I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 439

In his own memory, Li Yan silently looked at the cool breeze and green leaves full of expectation. In the end, he closed his eyes and gradually recovered his calmness.

"...Try your best, and carry the fun of creation to the end."

Li Yan opened his eyes and looked at the arena between him and Qianshou Village Zheng.


"It's a wonderful game script. It's a best-selling novelist Mr. Qianshou Cunzhen. I don't know if Mrs. Qianshou is interested in coming to our company to do a part-time job. Our company will definitely give you a generous salary."

Hazuki Shizuku seemed to love such a cute and talented Thousandevum Seiji, almost as if she was about to run out of water, and kept inviting Thousandumun Seiji to join the game company she was responsible for.

"Ms. Ye Yue, it's already 10:45, please hurry up and host the lecture of Uesugiyan."

The skin on the side was a bit dark, and the assistant director, who looked extremely cold and threatening, stared at Ye Yueshizuku, and coldly reminded.

"Ah...haha, I'm sorry, I'm a little gaffe, then, the next one is Mr. Uesugiyan." Ye Yueshizuku laughed a little bit, then coughed to adjust her state, smiling at Li Yan, and said .


Li Yan stood up and calmly began to walk towards the podium of the conference room.

His work is not an unfinished one. The game he imagined has already been played by the first player.

Making games is a happy thing. Since there are already players looking forward to the release of the game, he has no possibility of giving up. At the last minute, he must pass the joy of this game to everyone present. .

Pass it to the cool breeze Aoba who has always trusted him and is still waiting for him...

12:10, Shinagawa Central Park.

People working around rarely think of the central location of this mansion planted with many trees as a park. However, in a huge city built of concrete, there is no shortage of quiet places for people during lunch breaks. .

Sha Sha Sha...

Listening to the quiet leaves of the surrounding trees, Liang Feng Qingye, who had been sitting in the park on Saturday morning waiting for Li Yan to come over, looked at the phone time, full of nervous sweat, and whispered: "I don't know if it's over. The senior hasn’t sent a message till now..."

"This is normal. I have searched on the Internet. The game script of a game is actually very complicated. Not only must we explain the highlights of the game plot, but also introduce all the main characters of the story. Some games What is the meaning of map design? In short, if you can finish it in forty minutes, it is quite fast."

Ying Ningning, who was sitting aside eating ice cream, said to Liangfeng Aoba.

"So... sure enough, the longer the speech, the greater the chance of success?!"

After listening to Ning Ning's explanation, Liang Feng Qingye calmed down a bit, but when thinking about the possibility, he suddenly understood what was the same, and asked with a smile.

"...Um, it's not an interview or a blind date. How can there be such a criterion." Ying Ningning said silently.

Cool Breeze Qingye was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and whispered: "That's what..."

Ying Ning pursed her mouth, and said sternly, "Really, Xiaoqingjiang, you are too anxious. Really, it makes me very nervous. It's obviously a senior to participate in the competition. Don't let yourself be there. The environment is the same."


With a smile, Liang Feng Qingye casually placed her feet, and said, "It is true. I actually don't know why I am so nervous... But I have witnessed the game change from a concept to a product. The process will feel amazing."

"If the senior's game script is unsurprisingly, it will be a very good game. Although it still needs art, BGM soundtrack, and many subsequent procedures to complete this work, but the first person to create this world , Is the senior."

Cool breeze Aoba said: "When I was reading the script written by the senior, I seemed to be able to conceive a map. There are also some very interesting pipe mazes, colorful underwater palaces, and both Witch-chan and the hero are very personal. Interesting people. Simply put, I have never seen this kind of vivid game, even if I stay on paper, I seem to have a very happy feeling."

"Is it that exaggeration..." Ying Ningning asked curiously while eating ice cream.

"Yes, there is also the mysterious [Unbelievable Acrobatic Troupe], which will suddenly teach some secret skills to the protagonists in a funny way. If it is effective, it will be absolutely fun..."

Cool breeze Aoba spoke endlessly with a smile.

Ying Ning quietly watched the cool breeze Aoba talking about the plot of the game, always feeling that her best friend seemed to really like this game.

Since childhood, she also knows that Liangfeng Aoba has always liked video games that boys prefer. She originally thought that such a hobby was nothing. It was not until last night that she told her her decision after graduation. My close friends no longer just worship the character designer Yashenguang of "Elf Story", they have formally plucked up the courage to set sail...

"I always feel that Xiao Qingjiang is already looking forward to that person's appearance..." Ying Ningning smiled happily. No matter how her friend decides what happens after graduation, she feels that she must support her well.


At this moment, Liangfeng Qingye's cell phone rang.

Liang Feng Qingye was talking very happily. After being interrupted, she immediately picked up the phone when she realized something. As a result, she quickly saw a text message from Uesugiyan.

"Ah, Senpai's text message!"

When Liang Feng Qingye looked at it, her expression suddenly changed, and she said nervously.

"Really, hurry up and see what the senior said?"


Liangfeng Qingye opened the text message. As a result, what came into view was the news that had been waiting for: [The game is over, and the last wish has been successfully fulfilled. Thank you for this journey, Liangfeng.By the way, where are you, I will look for you now.

A gust of strong wind blows her hands while holding her mobile phone, and the cool breeze Aoba, who has been waiting anxiously, has her hair fluttering. For a while, she has a sluggish expression, motionless.


For a moment, Liang Feng Qingye's expression froze.

Gradually, a smile that bloomed like a flower appeared on her face, and her eyes shone brightly. To Ying Ningning on the side, she said excitedly: "Senior's game script, you won!"

Li Yan, who came to Shinagawa Central Park by bus, stood quietly in the middle of the sunny and hot park square.

As a result, he also received a reply.

——[Cool wind Aoba: Congratulations, senior, I have already said it, you can definitely!

"Senior, here!!"

Suddenly, not far away, the cool breeze Qingye hurriedly showed a bright smile, followed Ying Ningning under a tree, and waved and said.

Li Yan stood in the gale, raised his head and looked at them.

Sure enough, making games is quite fun.

He smiled peacefully and walked over.

At noon on Saturday, in order to be selected for Li Yan's game script, Liang Feng Qingye took out the pocket money that he had not spent much, and invited Li Yan and Ying Ningning to share lunch in a Chinese restaurant. .

Not only that, she also made an exception for the first time. After eating, she went to the karaoke venue with the two to book a three-hour wing room and sang a good song, even though she sang "Magic Girl: Moonlight". The children's song of "Team" made Li Yan confused.

Celebrating until 4:45 in the afternoon, the yellowish luster filled the distant skyline of Tokyo before it was time to disperse and return home.

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