I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 393

Kagurazaka Ayame's voice was full of air, but hearing the noisy background sound seemed to be from the editorial department, reminding Li Yanbao to hold the time.

Li Yan secretly surprised Kagura Sakayama's superhuman energy without sleeping. He immediately thought about it for a while and said, "I have always written well. At present, I still have the confidence to write this volume."

[Yes, yes, so I can rest assured...]

While Kagurazaka was still talking, suddenly, she heard the dim cock crow from the phone, she was startled, and asked: "It's strange, I seem to hear the cock crow, Uesugi-sensei, you where?


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and he was actually heard on the phone, which caught him off guard. However, as the fresh morning breeze blew on him, Li Yan looked over and found the green leaves on the side of the window. At this moment, crystal clear dewdrops fell down the leaves, the blue sky, the rice fields, and the white truck slowly driving away on the clean road, like an oil painting.

For a while, Li Yan was a little dumbfounded.

"I'm in a country with great scenery." Li Yan took the phone and stood by the window. He reported to Kagurazaka Acorus in a calm but calm manner. The morning wind blew his bangs, and those eyes seemed to have Fully awake.


After eight o'clock, after eating a little breakfast, I went to see Conna’s room next door. As a result, Conna slept quite a bit at the moment. Children would sleep longer than adults, especially so beautiful. In the summer vacation, Li Yan didn't wake her up, but put breakfast on the first floor, and waited for her to wake up before eating breakfast.

However, Li Yan wrote a manuscript for about an hour in front of the computer. After writing more than a thousand words intermittently, he looked at the time displayed on the computer and suddenly remembered that he was not here in Tokyo, and he had to buy it earlier. The food is good.

He hurriedly took his wallet and mobile phone out of the room. He had already gone down the stairs, but he hurriedly returned, locked his room, and set off again.

I have to say that the group of brats broke in yesterday, and was read out the first draft article in public, as well as comments after reading, which was almost a public sentence.

His Toyota Supra parked quietly in the parking lot of the yard. For some reason, there were a few lazy kittens sleeping in the car. It seemed that there were more cats than people in the countryside.

Today, I certainly don’t drive to buy groceries. Just follow the road I took yesterday and start shopping at the vending vegetable shop in the village and the small meat supermarket.

Walking among the beautiful mountains and forests, Li Yan had to admit that his writing status seemed to be much better.

The most taboo thing about writing a novel is to be interrupted. Inspiration is often fleeting. Like a shooting star, failure to catch is a great loss. With the air and water quality here, Li Yan feels quite clear-headed. I only slept for about four hours, but it has not been so full for a long time.

As a result, after buying a portion of tofu, beef, fish and other ingredients, he stopped by the unmanned vegetable shop to pick the vegetables just picked. He decided to make an authentic country soup like tofu stewed with tomatoes.

The vegetable vending shop in this village is actually a wooden house like a newsstand. There are many locally picked vegetables and fruits. If people need it, they consciously drop 500 yuan in coins and take them away. Packed vegetables or fruits are fine.


Just as Li Yan paid the money and picked up a bag of tomatoes, a woman's doubts came from behind him.

"?" Li Yan turned around and took a look, only to see a strange middle-aged woman.

Although it can be seen that she is middle-aged, she seems to be a relatively young type of woman. In terms of dress and hairstyle, she seems to have been a mother for many years.

"Hello." Li Yan bowed slightly and said hello with a smile.

"Hello, I'm sorry, this is the first time I saw you... eh? You seem to be the one [the novelist who eats stone snails] just moved into the small one rented house yesterday, right?"

"...Wait a minute, what is a novelist who eats stone snails?" When Li Yan heard this, he always felt that this nickname was a bit inexplicably wretched, and squinted his eyes in silence.

Elementary and junior high school-age children like to give others a nickname. Li Yan did not expect to get such a crappy nickname again in his lifetime.

This middle-aged woman smiled and said, "Ah, sorry, I accidentally missed my mouth. I was the first time I met. My name is Koshitani Yukiko. I am the mother of Koshitani Koju and Koshitani Natsumi last night. You are welcome to come here for vacation."

"Hello, my Japanese name is Uesugiyan, and I am an overseas student. About...about novelists, they just talk nonsense, just write it for fun. Please advise."

When Li Yan introduced himself, he quickly put out the rumors that had just emerged.

The woman named Koshigaya Yukiko smiled and asked, "Will you come to buy groceries now? Right... About what my child said, you really ate the stone snails... Is that really edible? , Won't it be very fishy?"

Li Yan always feels a bit like a man on his back. He always feels that he has become a weird person in the village. Housewives like to study gossip topics such as food. It is not clear whether they will get deeper and deeper...

In the end, Li Yan maintained a slightly bitter but polite smile, and explained: "...It is indeed eaten. Using perilla leaves, chili, sesame oil and other spices can well remove the fishy...This way."

"So, I'm really eating." Yuegu Xuezi looked at him in surprise and asked.


Li Yan found it uncomfortable. Only then did he realize that the topic was not about how to cook, but about whether he was actually eating. He suddenly felt that it would be better to just deny it directly.

Yuegu Xuezi walked to the front of the store, "Well, well... I'm actually quite interested, but next time I will eat some of the vegetables we have grown, and the meat and eggs raised at home. Oh, stone snails. It’s better to eat less things."

"Okay..." Li Yan always felt that this tone was a bit like his mother.

"There are not many people in this village. I remember this is the first time a foreigner has come here, but you can hardly tell that you are a foreigner in your Japanese and dress. Originally, only my family's Xiao Zhuo was a young man in the village. Now that there are more of you and the child in the family, it seems to be a lot of fun."

Yuegu Xuezi quickly picked a bag of vegetables and said to Li Yan with a smile.

Being treated like this, Li Yan's feeling of unfamiliarity and tension towards this place has also been slightly eased. I have to say that this village seems to be really as warm and simple as the comments said.

"Thank you." Li Yan nodded and said with a smile.

Immediately, when Li Yan was about to leave, he suddenly passed by a truck loaded with goods. A farmer inside saw Li Yan and suddenly laughed and asked, "Oh, [Stone snail novelist] Yes Isn't it this little brother?"


Li Yan was stunned. After Yuegu Xuezi chatted with the neighbors passing by for a while, when the truck drove away, Li Yan asked vigilantly and quietly: "That... Aunt Yuegu, sorry, I want to ask. , [Stone snail-eating novelist]... Has this nickname spread all over the village?"

Yuegu Xuezi looked at Li Yan and said, "Yes, after all, it is a big news for outsiders to come over. Such things will soon be known to everyone."


Li Yan's eyes widened, looking at the road full of houses in front of him, his heart felt a little chilly.On the way back, he didn't know that he had to hear this crappy weird nickname several times...

Soon, Li Yan chose another relatively remote road back.Although the journey will be far away, he still feels that after the strange limelight has passed, he can communicate with the people in the village.

Writers, the most hated names they hear in their lives, are the words [major writer], [literary scholar], and [eating snails].

"Those little ghosts, they are really over-energy. You must not let Kang Na bring them back next time..."

Li Yan thought with a headache.

Li Yan walked on another winding path, thinking about the writing and plot of the novel as he walked. At this moment, in August, the mountains and forests were colorful, and now Li Yan, who has been in the Iron City for too long, seems to have forgotten. Such scenery and human affection.

But as he walked, Li Yan noticed something was wrong. After walking for about half an hour, he, who had always recognized the way well, accidentally walked to a strange place. He didn't even think he could bypass the residential area. Going to his house, he went around further and further.

"..." Li Yan carried the purchased food and looked around, there was no bus to get back.Now that I have to go back the same way, it seems to be quite tiring.

The roads in the countryside are completely different from the completely planned Tokyo. As long as you look for the direction you can return to your residence, Li Yan didn't realize that he was basically an urbanite.

"...Unlucky, just go back if it doesn't work." Li Yan weakly compromised and turned around to go back.

However, by a coincidence, less than a short distance on the way back, Li Yan saw that there seemed to be a school on the small slope, and on the wall, there was a sign that said [Xuqiu Branch].

Li Yan came to Japan to study and met various schools in Tokyo, aristocratic, public, shabby, and elite, but never seen schools in the Japanese countryside.

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