I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 416

As night approached, a few crows flew over in the sky, making wailing sounds, the village was smoky, and everything began to quiet down quietly among the green mountains and green waters.

"Lotus sauce, this one is for you."

After playing together for an afternoon, Kang Na handed an item that seemed to be like a horn to Lianhua in the palace waiting at the door.

"What is this, is it delicious?" Miyauchi Lianhua asked, squinting her eyes, touching this hard object.

"This is a gift I gave you, take it, but it's a precious thing." Kang Na said.

Miyauchi Lianhua was a little confused. She tapped this thing with her hand. When she thought of something, her eyes widened and she asked enthusiastically: "Kona, are you going to catch fish together tomorrow morning?"

"...Hmm." Conna nodded and said.

"See you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow."

Conna waved goodbye to Lianhua in the palace, who was farther and farther, and stood quietly at the door.

"So, didn't you say anything about your going back in the end?" Li Yan walked out from the door, looked at the silent Conna with his tail, and asked.

"Hmm..." Conna lowered her head and nodded slightly.

"Although Lianhuajiang never laughs, she can see that she was very happy when she played with me, and she still didn't want to ruin her good mood."

"That's it... By the way, what is your gift to her?"

"It's the horn I dropped recently."

Kang Na looked at Li Yan and said, "Just like you humans will change their teeth when they grow up, my horns will fall off for hundreds of years. When I leave for a period of time, let a part of me stay with me. Hold her."


Li Yan looked at Kang Na in silence. She always felt that although Kang Na was still a child, in some cases, she would still consider others.

The sky gradually entered the night.

In the dark woods not far from the house, the soft moonlight merged with the lights of the street lamps in the distance to form a dim world. Under the dim shade of the trees, Conna carried her luggage on her back and bowed slightly to Li Yan.

"Then, Master Li, I'm going back." Kang Na said with a calm expression on the waves.

"Is there really no problem flying back alone?" Li Yan asked, still a little worried.

"no problem."

Kang Na raised her head and said to Li Yan. After a while, those blue eyes that were shining in the dark night looked at him, and said, "So, please, Lianhuajiang."

"Understood, don't worry." Li Yan agreed and said.


In an instant, a white thunder dragon rose into the sky, waving its wings, and after circling the village for two times in the night sky, it flew towards Tokyo. The woods were hunting in a strong wind. Li Yan raised his head and looked at Kang. In the direction that Na left, he finally sighed slightly with annoyance, wondering how to explain to Lianhua in the palace tomorrow...

"If you don't take care of it well, I'm afraid Conna will smash my chest with her small fists..." He silently thought about the consequences.


In the early morning of the next day, a thin layer of milky white air current, like a veil, was gently rippling between the rice tips.The green mountains, forests and fields were filled with a faint mist, and the birds and flowers were scented, and it was another quiet morning.

At 7:10, Li Yan was still asleep.

"Conna, play together!!"

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, and his mood suddenly became heavy.


Li Yan got up, thinking with a little fear: "Just pretend that you didn't hear it. Then at noon, he will tell Lianhua through Fujinomiya Kishi to hear about Conna's return."

But before he had time to think clearly, Li Yan's room was pushed open, and a pretty and ignorant girl's face came out from the door, and asked, "Conna?"

"Just come in!"

As a result, Lianhua looked at Li Yan who was still in bed and asked, "Teacher?"

"Lianhua... uh, good morning." Li Yan smiled and whispered.

"We are here to play with Kang Na." Lianhua in the palace walked to Li Yan and said.


"This one……"

Li Yan looked at Lianhua in the palace helplessly, and he hesitated for a while. In his heart, it was not clear how she would feel when she told her that her friend had left...

In the early morning, the chirping of the acquaintances kept on, and the sun passed through the fog, and there was a short silence in the window, light and dark.


Lianhua in the palace looked at Li Yan blankly, motionless.

I don't know why, but that kind of unchanging expression seems to express a more sad mood.

Such a peaceful time, and such an indescribable sense of loneliness...

Li Yan looked at Lianhua in the palace with more and more uncomfortable feelings. Finally, amidst the whispering cicadas, the little girl standing there quietly, finally, her mouth was slightly pursed, and her eyes began to flash with tears, and finally Tears rolled down.


Lianhua in the palace resisted crying, turned around, took small steps, and prepared to leave.

"..." Li Yan didn't know what to do for a while, staring blankly at Lianhua's back, not knowing why, at that moment, the back of the little girl crying in a low voice, walked for a while, stopped and wiped her tears. , Suddenly overlapped with his crying back when he was a child...

Whether it’s Conna or Lianhua, after the playmates who were getting along day and night suddenly disappeared, there is a kind of sadness, a shadow for everyone.After the encounter, they suddenly separated. At first, I couldn't bear it, but later it seemed to bring the same loneliness and sadness.

If the current self suddenly left, would the group of Sanwa Bunku's partners, Gabriel and the others, Natsume, and the others, would they still miss him?

"...It seems that the lies that were carefully arranged before are useful."

Li Yan thought silently.

In the early morning, when the small body had just walked to the door, the two double ponytails shook, and just opened the door, Li Yan called her behind him.


"..." Lian Hua turned around and looked at Li Yan suspiciously behind him.

"What I told you yesterday, I haven't finished talking to you. Kang Na did go back, but it doesn't mean that she won't come back, it's just going back temporarily. She has super powers, you can go back in an instant In front of you... by the way, tomorrow afternoon, I will show my superpowers to prove that I have not lied, how about?" Li Yan knelt down, looked at her, smiled, and asked comfortingly.

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