I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 425

Reading from Gabriel’s expression, most Gabriel thinks it’s too cheap and the style looks good, so just buy it and give it a try.

"Welcome to come again!!"

In the end, the two walked out of the store and returned to the sunny city streets full of cartoon posters.Gabriel, who had a generous pocket money, bought six or seven second-hand game discs, carried the bag with a little expectation, and prepared to take the tram back to Shinjuku.

——Ding Dong!

At this moment, the prompt tone of the short message stopped Li Yan, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it. As a result, the person who sent the letter was a little special. It should be said that for the first time, she would use a text message to talk to him. contact.

Kato Megumi, the second-year female high school student at the same high school as Kasumigaoka Shiha and Eriri, has a gentle and sweet personality and a beautiful appearance. After getting to know him by mistake, she has always been in communication. .

[Kato Megumi: Senpai, are you free now? I’m downstairs in your apartment, but it seems that you are out. It’s rare to come to Tokyo this time. I have something to consult about the club. If it's convenient, I will go outside together. Go for a while, don’t know if it’s OK?


After a few months, I don’t know why. On a sunny Saturday morning, a young girl from the connected destiny sent a refreshing text message...


The warm wind blows the streets in summer.

On a clean street, under a tree, wearing a red coat and a white beret, there seems to be a girl who pays attention to clothes standing quietly under the tree, the green shade swaying slightly in the breeze, like a beautiful Tokyo poster Generally, she quietly waits for the person she is willing to wait for, as if she can wait forever...

As a result, the tranquility of the streets of Shinjuku was broken by the sound of footsteps. She was taken aback for a moment. Then, the beautiful girl stood in the sun, the black and beautiful black hair under the white beret was slightly flowing in the wind, Kato Ke's bright and clear Looking at Li Yan, his fair and delicate face showed a smile like a girl next door.

"Long time no see, senpai." Kato Hui slightly leaned down to look at him, with an indescribable and fresh breath, and said with a light smile.

"...Kato, you...Did you have long hair?"

After parting with Gabriel, who was going to work in a coffee shop, Li Yan came to Megumi Kato. As a result, when he stopped, he was attracted by Megumi Kato's long hair and asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Kato Megumi seemed a little happy, smiled and nodded, and responded softly.

This is the long hair that she has worked so hard to keep, and it can be caught quickly, which is undoubtedly an indescribable inner satisfaction for the expecting girl.

"Long time no see, Kato, I'm sorry, I said that I would go to study fan games with you several times, but in the end too many things happened and I didn't fulfill my promise..." Li Yan showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, looked at her and apologized.

Megumi Kato shook his head slightly, and said happily, "No need to apologize, it's just my waywardness. I know the senior has a lot of things to do. I came to Tokyo with my friends to shop today, and once again made such a request with the senior. , But I always feel that this time the senior seems to have finally agreed to get together with me."

"Yes, the busy stage has just ended, this time I will make up for the missed appointment."

Li Yan looked at her calmly, and asked, "Where are you going? I can take you to Tokyo all day today. I will also treat you for meals and tickets."

Recently, the eighth volume of the novel has just been published, and the August manuscript fee has just been handed. He is relatively well off without subsidizing his family for the time being. He has also been burdened by Kato for a period of time. Therefore, he owes a series of favors. Hope to make up for it.

When Megumi Kato heard this, she seemed flattered, her cheeks flushed slightly, but then she put away her expression for a moment, thought about it, and smiled slightly, and said, "Since this is the case, then I am more greedy. Senior ...I want to go to several places. I have always thought about whether I can go there. Now can you realize my wish?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and asked: "Wish?"

"Yes, I wish, so I will hold it firmly for today's time." Kato Megumi squeezed his hand behind him and whispered with a smile.

In the Tokyo area, even the level of consumption in Chiba, Yamanashi, Saitama and other areas is somewhat unacceptable. The so-called realization of a girl’s wish for a day sounds like Li Yan always feels that the cost is not light, but Kato Megumi just said that Ordinary planning arrangements.

In the morning, go to a shrine in the city called "Fukuk Shrine" and make a wish.We had a meal together at noon, and in the afternoon, she was formally invited to sit on the Ferris wheel in Tokyo Amusement Park. This was Kato's original wish.

Adding up all the expenses, it seems that there is no pressure for almost anyone who has a job.It seems that Megumi Kato has set up a one-day trip for him that saves money and has a flavor that can kill time.

"It's great, there is no pressure at all. Kato's consumption outlook is really ordinary and real. The current wallet can fully cope with this day of Tokyo tour..."

Li Yan secretly rejoiced, always feeling that spending money on a treat was the first time he was so confident, and thought.

Next, just use the mobile phone map to find the route. In a corner of the street, the breeze is blowing Kato Kei. She quietly waited for the young man who was looking for it with her mobile phone. She just smiled.

"It's almost done, then, Kato, let's take the subway and visit Fude Shrine first."

Li Yan looked at Kato Megumi and explained.


Kato Kei, who stood facing the wind, looked at Li Yan inviting her. For some reason, her heart couldn't calm down. She lowered her head slightly and seemed to smile happily, and finally raised her head quickly. , Nodded and smiled happily.


She is working hard.

She clearly knew that she was just a passerby who was accidentally implicated in front of him. She was not the heroine in reality or in the game, and she believed that she was just ordinary.

However, when I was looking up at the starry sky in the police station that day, the cherry blossoms were flying, the starry sky was so bright, and that person... was suffering and cut off the dislocation that she didn't hate. She was deeply I regret it, regret it, why... I am not special.

After a few words of greeting, Li Yan went to the subway entrance with the expectant Kato Megumi like other younger generations.

However, when the two of them were talking while walking, in a hidden place in the apartment building, the two girls who had been hiding secretly came out quietly, witnessing their backs...


When it comes to praying shrines, Sensoji Temple in Tokyo will be more famous, but there is also a unique praying shrine in Tokyo, which is Fude Shrine.

This is a small shrine, built directly next to a big shopping mall. There are two stone foundations at the entrance, each with a fox sculpture. It is rumored that this shrine was enshrined in the Tang Dynasty of China, that is, the Emperor Qinghe of Japan. Gods.

In the prosperous, fashionable and expensive commercial street, a red torii stands on the street, which is slightly contrary to the strong modern atmosphere. People who come and go walk into the shrine to visit this ancient shrine.

"This is Fude Shrine. I've been introduced by friends before, but this is the first time I came here." Under the leadership of Li Yan, Kato Megumi came to this small-scale shrine, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Said with a smile.

Li Yan looked at this shrine which is located in the commercial area and is not separated by a guardrail. He also felt a little fresh. He stopped in front of the door and took a good look. He was a little surprised and said: "It is indeed very novel. I have studied abroad for so long. It’s the first time I saw such a unique shrine..."

"...Yes, then, senior, let's go in and pray."

When Megumi Kato heard this, she froze for a while at the beginning, and looked at it sideways. She always felt that Li Yan’s reaction and emotion were quite ordinary, and she looked curiously looking like everyone else, but she felt a little relieved. Said with a smile.

[Gala gala gala...]

Standing in front of the shrine, the two shook the hemp rope with the bell one after another, then clapped their hands and prayed intently.


After Kato Megumi prayed, she looked at the shrine deeply. If she was once, she would probably be half-believing it and make a normal blessing.However, after experiencing incredible things, and reluctantly remembering the memory that was blocked by time and space, she became more sincere than anyone.

The little wish she prayed this time was not greedy at all, but it also made her worry that even such a wish might be difficult to realize.

By the way, this quiet time seemed to make her feel that in the future, she... should be very memorable.

Directly, after the blessing was over, the two went to a nearby restaurant to welcome the peace of lunch as it approached noon.

After entering the restaurant, I found a seat by the window and sat down. After calming down a bit, Kato Kee watched Li Yan order the menu.


Suddenly, after talking about some trivial matters with Li Yan, Kato Megumi suddenly didn't know how to talk about it next.

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