I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 402

"Yes... Excuse me, is there any problem?" A firefighter was slightly puzzled, blinked, and asked.

"...No, no." Li Yan was speechless, and then he walked to Fujinomiya Kushi, and whispered in a suspicious voice: "Are Japanese elementary school students already so good?"

"No, it's the first time that I have met such a perfectly developed elementary school student." Fujinomiya Kimi explained, startled slightly.

As a result, Li Yan finally understood the reasons for their coming, and they were handed over to Li Yan as the homework for the social practice class. The elementary school wrote a one-thousand-word short essay, while the middle school wrote three thousand words. Around, so it took this group of students at least one day to complete the homework.

This is the first time that Li Yan has encountered an assignment called [Fiction].

"So, are you here to hand in your homework... But I'm not a teacher, is this okay?"

Li Yan put a stack of homework books on the table, watched them write a day's essay, and asked.

Koshigaya Xiaoju was a little shy. After hesitating, he said nervously: "...This, this is what the teacher said. Because the senior is a professional, you must check it out and make a score."

"It turns out that, but there are no criteria for judging novels. It requires multiple people to make a rating after reading it. The novel is a very subjective judgment. Perhaps some people think that the writing is poor, but some People will like it very much... even within a work, because there will be gaps in the evaluation of different plots."

Li Yan explained.

"Is that so... But what is said, brother glasses likes to watch "Qingyin X Girl", I am obviously in the wind club, but I don't like it." Fujinomiya Kiji thought for a while, then smiled.

Koshigaya was silent for a while.

"So, how do you rate your teacher?" Koshigaya Xiahai asked.

"This..." Li Yan thought a little bit.

At this time, there was another figure coming down the stairs. Everyone looked over and saw the green mountains and seven seas come down.

"?" Qingshan Qihai seemed to have just woke up. Seeing so many people looking at her, she was taken aback for a while, and she said shyly: "What's wrong?"

On the second floor, everything is quiet.

At about eight o’clock at the moment, the sound of Li Yan cooking breakfast for everyone came from the kitchen downstairs, while a large group of girls emerged from the corridor on the second floor, sneaking over to see the one who was said to have painted A girl cartoonist for a night of comics.

In the Japanese market, the most important part of the two-dimensional culture is still comics, not light novels.Especially junior high school students and elementary school students are much more curious about comics than novels. As a country of comics, the former short-term prime minister of Japan said that he has the habit of reading a few comics a day for entertainment. The foundation of the two-dimensional kingdom has always been In the comics industry.

Nanami's meaning is to let Shiina Masashiro as the second reader to make an evaluation. With the evaluation of two professionals, the works written by the students for the first time in their lives will be fairly evaluated.


Koshitani Komaru secretly opened the sliding door of the room. As a result, the scene in front of him made Fujinomiya Kimi, Koshitani sisters, Miyauchi Renka, and a firefly stared at him for an instant.

Shiina Mashiro, who still likes to sleep under the table, quietly rolled the sheets, sleeping on the soft straw mat, her long golden hair gleaming with golden soft luster in the sunlight of the window, and her white and beautiful oriental face is so beautiful and demure. The closed eyes and the slender eyelashes had an indescribable beauty. She rolled up slightly, sleeping like a kitten, breathing gently.

After being scolded by Li Yan last time, Shiina really did not dare to sleep naked anymore, no matter how hot she was, she wore pajamas well.

"Really... so beautiful, like a beauty in a painting." Koshigu Xiaoju couldn't help but whispered in praise.

Fujinomiya Kimi watched quietly. During the courage test, she was a little curious about the relationship between this mixed-race girl from Tokyo and Uesugi teacher. As a girl, she could easily see that they were not. The relationship between lovers and even the love relationship is a bit far-fetched. It may be regarded as an intimate relationship like a friend or a partner, but now that she feels the charm of this young girl more closely, she suddenly lost a kind of confidence.

Mr. Uesugi is surrounded by a cartoonist from a high school student. This kind of development definitely does not conform to the logic of the amateur novel author he mentioned before.

"Why, such a cute sister, would sleep under the table?" Miyauchi Renhua asked with a puzzled expression, pointing to Shiina's true white, and pulling Koshitani's clothes.

"...Uh, this, maybe it's more comfortable to sleep like this," said Yuegu Xiaoju.

"We don't understand." Lianhua in the palace said even more puzzled.

"Well, Lianhua, think about it, don't all the kittens like to sleep under the table? This sister also learns from cats..."

Koshigaya Natsumi explained with a smile, but while speaking, not only she, but other people, all recovered slightly and realized that this girl really seemed like a pet cat.

"...It's better than...it's more appropriate to call it [Pet Girl]." A firefly uttered with feeling, and said quietly and cautiously.

This sentence, unintentionally, is the most talented speech of fiction.

Li Yan was already behind them, he was slightly taken aback when he heard such emotions, and then said: "In the past, it was possible. Now, don't make any guesses...the lion's sleeping posture is actually the same. Because of her beautiful face, she was treated as a pet."


However, when Li Yan was speaking, the group of girls who immediately focused all of Shiina's body were startled.

This cry, undoubtedly, made Shiina really white in his sleep and opened his eyes.

"..." She opened her eyes dazedly and looked at the group of girls who were about to escape at the door.

"……what happened?"

However, without any anger, Shiina wiped his eyes for nothing, looked at them and asked.

The gloved hand was clearly seen by everyone at this moment. Every slender finger was covered with band-aids. It seems that her hand was scratched during the practice...

Li Yan remembered that Qingshan Qihai mentioned it yesterday. Recently Zhenbai seems to have started to formally learn the more orthodox cuisine of cutting vegetables. It seems that the lion in his eyes, although it can be alone in a certain aspect, but life skills It seems that there is still a lack of heat...

Soon, after everyone returned to the living room on the first floor, and shortly after waiting, Shiina Masashi, who was wearing summer clothes and a long skirt, came down.

"and so?"

Shiina Mashiro seemed to have an expression of lack of sleep, and his eyes were a little dreamy, sitting on the cushion in front of the table and asked.

"Sorry... Shiina-senpai, if you don't dislike it, can you help us read the novel a little bit?" Koshitani Xiaoju said pleadingly.

Shiina Zhenbai glanced at the workbook that had been read by Li Yan once on the table. She nodded slightly, then began to take one and began to read it.

Only then did Li Yan remember that Shiina Zhenbai was actually a fan of his book fans. He liked reading novels and light novels, but he had never heard of Shiina Zhenbai's book reviews.

In fact, Li Yan had read it. After he saw it, he didn’t even know what they had written. However, facing them, he seemed to feel that writing novels was a trivial expression. curiosity.

The article with more than 10,000 words was read quickly, but Shiina's expression was consistent from beginning to end.

"It's finished." Shiina Mashiro said quietly and calmly.

"Um...what about your rating?" Li Yan glanced at Shiina Zhenbai and asked in a low voice.

"Failed, retake the exam."

Shiina Mashiro said directly.


Suddenly, everyone's face changed.

"Wait, wait a minute, Shiina, is it really okay for you to express it directly like this..." Li Yan reminded him in a cold sweat.

"Moreover, these are the first works they have written... They are already very good, aren't they?" Qingshan Qihai also felt that it was too wrong, and asked with a bitter smile.

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