I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 433

Liang Feng Qingye smiled like an angel, looked at Li Yan, and said, "Is this going to be a game? I really want to play it!"

[It’s so fun...]

[I really want to play!


Li Yan fell silent completely, looking at Liangfeng Qingye a little distractedly.

This is not the expression that seems to be perfunctory, but the expression that really likes a game, no matter how much praise, wonderful, beautiful, interesting setting, it is not as good as [I want to play] this A word of approval.

The game just stays in that little notepad, it is far from being made, but it seems that he already has the first player to identify with him.

I don't know why, in his memory, a quiet voice silently catered to his mood at the moment again.

——[That...I always wanted to ask you, did you find it interesting when playing games?

——Yes, it will be very interesting.

Indeed... it is really fun to play games!

Chapter 238 Come on, cool breeze Qingye!


For a moment, Liang Feng Aoba, who smiled happily, did not speak for a long time.

Originally, Li Yan had already talked a lot about the game with Liang Feng Qingye. At the beginning, they were quite speculative. This also made Li Yan realize that this beautiful and immature high school girl knows quite well, just as Li Yan And when I was thinking about the game settings, I realized that there was something wrong with Liangfeng Qingye.

It seems like I am afraid of something...



Li Yan looked at this girl who was barely smiling with some curiosity. He didn't understand what psychological burden she suddenly had. However, the cool breeze Aoba suddenly bowed, nervously and sincerely apologized and said, "I'm sorry!!"

"Eh, what's the matter?" Li Yan asked.

"Senior Uesugi, I just wanted to confirm who the name is in the notepad, but as soon as I opened it, I saw the densely packed game settings. I couldn't help... I couldn't help but read it. I'm really sorry. I will never talk about the work you have worked so hard to design!"

The one with double pony tails and rounded head facing Li Yan, bowed almost ninety degrees to apologize. It seemed that he was really worried about being condemned by him, and the whole petite body trembled a little.

Only then did Li Yan come back to his senses. Indeed, he just came here just to find his notepad. As a result, he himself was attracted most of the attention by Liang Feng Qingye’s comments. Once he got involved in the work At times, he can often easily forget what happened before.

Just as it was about to say it was okay, Li Yan and Liang Feng Qingye soon heard a small voice.


This was a hungry cry. After all, it was already 6:20, and it was too early to eat for the prospective candidates who were also greedy for studying in the dark.

"Ah, ah..."

The cool breeze Aoba, who was still bowing, suddenly had a hot cheek, wishing to find a hole to get in.She always felt that she was very out of shape today. What happened to her continuous gaffes was really unlucky, and she was a little embarrassed and speechless for a short time.

Li Yan was silent for a while. In any case, he always felt that it is not appropriate to put a girl who always meets here hungry. Then out of enthusiasm and politeness, he asked: "Have you not eaten dinner... if you don't dislike it? If so, I know there is a more affordable and delicious restaurant."

It’s getting late, and it’s located in a Japanese restaurant decorated with many Japanese lanterns in the restaurant street. There are many middle and high school students eating here after school. You can see the characteristics of the cheap restaurant that Li Yan refers to. Quite a coincidence.


Liangfeng Qingye took Li Yan's cell phone and looked at the photos inside.

The photos are basically group photos, and the first photo is a group photo of Sanwa Bunko. Li Yan, Chijumura Masamune, Izumi Masamune, Kusanaru Ryuki, Eriri and others all smiled after the TV Tokyo program ended. , The co-production together.

"Are these all senior friends?" Aoba asked curiously.

Li Yan was still looking at the menu. After hearing the result, he raised his head and looked at the photo. He did not shy away from showing a gentle smile, and explained: "Yes, they are all friends who are together because they like to create. The oldest ones have Twenty-five years old, the youngest is only junior high school students. But there is no age barrier in creation, so whether young or old, they are united with each other."

"...Although it always feels like the company's group photo style, but I can see that everyone is very good to each other, I always feel that they are a group of very good people together."

Liangfeng Aoba smiled and commented.

I don't know why, Liangfeng Qingye is quite accurate in many judgments, especially when dealing with things and photos in front of him, his ability to capture is quite keen.

Especially when the pair of ponytails were dangling, they always felt as if they were facing their partner Ying Lili, and that face and hair color reminded Li Yan that he had always sent him homemade The postcard's lotus in the palace... is simply a collection of the two of them.

This undoubtedly gave Li Yan an inexplicable sense of sight when he first saw it.

As a result, after seeing the group photo of Sanhe Bunku, Liangfeng Qingye carefully continued to look at the second part of the photo. As a result, it was between Gabriel, Winnett, Rafael, Satania and Li Yan. Group photo.

Behind it was Zhen Bai again, and Qi Hai took a photo with Li Yan.Then there are the pictures of Natsume Takashi, Tanuma Yao, Nishimura Satoru, Multitrack Tou and Li Yan...


After Li Yan introduced them one by one, Aoba became more surprised as she watched, juniors, juniors, juniors... this senior has so many incredible juniors!

"Senior Uesugi, how many juniors do you have..."

Liang Feng Qingye's eyes widened, she looked at this Li Yan who was happily talking about them, and thought to herself.

But at least one thing is understandable.

Cool breeze Qingye gradually showed a slight smile. Looking at Li Yan who was quite satisfied while talking about them, she could understand that this person was indeed not a bad person.

Basically, she didn’t judge a person so arbitrarily at the beginning. After all, she had to be vigilant against strangers of the opposite sex. But at that time, she also looked forward to professional players in the game industry. Some thoughts have to be separated from each other in this way, and things can return to the original state, but this senior looked at her hesitantly, in order to prove that he is not a bad person, after all his thoughts, there is not much to do. Finally, I thought of my colleagues and younger generations, so I shared these photos with her.

In the book city, something like this happened as a result...

Now, it seems to be a good way, Liang Feng Qingye can understand a little bit what kind of person this strange senior will be.

"It's like a [professional householder]. It's amazing. What can we do to make so many juniors look forward to and respect him?"

Liangfeng Aoba looked at the ample emotions in the photos and thought with admiration.

After seeing it almost, Liang Feng Qingye was too embarrassed to read it any more, and a little embarrassed to return the phone to Li Yan, showing a shy smile, and said: "Yes! Senior's phone, thank you very much for willing to give it to me. See photos."

Li Yan took the phone and said to Liang Feng Qingye: "The photos are probably these. I don't know if I can prove my character, but at least a meal will not cause you any trouble. By the way, the script If it is, I still want to hear your opinion. I always feel that Liangfeng, you are very good at games. I have never been able to give this semi-finished product to anyone for judgment. If so, please tell me something about your reading. If there are any shortcomings, I can also make improvements in time."

That's right, most dinner parties also serve this purpose.

In the novel, the only person who can provide quite accurate advice is Gabriel.But for the lazy angels who are hard at the game and lack patience, the suggestions on the game seem to be a little unreasonable, so Li Yan has always wanted to seek people who are proficient in the game and accept some suggestions for improvement.

In any case, the author cannot judge his own work alone. Only after the author and readers' scrutiny can he finally complete a work in the true sense...

When Cool Breeze Qingye heard it, she seemed to understand Li Yan's mood, and smiled and said, "Ah, if you don't mind..."

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