I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 380

Li Yan looked at the Fusang nobleman who seemed to have a very high status and explained.

"That's it, but you all look like Oriental..."

The Fusang nobleman wearing a gorgeous armor took off his helmet to show his politeness. However, in front of Li Yan's eyes, a head of black and soft hair vented from the helmet like a waterfall. The face of a beautiful and elegant woman was generous and generous. A decent temperament, but this appearance made Li Yan momentarily shocked and dumbfounded.

"I just checked the front line of Echigo for a while and I was recklessly attacked by a horse thief. It's a shame to say now..."

This young woman with the same face as Sayuri Sawamura looked at him and said with a faint smile: "I am the name of Kai Kuni, Shingen Takeda, the great kindness of the two warriors, please come back to the city with me. I will reward both of you again."


Li Yan was so dumb that he couldn't speak, his consciousness was a little confused for a while.

It seems that the person with the same personality and appearance is not just Yukino Yukoshita. The person next to him is just a sheriff at any rate. However, the identity of another acquaintance in Japan in this different world is a bit excessive and exaggerated. ...

Chapter 215

The world tree is shrouded in mist all year round, and the gloomy and dim woods look a bit deep and lonely in the dim sky. However, in a vast northern continent, there is a land of high mountains and mountains, where there has always been an ancient And the ruined castle.

Towering into the clouds, the castle built along the weird and steep mountain wall is so solemn, the heavy iron chain is tightly wrapped around this fortress that does not know how many years of vicissitudes, and it is sealed up, as if trying to imprison the freedom of the demons living inside. Open the huge door of this fortress.

Nobody knows who lives in this castle that can't get much sunlight, and it should be unknown to ordinary mortals except gods and demons.However, not long ago, this fortress regained its flames, and the Vikings and Gauls who were afraid of that place finally knew who the owner was.

"The master came back so slowly."

A goblin flew around, waiting anxiously.

She is a fairy living in the World Tree, but now she is the deacon of the castle who is saved by the master here and helps here.

Suddenly, the sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and a giant dragon covering the sky flew down in the red tumbling black cloud. Suddenly, a huge hurricane almost blew the surrounding trees by their roots, and chained the heavens. Destroy all.For an instant, Niederhogg once again transformed into a human form and slowly landed.

This magic dragon girl with a high hat and a dignified and dignified gentleman's dress came back a bit late. Her pair seemed to be indifferent to anything. She was once described by other dragons as "sex and cold". With a cold look at the environment inside the castle gate, it was clean enough to shine, so he smiled, and whispered to the anxious fairy girl in the castle gate: "I'm back, Lilith."

"Welcome back, Lord Niederhogg..."

This lovely fairy with blond hair and a dimly glowing body flew over and said happily.

But, immediately, her smile did not last long, and she saw the terrible wound on the black dragon Nidhogg, which seemed to be penetrated through the arm, and a large piece of flesh above the arm disappeared, although there was no more bleeding. But the trauma now looks so shocking.

"... Master Ni, Niederhogg, are you injured? Which bastard hurt you? I must teach him severely for you. Unforgivable!" Lilith's eyes suddenly burst into tears, and sad. Asked angrily.

"It's just a small injury."

Niederhogger looked at Lilith indifferently and smiled slightly, looking quite gentle.

Maybe she is a god, the devil in the eyes of humans and other dragons, but it does not mean that she will not have emotions. She extorted wealth from various wealthy countries. In the end, she and the red dragon and the ice dragon were eaten in the northern island country of Lotik. Unfortunately, my mood is a little bit complicated. After returning here, all my troubles disappeared when I saw Lilith.

This is the only partner she trusts completely. Unlike the subordinates who follow faithfully, Lilith is a friend to her.

"A piece of meat is lost, it's not a minor injury, wait a minute, I'll get some medicine for you to heal..." Lilith said hurriedly, and immediately flew into the house to find medicine and bandages.

Although this kind of injury is really just a small injury to the dragon clan, once it transforms, it will directly tear all the bandages... but it is not bad to be treated like this.

However, Nidhogg quietly looked at the torn part of her arm, and now she is a little unbelievable. That human being faced their three powerful northern dragons and did just that.

The darkness was filled with fog, the figure wielding a big sword of flames, agility like wind, calm and keen battle judgment, and that kind of steel-like willpower, not only cut the red dragon, but pierced it. With the wings of the ice dragon, even her arm suffered...

In addition to Odin and the goddess, she believed that there was still a Tianlong that had existed for tens of thousands of years and had the same strength as hers.

If it weren't for the old Tianlong that made her a little jealous to interfere with her actions, she might really kill the opponent inadvertently when she lost her face.

can you?

Will she kill him directly, a human who looks a bit more interesting than gold and silver jewelry...


However, at the moment when he smashed his great sword, she still hoped to make him surrender. Perhaps some humans have grown up to be ready for use.

"After killing that group of local dragons, go to that country again, and ask him again."

There was a strange smile on Niederhogg's beautiful and cold face, thought.

She continued to rush, and after a fierce battle with the dragon clan, her spirit was a little tired. Without waiting for Lilith to return, she gracefully placed her hat and coat on the hanger at the door, and then went into the vast castle. Go, although it looks very big, in fact there are only a few rooms. She opened the huge door and went inside to rest.

Lilith knew where she would rest.

A wisp of dim sunlight shines in this quiet castle, once jealous by the Nordic gods and imprisoned here, because of illusion and endlessly eating the existence of the roots of the world, now this castle has been reborn The vitality of the past.

Suddenly, under the pale sky, several huge dragons greeted, and they came to Niederhogg’s castle. They looked so respectful, one of them knocked on the heavy door of the inner room and asked Said: "Master Niederhogg."

"what's up?"

Niederhogg inside the house did not sleep, and after a while, he replied.

"We learned a piece of news accidentally. Although it feels irrelevant, Master Orasia thought you would care about such news, so I brought it to you."

The dragon whispered: "Master Orasia felt that the person who had been poisoned by its dragon poison had left the Western Continent, and when he attacked some human officials, he learned that the one who had hurt you The human beings accompanied to Fusang."

As a result, immediately, there was silence.

Suddenly, the heavy door suddenly opened. Suddenly, the golden light shone directly on the bodies of these dragons, making them so surprised and terrified...

Inside the castle, gold and silver jewels piled up like a desert, while a tiny fairy in white clothes was trying to give a bandage to the arm of a black dragon that fell asleep on the gold and silver jewels like a hill. Illuminated in all directions within this dark vault, but exuding such a bright golden light, the huge wealth accumulated here can buy almost everything in half of the continent.

"is it……"

On the golden mountain where light and darkness meet, the huge black dragon raised his head and became quite interested.

That person actually left, did he escape?

Or where to go for another purpose?

So dangerous humans, go to the Eastern Continent and find a weapon that can slay dragons?

After Lilith had bandaged it up, the dragon stepped on countless gold and silver jewels, and the dragons outside the door suddenly felt an aura of despair pressing over, causing them to bow their heads and dare not stand straight. Depending on.

However, after the black dragon passed through the darkness, it regained its human form. Nidhogg passed through the group of dragons that did not dare to move. She put on her coat again, took off the round cap, and put it on her head. .

"Master Niederhogg, are you going out again?" Lilith flew out, asking with some dismay and worry.

"Yeah, Lilith, I suddenly feel interesting now. I don't have much sleep anymore. I will go to the Eastern Continent by myself."

Niederhogg, wearing a top hat, smiled faintly and said, "Since he has left the protection circle over there, I will meet him for a while, but I can't let him leave it alone."

It is not afraid of any artifact.

However, the opponent may have the ability to kill red dragons and ice dragons. As the leader, it cannot be left alone.

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