I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 377


However, soon, the entire hull was constantly swaying, making a babbling sound. Even the metal forged hull seemed to be struggling to support it in front of the power of nature.Rachel Miyamoto looked around. At the moment, a group of passengers wearing life jackets were put on black, and they looked at each other with a look of horror, and through the cabin window not far away, you could see the stormy ocean outside.

It was pitch black, stormy, lightning and thunder.

"In such a scene, I always feel that the devil is peeping nearby." Yunia on the side pressed her witch hat and said with emotion.


Li Yan looked out the window, dreaming that if two younger generations, Satania and Winnett, were peeping through the window, he always felt that it was inexplicably reassuring.

"Captain, the hull can't hold on now." A sailor said to the old white-bearded captain in the corridor outside.

"Don't worry, if under this situation, everything goes to the port and repairs."

Said the captain.

However, Li Yan realized that this old captain who was confident to say this sentence did not look relaxed, but the words seemed to be half of the words and half of them. The other party's worries seemed to be other than the storm. Happening.

"Hey, wait, isn't this the sea area around Shikoku Island?"

Suddenly, a Fuso man who went to do business in the Lotik Kingdom looked at the sea and spoke to his partner in Japanese.

Both Li Yan and Rachel Miyamoto noticed the conversation between them.

"Ah, if you don't say it, I didn't remember it. If you calculate this time, it is indeed almost to the Shikoku side."

"...It's a bit dangerous now."

"what happened?"

"I used to be engaged in business in the Shikoku area, and I heard from fishermen that there is a terrible miraculous sprite living in this area of ​​the sea, that is, every time I like to appear from such a heavy rain, it specifically destroys the fishing boats and merchant ships that go and It's the daimyo's warships that have encountered that kind of monster attack here, and they are almost wiped out."

"No, what is that kind of monster, so terrible?"

"...The name is a bit forgotten, remember to call... Hai..."

Wait a moment, Li Yan suddenly knew this kind of monster.

He once read the list of known monsters and customs in order to deal with the daughter of the ugly time. When mentioned by these two businessmen, he did remember that there were such ghost legends.

However, Rachel Miyamoto on the side seemed to have never heard of it. Her expression was only half-believing and not afraid at all.

If this is really the world of magic and swords, even if it is really there, it is reasonable...

On a dark rainy night, busy sailors were busy repairing the damaged and broken hull and maintaining the most precious power equipment, but when a series of lightning pierced the stormy sea, many people saw strange things. ,Appeared.

Suddenly, a shrill sirens sounded on the ship, and the people outside seemed to be in a mess, and then, the passengers leaning on the cabin also seemed to panic.

On the window, in a mist of water, Li Yan, Younia and others looked through the window one after another, seeing the dark objects in the mist, all with a pair of dimly glowing eyes like lanterns.

Li Yan finally saw such a legendary monster.

"What is this?!" Yunya asked in a low voice, looking at the wriggling mass in astonishment.

Most travelers from the Western mainland don't know what such a monster is, but looking at the two weird eyes, they know that it is not a kind.

The outside seemed to be in extreme panic, and finally someone shouted.

"It's Hai... Hai Fangzhu, Hai Fangzhu has appeared ahhhhh!!"

Haifangzhu, this is a more famous monster in ancient Japanese legends. I heard that it appeared on the stormy ocean. It was huge and swallowed all passing ships.


A weird and loud noise, like a whistle, suddenly resounded through the world in this world of lightning and thunder.

"Ah!" Rachel Miyamoto and the others couldn't stand the harsh and strange roar, and they couldn't help covering their ears.

The ship was almost in chaos. The ship was faced with disintegration during the storm. It was already quite bad, but we still had to encounter a monster in the sea [Haifang Master]. Now many people have not waited for the ship to disintegrate, and many know this terrible thing. The legendary Fusang people have rushed to the lifeboat beside the ship, cut the rope and escaped by themselves. In their consciousness, falling into the sea will always have more hope of survival than being attacked by the owner of the sea.

Swarthy's body is pitch black, huge as a mountain, and screams dull like a cow. His body is covered with countless bows and arrows and planks. It seems to be able to see the ship that was once sunk making fierce resistance, but it will not help.

As a result, Li Yan and others have not yet reached the country of Echigo, but on this stormy sea, they are faced with the most dangerous existence in the ocean...

Chapter 214 Shipwreck and Takeda Shingen

Darkness, endless ocean, squally stormy world.

On the huge iron-clad ship, a row of artillery for self-defense is stretched out. In the tactics forged from several battles against pirates and sea monsters, it once again played a role. Facing the sea, the owner of the sea, is in darkness. , The sailors roared and fired rows of shells.

[Boom boom boom!!

With the flashing tongue of fire, the war between the ocean-going tanker and the owner of the sea began.

The outer sea was filled with dark red fire, like a burning sea, with continuous water columns and roars, while the internal situation was even worse.

The cabin was in chaos, and people were disturbed by the roar of the owner of Haifang. Especially the local merchants in Fusang could not trust this ordinary ship to withstand such a legendary monster. They lost their reason and fled towards the lifeboat. As a result, It made the panic atmosphere intensified, and eventually caused most of the passengers to panic and flee. In an instant, Li Yan, Yunya and Miyamoto Rachel dispersed.

In the flashing lights, Li Yan broke free from the crowd and felt the horror of defeat. After several calls for calmness and fruitlessness, he finally could only set his sights on his friends again.

"Miyamoto, Yunya!!"

Li Yan turned against the flow of people, looking a little nervous, and watched his friends being dispersed by the crowd. When he looked around, they couldn't even be found.


But in the ear, the loud and dull cry still echoed in the ear, and the ship might be attacked by this monster that always caused shipwrecks at any time.

However, Li Yan realized that this ship did not choose to give up fighting to escape. On the contrary, he felt that this ship was safer and should not be deceived by the noise of monsters.

"Lee... I am here!!"

Suddenly, in the crowd, Li Yan heard Rachel Miyamoto's cry.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and followed the voice. At this moment, Li Yan was squeezed by the crowd by the window in the cabin. As a result, through the window, among the crowd, he saw that Rachel Miyamoto had been Take it out to the deck outside the cabin.

"What's the matter, has it been pushed out of the cabin?"

Li Yan looked at Miyamoto Rachel in astonishment, and thought in horror that he immediately strove through the crowd, planning to pull Miyamoto Rachel back.

However, just as Li Yan was preparing to take action, all of a sudden, in the light of flashing lightning, everyone noticed that an oval figure was reflected on their bodies.


There was a chill in Li Yan's heart, not just him, including Miyamoto Rachel, who had lost his way. All the crowd fell silent, looking up at the source of the reflection, that one was huge and silent. Breathlessly, the owner of the sea from the other side of the sea...

Basically everyone paid attention to where the owner of the sea was coming from, but ignored whether there would be a sneak attack on the other side.

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