I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 437


Liangfeng Qingye turned around holding the umbrella. After hesitating for a while, he bowed slightly to him, smiled and thanked him and said: "All the time, thank you for your care... This time, it should be the last time I talked to him. The senior has discussed the game script, and in the end, I didn’t help much, but I have had a very fulfilling experience during this period of time. I arbitrarily imposed my curiosity on game production into the senior’s work. I’m really sorry. Really, thank you for teaching me the truth."

Amidst the green vines, the black drizzle dripped down, and Li Yan's delicate face moved slightly.

"No, this period of time, I want to thank you, Liangfeng, you also taught me a lot of things, if I hadn't met you, I would probably still waste a lot of precious time."

Li Yan looked at her with a gentle and grateful expression, and said, "Yes, this is the last time, classmate Liangfeng."


Liang Feng Qingye recalled that Li Yan was looking for information day after day, designing the plot of the game and the fun of the maze, so hard, focused and working hard to pursue her dreams. Suddenly, her eyes changed, as if arguing about something. , Shouted: "Senior, I will cheer for you tomorrow. There is absolutely no problem with the hard work these days. I will make the fantasy game in the senior's mind into reality. I will buy it as soon as possible, and look forward to the victory of the senior."

In the long drizzle, while the words of encouragement were still lingering in this green and dark street, Ning Ning couldn't help but look back at the one standing in the dark rain scene, quietly watching and protecting them when they returned. Figure.

"Slightly, I have never been able to interject among you."

Ying Ningning said regretfully, don't know why, the more she looked at Li Yan, she always felt that the senior was more handsome, and she had already had some thoughts to fight for the right to speak, but it was another day of trance that passed... …

"Now, Ningning."

Amidst the ticking rain, the cool breeze Qingye walking down the street quietly sounded.


"Senior Uesugi, there are many very powerful juniors. I can't count ten fingers. They all seem to be very good and kind people. At first, I was always curious about what kind of social interpersonal communication the seniors use to win so. It’s so friendly. At first, I thought the senior was very capable of working, so I was admired..."

"Isn't it?"

"Well, no, I didn’t realize it until the moment of separation just now. Senior, he and I only met by chance. It should be said that when he knew that I was worrying about the future, he chose to stay secretly in the desert. The next oasis received me who was lost like this. Yes, he took me in."


"It doesn't matter if I don't understand it now. As a result, I have been watching him working hard towards the goal, and I can't help but want to rush forward with him. Gradually, I understand his mood and I don't need to think about failure. The consequences of this, enjoying the fun of your dreams, don’t forget the original intention and mood... These are what the seniors hope to pass on to me."

"...Aoyuba sauce."

After walking to the street in the residential area, Ying Ningning stared blankly at the side with a faint smile, a little sad, and some happy cool breeze Aoba.

It seems to have left everything behind, no longer worrying too much, and no longer paying too much attention to others.

"Ningning, I decided a long time ago."

Cool breeze Aoba turned around, looked at Ying Ningning, and said firmly and optimistically: "After graduation, I will go directly to work in a game company and work hard in the direction of a character designer. It is fearless and fearless. "

The sky in Tokyo was filled with light rain, there was no gloomy sadness, only fresh and green. She told her dreams that had always been a little scared and looked at Ning Ning a little timidly, but in the end, she smiled and greeted the future, no longer lost.

The next day, the breeze was shining and the sky was clear.

Approaching October, the weather after the rain seemed quite cool, and on the side of Tokyo’s main road, in a game club called [Eagle Jump], the atmosphere became a little serious.

Iori Mitsu, Toyama Run, Shinoda Chu, and other departments gathered curiously at the door of the group, watching the rare occasions in the company.

They have all heard that today will be the day when the next game script is selected, including Iori Hikari, Toyama Run, technical team, dubbing team, action team and other executives will go to the conference room to participate and judge later. And investors will come.

Regarding this script selection, director Ye Yueshizuku reminded it to be a top-secret incident for the company. Everyone signed a non-disclosure agreement, so that they did not understand why it was so grand.

However, it wasn't until 9:30, things started to get a little complicated.

Best-selling novelist, Shitong Guoguang, the author of "Pure Love", the original author of "The Dark Goblin of Booming X", which played two seasons of anime works, Irf Yamada, and the manga author of "Soul Eater", "Magic Books" The author of "The City", the manga author of "The Incredible Labyrinth", the novel author of "The Poem of Law"...

Almost anyone who watches anime or light novels will know the celebrity creators, who have gathered in the open space outside the door of the company on the sixth floor through different channels. More than a dozen people, all bustling, seem to be expecting something.

"...I'm not mistaken, the author of "Sword Soul" is also there, we are his loyal fans!"

Shinoda Chu watched this scene in astonishment. If the company's leadership were not at the door, she would have ran over to ask for signatures one by one with notes.

"What kind of activities the company planned, I always feel that a small company like ours can't hold up such a big scene at all..." Iijima Yukino was also startled to see, thinking.

Taki Fumi today was so emotional, she hid on the side timidly, watching all this.

However, some of the authors who had been exposed were also recognized by her. As a result, she did a little bit of statistics in her heart. She always felt that there were too many light novel writers under the Sanhe Library Company.


For some reason, she suddenly remembered that last week, the young woman with short hair that she had met came to visit the company. Isn't the package of documents she was holding with the words "Sanhe" printed?

However, just as the staff were watching the excitement, the conversations among the outside author group suddenly stopped, and there was a dead silence.

Everyone looked at the two figures led by Kagurazaka Ayame coming out of the elevator.

"Welcome, Mr. Qianshou, and Mr. Uesugi."

Ye Yueshizuku, who was waiting for customers at the door of the company, always seemed calm. She smiled and said hello politely.

"Hello, Miss Ye Yue."

Said a very young woman's voice.

"...I've been waiting for a long time." Then, a young man's voice continued.

"Thanks for your hard work, then, let's go to the meeting room. Several investors can't wait to see the works of the two authors of Sanhe Library. Please follow me."

Hazuki smiled and invited.

As a result, in the doorway, the two authors surrounded by the crowd began to drag something, and began to follow Hazuki into the corridor.

Uesugi, Chiju, Sanwa Bunko...

Almost anyone who knows about animation and light novels suddenly understood why a small selection of game scripts attracted so many well-known writers to come and observe.

Because this is "Fantasy Demon Sword", the light novel author Chishoumura Zheng who has issued 14.5 million copies of the work, and the sales just broke through one million copies. He wrote the popular work "Super Academy War" and was praised as a "ghost". The "war" between Uesugiyan.

As a result, two authors passed the door of the character group one after another.

Chijumura is wearing a fuchsia kimono at the moment. She has a cold temperament that makes people difficult to approach. However, she does not seem to be very old. It is not clear whether it is a junior high school student or just entered high school. She no longer has bandaged hands. Dragging a suitcase, followed Ye Yueshi to the meeting room.


This year, Takimoto Fumi, who has been cosplaying the new Henning Ning and Akiyama Akiko, has seen the original author who was missed in the game show.

A young man in a white shirt, cap and mask, who looked like he was in his early twenties, dragged a box of materials without thinking, and passed the corridor door of the character group in an instant, and walked past Takimoto’s rich beauty. before.


Today Fumi stared at the passing figure blankly, as if a whirlwind swept past, his mind went blank.

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