I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 382

These are all that Li Yan remembered that night.

Maybe Rachel Miyamoto didn't agree with Takeda Shingen's dream, but the conversation that night was like that.

However, Miyamoto Rachel, who had experienced the banquet together, still remembered a detail that Li Yan had not discovered.

That is, from beginning to end, Shingen Takeda's eyes are always staring at Li Yan, so Miyamoto Rachel always feels that this man always has the potential to be a confidant.

Da da da……

Li Yan recalled the memory of last night on the road. Suddenly, a few drops of water dropped from the sky, hitting Li Yan's notepad, and Rachel Miyamoto's expression also changed.

"...Eh, wait, wait a minute, won't you?!"

At this moment, Li Yan was a little bit chilly, raised his head and looked at the sky, and he really felt a bad premonition.

The rain in the sky gradually strengthened. At eight o'clock in the morning, the sky began to rain heavily, and the entire forest was filled with mist.

Soon, the panicked two hurriedly put on raincoats and hurried to Tochio Castle.

The rain showed no signs of abating. Li Yan led Miyamoto Rachel. The two horses galloped in the rain for a long time. Finally, after half an hour, they finally passed through the pitted forest and followed the trail. Finally came to the increasingly prosperous ancient city in one breath.

As a result, the rainy and misty rivers and lakes-style streets seemed very quiet. Li Yan rode his horse and found that the atmosphere of the street was a bit wrong...

"Miyamoto, be careful, there is always something wrong..."

He couldn't help squeezing the hilt of the sword around his waist, his eyes under the rain cap stared at the surrounding vigilantly, and by the way, he glanced at Miyamoto Rachel and reminded him.

However, Li Yan hadn't realized before that, since Takeda Shingen had personally ran to investigate Uesugi Kenshin's territory, Uesugi Kenshin naturally sent personnel to monitor Takeda Shingen's movements.

However, in the strange atmosphere today, Li Yan finally realized that perhaps the unclear relationship between them and Takeda Shingen was naturally monitored and Uesugi Kenshin was mistakenly treated as an enemy.

"Don't act rashly!"

"It's a fine work by the Takeda family!"

For an instant, just not long after entering the town of Tochio Castle, for an instant, soldiers and samurai who seemed to have followed for a long time rushed forward, and a large blade of sharp blades aimed at Li Yan and others.


Li Yan couldn't help but jumped, thinking.

They have not yet started the negotiations, but unknowingly, they have fallen into a new predicament because of saving people...

Chapter 216 The Invitation of the Dragon of Echigo

In the heavy rain, this figure in a raincoat, carrying a musket, and a sword, walked with Rachel Miyamoto under the rain surrounded by blades of swords, and entered Uesugi's castle.

Entering the house, it suddenly became a little warmer.

Inside this vast palace, surrounded by a burning fire, a piece of "Bai" printed on the wall is particularly dazzling. Under the siege of many armors, Li Yan and Miyamoto Rachel were sent here, claiming to be In order to verify their identity.

"In any case, advancing is also a sea of ​​daggers, and retreating is also an abyss. Nowadays, we can only look at one step at a time.

Li Yan looked left and right to take a look at the situation. There were not only swords but also countless muskets facing them, making the journey really uneven.

Now, he has experienced danger with his partner several times for that Ganoderma lucidum, and he has no reason to give up when he arrives here.

But facing a musket on the top of the building aimed at them, Li Yan can only pray now that everything will turn around.

[Boom, boom, boom...]

Suddenly, Li Yan heard footsteps and his attention was drawn to the attic not far away.

One by one, either hideous or brave generals walked out and looked at this legendary foreigner who secretly united with Takeda Shingen.

It should be said that their gazes naturally noticed the oriental girl wearing a western windbreaker, a cocked hat, with long beautiful black hair and an alluring face.

But soon, that young oriental girl was blocked by a figure of a young man in a raincoat. This raincoat was still dripping with raindrops. Some Xiao Sha's body hidden in the dark, a slender Western sword seemed Ready to come out, the eyes under the rain hat stared at them, as if two sharp blades were piercing them, which made them feel chills.

"My staff, and Ms. Miyamoto!!"

Suddenly, the voice of a young girl in English broke the stalemate at the moment.

Li Yan and Miyamoto Rachelton's expressions changed when they looked up, only to see a figure out of place among the group of samurai.

After seeing the two of them, the girl in a wide overcoat and huge witch hat immediately shouted in surprise.

"Miss Yunia!"

Li Yan and Rachel Miyamoto immediately showed surprises, and responded one after another.

This figure is Yunia, who was lost in that shipwreck. Under the attack of a group of sea owners on the sea, Li Yan and Rachel Miyamoto fell into the sea. Know whether the ship has successfully escaped in the end.Now it seems that under the resistance of the brave sailors and magicians, they have successfully reached the Kanto area.

Now that the partners get together, Li Yan's mood has become much more relaxed. Sure enough, people are not always lucky!

"Then, Miss Yunia, are you sure that these two are the special envoys of Lotick Kingdom of Great Britain coming with you to visit the lord?"

Among the group of military commanders, there seemed to be a female warrior with a very high status looking at Yunya and asked.

Younia nodded and said to the female lieutenant: "Yes, there is nothing wrong. These are my two partners. Well, can you let them go? We are innocent."

"Don’t worry, we’re just doing this just in case... Although the lord’s retainers don’t trust foreigners, since the lord believes you for the time being, if you don’t act rashly, we won’t do anything to you. ."

This short-haired female general looked at Li Yan and Miyamoto Rachel, and said with a cold face.


This female military commander stared at Li Yan, looked at it carefully, revealed a mocking smile, and said: "...Miss Younia, you are not persuading my lord of the house to claim that this one of your staff can Push back the three-headed dragon?"


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and realized that the situation still seemed a little uncomfortable.

"That's right, what's the problem?" Younia blinked and asked.

"It's a coincidence that the lord will never easily transfer the invaluable spiritual grass to you just because you are a special envoy from the Kingdom of Great Britain. At this moment, Echigo Kuni is anxiously fighting with the Takeda army, how could it be possible to win over allies? The treasures offered to the monarch can easily be transferred to other countries, not to mention that you are suspected of having fornicated the Takeda family..."

This woman with sharp eyes and a little bit mean military commander looked down at Li Yan and asked: "However, the lord and our group of subordinates admire brave people. The lord hopes to witness whether the staff are really like Yuni. Is the general bravery that Yasuo said? If it is a fake, Echigo does not welcome unbelievers."


The heavy rain was pattering, and suddenly, a flash of lightning illuminated the palace filled with swords and soldiers. When Miyamoto heard it, Rachel Miyamoto suddenly felt that Echigo was troubled by the strong man. She looked at Li Yan with some worry. The samurai who raised his head and looked at Fuso, the motionless figure, and the calm eyes...

It seems that Kenshin Uesugi did not easily transfer the treasures of the spirit grass, as Takeda Shingen said, but only after his legendary experience in Lotick's emperor palace, he opened the door and gave the opportunity.

Since it is an opportunity, it also carries a strong danger.

His eyes became more determined, and after a while of silence, he finally asked, "What is a testimony?"

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