I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 442

Suddenly, behind Li Yan and Ye Yueshizuku, a young and hearty woman couldn't help but complain.

"Huh?!" Ye Yueshizuku's face suddenly turned blue, and she looked at the woman with the golden method holding the file in her face with a loss of face.

"So, Miss Ye Yue, what's the matter, it looks like introducing a new person to the company, this one is new..."

The woman with long blonde hair, the character group leader Yasami Hikari asked questioningly, while looking at the new person introduced by Hazuki Shizuku. As a result, when Li Yan wearing a mask and a hat looked back, Her face became pale, and her words became quieter and quieter.

"Eh...wait, wait a minute?!"

Iori light suddenly pulled Ye Yueshizuku to hide, and hurriedly asked in a low voice: "You, what are you doing?! Isn't this the famous novelist I saw yesterday? What are you doing? Did you introduce him to the job?!"

"Didn't you say it during the meeting? Our company invested in to develop new games using Uesugiyan's script." Ye Yueshizuku replied.

"There is such a thing, but, but it has not been discussed to directly pull him into the company, such a celebrity!"

Yashinko said silently.

"Celebrity, is Uesugiyan teacher really that famous, although the light novels he wrote do sell well..."

"Of course it's famous!"

Iori squinted his eyes and leaned forward to remind him: "His reputation is terribly bad. As long as he says his name in some bookstores or schools, it will definitely cause commotion. On the Internet, someone directly called him [Old Thieves], the only handshake meeting was held back then, which almost caused public order problems."

"But I think Uesugi-kun has a pretty good personality..."

The more Hazuki heard it, the more he felt that this kind of story seemed to happen only in novels and games, it was too exaggerated.

"What's more, you, who only recruited cute girls for the past few years, suddenly recruited a man. What can I do in the evening and early morning?" Iori said in annoyance.

"No, the company has never allowed you to stay in the office wearing only underwear..."

Li Yan quietly watched Iori and Hae Yue Shizuku whispering, always feeling a little uncomfortable, he coughed a few times, and immediately interrupted the conversation between the two women.

"Hmm, Xiaoguang, from now on, Mr. Uesugi will be the game planner for the next work. After all, he created the game script by himself. To create a work that is closest to fantasy, Mr. Uesugi’s check and assistance is needed. Therefore, your department must work with him tacitly."

Hazuki quickly recovered his usual look, and said with a smile.

"……It's good."

After listening to Hazuki Shizuku’s explanation, Iori could understand the move in the extraordinary period a little bit. She agreed, and then faced this writer with sharp and focused eyes, not sure if it was because the colleagues around her were all women. Because of this, I always feel a little at a loss.

"Um...I'm Yasamiko, I'm the leader of the character group, please advise."

Iori touched her nose, turned her head slightly, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and introduced herself in a low voice and shyly.

"Why does this expression look like such a little girl, she has a very carefree personality, and she looks really uncomfortable..." Ye Yueshi couldn't help but vomit.

Iori light?

Li Yan always thinks this name is familiar.

In fact, when Li Yan first saw Iori, he felt that the appearance of this young professional woman was very similar to that of a female high school student who had a very poor relationship with Xuexiaxue at the summer camp in Chiba Village. Remember, The last name is Miura.It's just that the woman in front of me doesn't have makeup, she is naturally beautiful.

"My name is Uesugi Yan, please give me your advice." Li Yan said directly looking at the Iori.


Iori looked at this young man who almost had to hide his appearance. Surprisingly, he always felt that even those eyes seemed to have an indescribable meaning, so she looked at it. , Subconsciously looked away, afraid to look again.

"..." Li Yan always felt that he could not immediately integrate into the company's internal environment. The Iori light in front of him seemed to want to keep his distance.

"Ahem, um, welcome to join Eagle Jump... Let me introduce you to everyone in the character group." Yasami said.

She took Li Yan into the office area of ​​the art team. As a result, everyone who had heard the movement outside looked over. Basically all the girls showed pale and surprised faces like Iori.

"Everyone, I think everyone knows this gentleman, Mr. Uesugiyan, who will officially join the Eagle Jump planning department from tomorrow, and work with you to complete the new game series that will be developed in October. Welcome."

Ioriomitsu said with a smile.

Yuan Shanlun smiled and said, "Welcome, teacher, please give me some advice from now on."

"Welcome, teacher..."

"Yes, welcome!!"

Yui Iijima and Shinoda first smiled suddenly, and said to Li Yan nervously.

It should be said that this situation is also expected by Hazuki Shizuku and Iori Mitsuo. After all, the younger generation of employees in the office are quite fond of animation. The author of the first popular animation work in April’s new show suddenly became a colleague and was nervous. The degree is also predictable.

Iori looked reluctantly at the two people bound by hands, but she was even more worried about the other one.

Today, Taki is rich and beautiful, but at this moment he dared not even turn around. This person is like a rabbit shivering and shuddering. This is no longer a sign of ordinary disrespect...

"Hmm, Nifumi, get to know the new colleague..." Iori raised his throat and reminded.

That’s right, everyone in the group knows that Takimoto’s Fumi is a loyal fan of the "Super Academy" series of animations. The figures on the table and novels and books can be seen.

"!!!" Taki was frightened today by Fumei. Finally, after hesitating for a while, he turned around mechanically, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes looked at the confused Li Yan with fear and hollowness.


The girl's voice was very delicate and slight, almost inaudible.

"Hello there."

Li Yan said.

"..." Taki looked a little embarrassed and shy today, his cheeks were hot, and finally, he returned to his seat.

Li Yan has somewhat realized that in this game company, many people seem to understand his background, and his identity as an author has always brought more or less trouble.

He inadvertently saw Takitoday’s rich and beautiful desk, with the figures of Xin Heng Ning Ning, Akiyama Akino, and other characters placed on the desk, and he also roughly understood why they were nervous...

The temporary work in the future seems to be confusing and difficult to deal with easily...

In the afternoon, in the congested Tokyo tram, Liangfeng Aoba, standing on one side, took a pile of documents from the Academy of Fine Arts and University, and was exhausted to go back.

"I'm so tired... I never thought I was so tired to go to college."

Cool breeze Aoba breathed a sigh of relief, and unknowingly, he saw all the five major art academies in Tokyo, Japan. As a result, he took a bunch of brochures. It should be said that they basically involve traditional art subjects, and there are also animation subjects. For reference, however, game art is not involved in the major.

It was getting late, and in the quiet tram compartment, Cool Breeze Aoba was finally forced by her parents' advice. She went to a few famous art schools in Tokyo and tried to use this opportunity to give her more choices.

However, this kind of transportation distance seems to have to rent a house around the university. The rent plus living expenses and tuition fees, the cost calculated in one year, puts a lot of pressure on a family relying on her father's salary alone.

"Senior Uesugi has always asked me to receive a good university education, but...the pressure on the cost is very heavy. The tuition fee alone costs more than 500,000 yuan a year. After I graduate from university, I will have to study design. Start learning game character design in the company..."

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