at Li Yan and said, "Sometimes I think, the detective who deals with the headless horseman is Holmes, and I will help you deal with criminals as an assistant."


Li Yan looked at Zhenbai with a little surprise. Did Zhenbai still think that he hadn't helped too much and remember it deeply during the supernatural incident at the shrine?

During the conversation between Zhenbai and Li Yan, suddenly, they heard someone talking in the yard.

"Ms. Yamamoto, I have been cooperating with your school for a long time, and I really appreciate your care."

"Where and where, I will disturb the students' activities later."

"The contract has been signed. By the way, Mr. Yamamoto. After that, I must tell the students and other personnel here not to enter the private residence of the boss at will. The boss has collected a lot of world-famous ancient coins over the years. Come to watch and prepare to show it in the next family gathering, so..."

"I know, I will tell them well."


After Li Yan and Shiina Mashiro heard the discussion in the yard, they walked out and took a look. They found that the teacher who led the team was negotiating with the staff, and probably spent the night in this theater.


When Li Yan was paying attention, suddenly, the viaduct passed a train of Shinkansen trains again. Although there were sound insulation panels, the sound was still a bit noisy.

"Holmes, let's go back, probably rehearsing." Shiina said.

"it is good."

Li Yan responded, and Zhenbai and the two returned to the theater again.

When he first entered this venue, Li Yan seemed to be rehearsing the first scene on the stage in front of him.Dressed in a white robe and red skirt, Qihai Aoyama started to meet the villagers in the first scene of rehearsal. There was an unknown woman watching the scene, who seemed to be the director who had been invited.

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