I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 422

Why, he suddenly... remembered the short story "Little God" he made up based on his dream...

At the same time, in Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture, hundreds of kilometers away, the houses are surrounded by mountains and forests. In the warm room, the cat teacher is lying on the soft cushion.

"It's so boring, it's almost September, and there isn't any novel to read yet, so boring..."

Teacher Cat, lying on the soft cushion, lazily looked at the content of the third volume, and said.

"Ah, I'm still talking about senior's novels, Teacher Cat, you still like senior's novels as always."

Takashi Natsume, who was tidying up the room, looked at the cat teacher who had read the novel again after a while, and said with a gentle smile.

"Who told me that I like the novels he wrote? This guy's writing is a bit more suitable for my taste. It's a long way from writing well." Teacher Cat snorted and said.

"...Is that so?" Natsume Takashi smiled faintly, and naturally understood Mr. Cat's thoughts, and responded.

"Of course, this guy originally had time to improve his writing skills, but he always messed up everywhere, was dragged in by the mirror, and suddenly his identity was replaced. Maybe this time he will delay writing because of some trouble. The work of the novel is really an author who is not doing his job properly. I don’t know if I am, the guys like Sanxiao have also begun to understand that there is nothing to do and cultural consumption is boring."

Teacher Cat turned a page and said in a slightly reproachful tone.

"..." Takashi Natsume listened quietly and said with a smile: "Teacher, don't you think the lifestyle of seniors is similar to mine?"

"It's the same?" Teacher Cat raised his head and looked up and asked.

"Yes, Senpai used to be the same as me, just a lonely person. However, after we grew up, we gradually began to change our lives, and there were more and more gentle friends around...Although for the past of Senpai , I have only heard part of the rumors. It’s not easy to get over... But I know that the seniors are the kind of people who will not choose to leave once they are fallen in love.

Natsume Takashi looked at the rain scene outside the window, smiled and said, "So, I was thinking, when the wind and rain pass and the sun shines on him, the future will definitely get better..."

"...In the past, you rarely said such optimistic words." Teacher Kitty looked at Natsume and said.

"Is that so..." Natsume Takashi was taken aback, then asked with a gentle smile on his face.

However, there are still some differences between him and Li Yan. From beginning to end, Li Yan's life is based on mortal dust, and in his words, most of his life is always dealing with monsters.

In the long drizzle, in a dark woods, that figure leaned down and carefully searched for this world dripping with water...

"I believe that most of my life will be accompanied by loneliness, but the best way to face loneliness is to grow up hard... Since I listened to the words of seniors, and lived with them. Now, I feel that I have to do something."

Natsume Takashi said quietly.

A flash of lightning flashed in front of Natsume Takashi and Teacher Cat. They all looked out the window in surprise, as if the wind and rain outside were a bit terrifying.

However, returning to Asahigaoka's shrine, lightning bolts illuminate the surrounding gray woods.

Wearing a white robe and a peculiar mask, a figure that seemed to be about the same height as Lianhua played with the horn-shaped object in his hand in such a thunderous weather.

"..." The figure sitting in the shrine quietly looked at this dragon's horn, seemingly worried, watching it quietly.

"...Sorry, that item was dropped by my student."

Suddenly, deep in the woods, a calm voice came.

These petite figures were taken aback for a moment, then looked over.

In the black rainstorm, this figure wearing a raincoat slowly walked out of the woods, and the pair stared at it with cold eyes like rain before the rain and said.


The little figure sitting at the shrine silently looked at him without saying a word.

As a result, a person, and an unknown existence, confronted each other.

At this time, Li Yan understood a little bit. The reason why he couldn't find it was not because it was hard to find, but because the dragon horns containing Connor's power mostly attracted some monsters.

Naturally, Li Yan was wary of this monster of unknown origin, thinking about retrieving Connor's precious dragon horn in a peaceful way, but he didn't know why. He really felt that this figure in front of him made him feel a little inexplicable.

[Really rude human.


Suddenly, this petite mask monster reprimanded him. Although it didn't sound harsh at all, when Li Yan heard the sound, he made an inexplicable thump in his heart.

[Let’s not talk about human beings, whether what you said is true or not, I found this item, so is your kid planning to retrieve the lost item from the god’s hands?("I" is used to describe the self-proclaimed place in Japan)

When Li Yan heard it claiming to be a god, he was shocked. In the rain, he stared at it blankly and asked: "...Excuse me, are you a monster or something else?"

[I am the mountain god of this mountain, but humans have forgotten my existence a long time ago, and now this shrine is a bit deserted.

The petite god sat in front of the stuffed money box and said.

"...Mountain God?"

Mountain God...

Li Yan has seen many types of monsters, even angels, demons, and ghosts, but it is the first time that he has personally seen the gods who have been called the "land gods" in China and the "mountain gods" in Japan.

Although he had doubts about the identity of this self-proclaimed god, but trusting his statement for the time being, Li Yan put his gaze on Connor’s corner and said: "...Yes, Lord Shanshen, that item is My students’ valuable items are of no use in themselves. I hope you can return them to me.”

[This item contains power that humans cannot control. I think it is a treasure, and an item that will not be returned to humans in vain. Just like before, I will give me a tribute made by humans. After I am satisfied, I am willing to return this one. treasure.

"... Tribute, what tribute?" Li Yan asked.

This mountain god exuded a slight golden light, looked at Li Yan, and said: [I miss it, when humans remembered me before, they always paid tribute to the unique pastries... But if other humans like to eat Delicious, as long as a tribute I think is delicious.

The sound of rustling rain, in this quiet shrine, a stream of rain, a wet landscape, Li Yan silently looked at this mountain god who was wearing a strange mask and could not even see his hair, and finally considered it clearly.

After all, the item was probably dropped by Lianhua, and returning it should be paid, which is also a Japanese rule.And if it is really a mountain god, then for the sake of Fujinomiya Kishi and this peaceful village, it must be more careful in handling the relationship.

"It's just a small matter after all."

Li Yan thought to himself, he agreed. Under the rainy weather, Li Yan began to take action to find a suitable tribute.

[...] The "mountain god" sitting in the shrine watched quietly, wondering why, like the quiet woods around it, it was so quiet, the sound of rain ticking, as if beating the world of the soul.

On the roofs and on the streets, the heavy rain splashed a layer of white rain and fog, which was as thin as a sea of ​​clouds but accompanied by the wind.


Li Yan looked at the snacks and pastries at the non-staple food store in the village, and always felt that it seemed a bit too shabby for the gods.

"That... Mr. Uesugi?" Kaga Shanfeng looked at Li Yan and asked in a low voice.

Li Yan recovered, nodded, and asked, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Yes, if the lease is due today, it seems that it is due today. Do you have no plans to go back now?" Kagayama Kaede asked, sitting in front of the cashier.

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