I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 444


The round-faced cool breeze Aoba and Ying Ningning suddenly showed scared expressions, watching him obediently and nervously.

In this way, Kong Wu is powerful, as if the person who came out of a bloody street game turned out to be a Japanese civil servant teacher...

At this time, Li Yan noticed that Cool Breeze Aoba and Ying Ningning were not far away, looking at them, slightly distressed, and said: "Oh, you are here, sorry, I met a junior teacher at the station. ..."

"It's okay!"

Liangfeng Qingye smiled awkwardly and said hurriedly.

"Senior, is that really a teacher?" Ying Ningning still felt unbelievable and asked.

"Of course...Although I was scared by him when I went to the parent meeting at the beginning... But it is indeed a very responsible teacher. Thanks to him, Gabriel and Satania are two troublemakers in school. It's still a duty here."

Li Yan understood their reaction somewhat, standing in the street, watching them and explaining.

However, Li Yan somewhat understood that he was busy studying, making games, and discussing with Liang Feng during this period of time, and somewhat relaxed his vigilance towards the four of them. On the real white side, he has not asked for a while. Something made him reflect on his negligence in life.However, since the game business has done this, he doesn't have much retreat. After two months of quickly solving the problem, he can resume his daily life with ease.


Cool breeze Qingye quietly looked at Li Yan who was in a dilemma, and smiled slightly.

I don’t know why, because I’ve seen so many photos in his mobile phone and there are so many younger generations who are full of personality. Most of it will be very hard to take care of. But I don’t know why, now I see him coming out of the shadows, thinking about the younger generation, it seems Is a person surrounded by happiness.

"Well, I invite you out for dinner today, mainly to thank you for your encouragement and care yesterday, and... heheh, there is a surprise I hope to share with you."

Li Yan sat aside and smiled and said, "I received an invitation from that company this morning. My game script was finally independently invested and it has been determined to be developed into a finished game."

The cool breeze Qingye, who had been ignorant, was dumbfounded. Soon, a happy smile gradually appeared on that beautiful face, looking at Li Yan.

"Sure enough, senior's script won't be abandoned just like that. Good game scripts are genuine! Congratulations, senior!"

The surroundings of Liangfeng Aoba sparkled and said with a smile.

"Congratulations, senior!" Ying Ningning said with a better mood.

"Thank you, there are indeed some twists and turns this time, but fortunately it is still on the right track."

Li Yan said.

"Yes!" Liangfeng Qingye said with a smile.

That's right. Suddenly, Liang Feng Aoba, who has never believed in religion, also feels that the situation around him seems to have passed the most difficult moment, and good luck is flooding in continuously.

"By the way, senior! I also have one thing..."

Liangfeng Qingye was excited all over, and planned to tell Li Yan about her going to the Eagle Jump game club for an interview the day after tomorrow. However, before the words came to her lips, she thought of something and forcibly took it back.


Liang Feng Qingye looked at Li Yan who was watching her curiously with some alertness. From the situation just now, she noticed something wrong.

"Senior... from his appearance, he seems to be very concerned about the academic problems of his younger generation..."

Liang Feng Qingye was keenly aware of Li Yan's attitude that was so caring and concerned about the retrogression of juniors' grades just now. If she spends her review time on a part-time job, he will definitely deny it.

"What's the matter, Cool breeze?" Li Yan asked, holding the menu, looking at the suddenly dumb cool breeze Ao Ye.

Cool breeze Qingye recovered, and immediately shook her hand in a hurry, smiled hurriedly, and continued: "No, nothing, that...I went to many universities to see the environment today...coming."


Li Yan suddenly opened his eyes, and seemed to directly poke his heart.

In the sushi restaurant, with a cheerful smile, Li Yan and the thrilling cool breeze Aoba began to discuss things about the five major art galleries in Tokyo.

Eagle Jump is the game company that developed the "Elf Story" series, where the dream of Cool Wind Aoba is entrusted.

When I was still in elementary school, the classic Japanese RPG game "Elf Story" was released on the PS2 platform, with exquisite fantasy graphics, interesting and rich game plots, and beautiful BGM melody, including the introduction of the characters in the game description. He was very hardworking, and in Liangfeng Qingye's heart, the seeds of dreams were also planted.

"Sorry, senior, sure enough, I still don't want to give up such an opportunity to participate in the production of Eagle Jump games, especially the person setting work of "Elf Story". It has always been my dream."

While eating delicious sushi and ramen, Liangfeng Aoba looked at Li Yan who had come out of trouble, smiling and thinking.


Ying Ningning secretly looked at Liang Feng Qingye, who seemed to be thinking about her heart, and became a little concerned, but after all, she still didn't intervene with her highly autonomous close friend at this unsuitable time.

Tuesday morning, 10:15.

The sky in October was a bit hot, and the breeze was blowing on the quiet streets. Tokyo, which had already passed the rush hour for work, seemed peaceful.

The tips of purple hair rose slightly in the street littered with leaves.

The excited female high school student finally arrived at the downstairs of the company called Eagle Jump in Shinagawa District after riding the tram for more than 20 minutes.At the moment, downstairs of the social club, there are a large number of applicants gathered, and for a while, the quiet streets also seem a bit lively.

"Yo Xi, this is it!"

In the bathroom of the park, he changed his school uniform, and Liang Feng Aoba put on the black work uniform that he had prepared, but still wearing the flat shoes for school, he came downstairs in the company.

On the grounds of physical discomfort, I secretly asked for leave from school and spent a day preparing my resume and professional attire, all for this moment.

"Today, no matter what, I have to give it a try. After all, I have made up my mind. If I work hard, there is absolutely no problem."

Standing at the door of the game company, Liangfeng Qingye raised his head and looked at the company's sign, thinking silently.

"My name is Liangfeng Qingye, please advise..."

"My name is Liangfeng Qingye, please advise..."

"...Okay, ready!" Liang Feng Qingye clenched his fists with both hands, plucked up the courage, and faced this coveted workplace.

"I also want to be senior, for the sake of my dream, never give up." She smiled and thought silently.

In society, the students who came out of the school would always underestimate the complexity of society before taking a formal step.

With long lines, job seekers will understand that every opportunity will have countless competitors pursuing their dreams just like you.

The fledgling girl took the elevator, followed the team to the door of the company, signed her name at the front desk, submitted her resume, and then sat quietly waiting in front of a corridor window as instructed.

She was a little nervous, a little hesitant, and even a little regretful, looking at the blue sky in front of her.

However, Liang Feng Qingye didn't know that there was a figure standing here a few days ago, nervously waiting to introduce his game script...

"what happened……"

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